Chapter Thirty "BAD NEWS"

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Cameron awoke the next morning to sunlight streaming in through the bedroom windows. He was alone in bed. As he made to sit up, a wave of excruciating pain shot through him, from his ass, travelling up through his lower back and spreading throughout his body in radiating waves. Cameron gasped and groaned out loudly, flopping back unto the bed, his arms spread wide.

Memories and images of the previous night's events flashed through his mind and he smiled to himself, "It was all worth it." he thought. Suddenly the bedroom door was pushed open, and in walked Rafe and Hunter. Both only wearing a pair of jeans that rode dangerously low on their hips, leaving their defined v-line and happy trail on full display for Cameron's hungry eyes.

They stood there, framed in the open doorway for a moment, allowing Cameron the opportunity to devour them both with his eyes. Cameron's eyes travelled up their torsos, roamed over their perfect eight packs, to their hard pectoral muscles topped by dark dusky nipples. He recalled just how much he had loved sucking on them throughout the night.

Cameron's eyes finally made the journey up to meet those of his mates and he found reflected in their eyes the same sudden arousal that he was now feeling. They growled low at him and walked over towards the bed. Getting on the bed, Rafe and Hunter leaned over Cameron and kissed him deeply, passionately. Hunter attacked his lips while Rafe attacked his neck, sucking and licking at his mark as Cameron arched into them both.

As the action became more heated and threatened to get out of control, Hunter broke the kiss and Rafe lifted his own head out of Cameron's neck. Cameron whimpered at the loss in sensations and squirmed between them. Taking a deep breath Hunter looked into Cameron's eyes and said "As much as we would both love to take you again right now, we won't. After last night your body needs time to recover. It can't handle anymore now." Hunter kissed Cameron lightly on the lips.

"Come." Rafe said, lifting Cameron into his arms. Cameron wrapped his arms around Rafe's neck and smiled at him sweetly. "I'll help you with your bath. Ok." Cameron batted his eyes at him seductively, "Will you join me?"

"I would love to baby. But like Hunter said your body need to recover from last night before we take you again." Cameron pouted at him as Rafe strode into the bathroom.


A while later Rafe and Cameron came down stairs, and following the very delicious and aromatic scents wafting through the French doors leading out to the pool area, they found Hunter sitting and waiting for them. Before him on the table was a meal fit for a king.

They settled down around the table in companionship. Finally as mates spending quality time together, the growing bond between them strengthening and solidifying. As they ate, they talked and shared stories of each other's life and experiences. Hunter and Rafe realizing that they were not that different from each other after all.

This was how they spent the rest of the weekend. Bonding as true mates and life companions. They were always finding means and ways to touch each other. A stroke of a hand here, a gentle kiss there, a simple quiet hug. Cameron somehow always found himself sandwiched between them both, but he really didn't mind. It was were he belonged and he revelled in it. Their nights were filled with unbridled passion and days with gentle love.


Returning to the mansion late Sunday night, they were met by Thorne in the foyer. It was obvious that he had been waiting for them.

Setting the bags down, Rafe and Hunter frowned at an obviously anxious and distressed Thorne. "What're you doing up so late? Is everything alright?" Hunter asked him worriedly, his wolf going on full alert.

Thorne looked at them and said, "We need to talk now. It can't wait until morning."

Rafe clearly sensing that whatever Thorne had to tell them wasn't good news, and that they weren't going to like it, turned to Cameron and said "Why don't you go on up stairs, we'll be up in a little while."

Cameron narrowed his eyes at him and crossed his arms over his chest. "Oh hell no. Whatever is going on I want to hear it. You too will not be keeping any secrets from me. Got it." He glared at his mates in anger.

Seeing that he meant business Hunter and Rafe wisely decided not to argue. Thorne turned and led the way to Hunter's office. Once all were inside, Thorne closed the door and sealed the room. Thorne turned to them and dropped the bomb that he had been holding.

"The council has made it's decision. They have denied your petition to dissolve your marriage to Bethany. They want you to reinstate her as your queen with immediate effect. They will be paying us a visit to ensure that same is done."

Hunter growled deeply as Ares, came to the surface. His growl was echoed by Rafe, as rage swept through them both. Cameron was pissed and he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. Thorne watched their reactions helplessly there was nothing that he could do.

"How dare they think that they can order me. I am their King. I will not be subjected to them and their dictates. My petition was just a curtesy." Hunter's voice was a terrible roar inside the room. His wolf Ares, barely contained within him.

Cameron walked over to him and placed his hand on Hunter's shoulder, effectively calming him down. "Stop. Getting this worked up will not solve anything. We all need to calm down and think about this. What're we going to do now?"

Rafe walked over to them both and wrapped his arms around Cameron from behind. Kissing the side of his head he said, "You're right. Anger won't solve anything." Rafe's eyes met Hunter's over the top of Cameron's head. There was a hard glint in both of their eyes, as they nodded imperceptibly at each other.

Hunter turned to Thorne and asked him in a deadly calm voice, "When are they coming?"

"The council and Bethany will be here in three days. The entire council is coming Hunter."

At this unpleasant news, Hunter whirled away and faced the windows, growling low in his throat. "Fine." He gritted out, teeth clenched hard. "Things are moving faster than I anticipated. I’ll have to broadcast the news of our mating immediately.” Hunter said as he turned  back to face Rafe, Cameron and Thorne, Hunter continued saying. "Thorne, I want you to take Cameron and the kids out of here. All hell is going to break lose when I announce our mating. I don’t want them around when it does. So I want you to take them to the safe house and stay there until Rafe and I come and get you ok." Thorne nodded his head. He had anticipated this and everything was already packed and waiting.

Cameron sputtered in indignation. He was not going to run and hide with his tail between his legs. Pushing out of Rafe's embrace he confronted Hunter, "I am not going anywhere. Let Thorne get the kids out of here, but I am staying." Cameron's eyes narrowed in anger as he faced his mate. He had no intention of hiding like a coward. Hunter opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by Rafe saying, "He's right Hunter. Let him stay. Besides we'll be too distracted worrying about him, if he's not here with us."

Hunter sighed heavily, "Fine.", he conceded reluctantly, "But you stay close to us and go nowhere without one of us with you." Cameron opened his mouth to argue but was stopped by Thorne, "That's the best deal that you’re going to get bro. Take it."

Cameron glared at Thorne, who just smirked at him. Crossing his arms over his chest Cameron grudgingly replied, "fine. I'll take it."


Meanwhile Gerard and Bethany were receiving some bad news of their own.

"Nooooooo.. How the fuck could you let this happen. Do you know what this means." Gerard was livid as he listened to the man on the other end of the phone.

Not only had Hunter somehow managed to save his son, but he was now fully mated to Cameron. Not just that but he was also mated to Rafe Drago, the King of the Vampires.

Gerard viciously threw the phone at the wall and watched as it shattered. His chest heaved with the rage boiling inside him. Just when he thought that he was on the verge of bringing Hunter to his knees, it looked as if it was all about to blow up in his face.

As powerful as the he and the high council were they could not stand against a true mating bond. Such an occurrence was so rear in the Supernatural world that it was revered and considered sacred. If he and the council tried to dissolve such a bond, they would quickly find themselves in a very sticky situation, especially seeing that it is the true mating of the King or Wolves and the King of Vampires.

He turned to Bethany who was also seething in silence at the news of Hunter's mating with both Cameron and Rafe. Her mind was racing, wondering how the hell could Hunter and Rafe be mates. As far as she knew they hated each other with a passion unrivalled.

Taking a deep breath Bethany slowly calmed her raging thoughts as an idea sprang to mind. She smirked. "Calm down. Maybe we can use this to our advantage." She said to Gerard.

Gerard spun around to face her, "How the hell can we use this to our advantage. We cannot fight them both."

"We don't have to. Their own people will do it for us. No one in the supernatural world yet knows of this mating. So lets break the news and start the dissention among the people. Who really wants to see these two powerful men rule together. Think about it." Bethany voice dripped with poison as she sowed the seeds of more treachery.

"If we can spin this to make it look as if they're joining forces to over run and control all things supernatural, well then it won't be our fault if it causes a war."

As Gerard listened to Bethany outlining her ideas and plans as she continued to whisper in his ear, a truly sadistic an evil smile appeared on his face.

If all went as planned, he was truly going to enjoy bringing both Hunter and Rafe to their knees.

His Secret Love Child (Book One of the LOVE CHILD series)Where stories live. Discover now