Chapter Twenty-One "TRUE CONFESSIONS"

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Cameron and Hunter


Hunter stood at his office window deep in thought. Rafe had left after dropping his little bomb about his theory of who was behind the attacks on Cameron and Liam. Hunter was trying to wrap his mind around the distinct possibility that Rafe may just be right about Bethany.

As he continued to stare out the windows trying to figure out how she would have found out about him and Cameron, his attention was grabbed by something else, or rather someone else. It was Cameron. He sucked in his breath, as he watched Cameron taking his afternoon walk through the rose garden. It was a walk he took alone each day in an attempt to relax and ease the tension within himself at his worry for Liam.

Hunter knew that Cameron had been avoiding being alone with him since he got here. He didn't blame him however, Hunter understood that Cameron was wary of what may happen between them. He no longer trusted him and that was his own fault. He had a lot of work to do to earn back Cameron's trust. Cameron may have brought their son back to him, but it in no way meant that he wanted to pick up were they left off, even if they were true mates.

As Hunter watched him, something inside him stirred. He moved suddenly and without warning. Within moments he was out the door and moving fast through the mansion, in hot pursuit of Cameron. It was time that they finally had their long over due confrontation. Hunter knew that they both needed this, especially Cameron.

Moving swiftly and silently Hunter quickly caught up to Cameron. He was pulled up short when Cameron whirled around to face him, gun drawn and eyes blazing. Hunter stopped in his tracks, his hands up. "Wow, hold up it's just me." Hunter's voice was soothing, calming, as if he was dealing with a wild animal.

Cameron slowly lowered the gun, "Sorry about that. After years of being hunted, you learn to expect the unexpected and to react fast." Cameron's voice was steady and unapologetic. He narrowed his eyes at Hunter, "What're you doing following me anyway?"

Hunter lowered his hands slowly, pain in his eyes at Cameron's words. "We need to talk Cameron. You've been avoiding me since you got here and I've let you. I knew you weren't ready to face me."

Hunter's words further sparked Cameron's temper, "You say that as if I'm the one that has something to be sorry for. Need I remind you that you're the one who fucked up." Cameron was livid.

"No you don't. If it wasn't for my stupidity none of what has happened to you would have occurred." Hunter's voice was filled with remorse and regret. "I'm sorry Cameron. Truly sorry for causing you pain, for hurting you and our son. Leaving you alone to face the unknown by yourself."

Hunter's words broke the dam within Cameron. "No. No you don't. You don't get to stand their and tell me that your sorry. You don't get to apologize and think that everything will be alright between us. You fucking abandoned me and our unborn child to fend for ourselves. I was sixteen and scared out of my mind. I watched as you got married to Bethany, praying that you would turn around and just look at me. Praying that you would stop the wedding. Dying inside as you made your vows. Do you have any fucking idea how it feels to have your heart ripped out by the one you love?" All his pain and rage was unleashed and Hunter stood their and let him vent it all out. “Tell me something. Was it worth it?! Was marrying Bethany really worth it?!” Cameron continued to yell at Hunter. Hunter flinched as Cameron's words hit him like physical blows. But he made no effort to interrupt or stop him. They both needed this if they were ever to move on. Unchecked tears were flowing freely down Cameron’s cheeks as he unleashed the full force of his pent up pain and rage at Hunter.

Without any warning Cameron attacked Hunter. Hunter was shocked and just stood there and allowed Cameron to let loose his rage on him. Hitting him, using the gun that he was still holding in his hand with such force as to cause bruises and inflict some serious pain. Under Cameron's assault Hunter stumbled and fell, Cameron was on him in a heartbeat, wailing away at his face and any other part of Hunter that he could reach. Hunter made no move to defend himself. Even his wolf Ares was quiet. They deserved this.

Cameron felt hands pulling at him, trying to get him off Hunter, "No, no, no. He deserved this. He abandoned us for that bitch. Let me go" He was almost incoherent as he fought the hands holding him, determined to finish the job he had started.

"It's ok baby. It's ok. He's had enough. Shhh, easy. It's ok" Rafe held Cameron close, cooing to him, rubbing soothing circles into his back in an effort to calm him down. Hunter slowly stood up, his eyes met Rafe's over Cameron's shoulder. They stared at each other, as Cameron sobbed uncontrollably into Rafe's shoulder.

Hunter slowly turned away at the sight before him, he was not apart of this. He had found himself on the outside looking him. He hadn't taken two steps when the sound of Rafe's voice stopped him in his tracks, "Hunter."

He slowly turned around and faced him, "Stay away from him." Rafe ordered.  Hunter responded saying, "You're forgetting one important thing Rafe. He's my mate too and I have every intention of being apart of his life. For now we have a lot to overcome so I will leave him in your care." He turned and walked away leaving Cameron in Rafe's arms.


It's been two days since the confrontation between Hunter and Cameron. It was late and Hunter had come down to the pool for a swim in an effort to try and relax his tensed muscles. He hadn't had a good night's sleep in quite a while and it was getting to him. Coupled with all the tension flowing in the mansion and worry about Liam, his stress level was through the roof. He needed an outlet, so he figured a midnight swim may do the trick.

He wasn't the only one with the same idea. He didn't know just how long he had been there swimming lap after lap, allowing the repetitive motion to calm and quiet his thoughts, when he sensed another presence.

Surfacing quickly he turned and was shocked at the sight before him. It was Cameron, standing there in a barely there pair of swim trunks that left nothing to the imagination. Hunter swallowed hard as he was hit with lust and desire so fierce that he had to grip the side of the pool to keep himself from leaping out and attacking Cameron. There eyes met and held in a silence charged with lust and unspoken desire.

Cameron's breath hitched, his nostrils flared at the look of pure unadulterated lust in Hunter's eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were out here." Cameron's voice wasn't quite steady. His own desire for Hunter flaring.

Hunter gulped and squeezed his eyes shut in an effort to control his raging desire. "It' ok. You can have the pool. I'll head inside" Hunter barely managed to get the words out. Fighting for control of his body and willing his massive erection to subside, he finally hauled himself out of the pool and quickly grabbed a towel to wrap around his waist turning his back to Cameron to hide his stubborn erection.

Cameron watched his every movement, subconsciously licking his lips at the sight of Hunter's muscles rippling and flexing and the water from the pool running off his well toned and defined body. Unbidden an image sprang forth in Cameron's mind of himself licking the water that was running over Hunter's muscled body all off. He swallowed hard, a shiver of desire long suppressed running down his spine.

Hunter managing to finally compose himself somewhat turned to face Cameron. He recognized the look in his eyes. It was a look that he thought that he would never see again. He walked slowly towards Cameron, coming to a stop just a hair's breath away. "Cameron," Hunter breathed out.

The sound of his name on Hunter's lips sent another shiver of desire running down Cameron's back. He suddenly couldn't breath properly. Hunter hesitantly raised his hand to cup the side of Cameron's face, stopping just shy of making actual physical contact with Cameron.

Cameron looked up and met Hunter's eyes. Hunter searched Cameron's face for an interminable moment, then in a voice filled with all the emotions from the very depths of his soul Hunter said to Cameron, "I know I hurt you in the worst way possible. I know also that you hate me for it. But you can never hate me more than how I hate myself for hurting you, for ever choosing someone else over you. You are my mate. The one that was designed for me. It's my soul purpose to protect you, love and cherish you. But I have failed you in the worst way possible. But I give you this solemn vow here and now. I will spend the rest of eternity making it up to you until you are able to forgive me. I will forever protect, love and cherish you. Putting you above all others."

By the time Hunter finished, silent tears were running down Cameron's face. He didn't realize this and if he had, he wouldn't have cared. He leaned into Hunter's hand closing the gap between them. He closed his eyes and savoured Hunter's touch. It's been so long since he had felt his touch on his skin. After a long moment of revelling in the feel of Hunter's calloused hand on his skin, Cameron raised his head and looked into Hunter's eyes, his own emotions clearly evident for Hunter to see. "I don't hate you Hunter. I could never do that. You were and still are my first love. The father of my child. The man I gave my heart, body and soul to unconditionally and without question. I'm angry that it wasn't enough for you to choose me. And despite all that I still love you. I never stopped. I always have loved you and I always will."

At these words Cameron leaned up and brought their lips together. The kiss was the sweetest that either one had ever experience. It wasn't about lust or desire. It was a kiss of forgiveness, a kiss of reaffirmation, renewal and rebirth. Their lips parted and their tongues met and intertwined, greeting each other as only long lost lovers could. They melted together in the sweetest of embraces. There was no urgency, no fight for dominance or control. It was an embrace of home coming and pure love and forgiveness.

They were both finally where they belonged in each other's arms only needing one other to finally complete their circle.

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