Chapter Thirty-Four "RESCUED"

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This chapter is dedicated to KLCROSS and RAINY841, who were the first to comment on chapter thirty-three.

Rainy841 I just love your quirky sense of humour and comments. They always make me smile. Love you.

"Dad" Rafe breathed out shocked.

"Hello son." Vlad's voice was thick with emotions that he couldn't express.

As father and son stared into each other's eyes, they were overcome with so many emotions, that it felt as if it was choking them. Rafe, after a moments hesitation flung himself into his father's arms. He never thought that he would ever see him again. As a matter of fact, Rafe had given up any hope of ever seeing his father or having a relationship with him.

Vlad was surprised by Rafe flinging himself in his arms, but he didn't miss a beat. Vlad crushed Rafe to his body and held on for dear life, burying his face in Rafe's neck and inhaling deeply.

Father and son held on to each other. Even though Rafe grew up thinking and believing that Vlad had abandoned him, he was still thrilled to see him again. Unbeknown to Rafe, Vlad was never far from him, his entire life. Vlad had watched his son grow up to be a strong and powerful vampire in his own right. Always Vlad was there for Rafe, working behind the scenes and below the radar in order to protect and keep Rafe safe, not that Rafe couldn't very well take care of himself.

True, Vlad had left after the death of Rafe's mother, but he did everything to ensure Rafe's happiness and safety. After the death of Rafe's mother, Vlad's soulmate, Vlad had found himself emotionally broken and unable to take care of or cope with his grieving young son. Not while dealing with his own grief and suddenly finding himself adrift without his anchor. Cause that is what a soulmate is.

Especially to an extremely dominant male, a soul mate is not just an anchor, they are their map, their compass, that gives them their sense of direction and also their refuge of peace from the beasts' that rages within them. When a dominant soulmate dies, he is literally set a drift and often times they go mad and kill themselves or others. It takes an incredibly strong and powerful dominant to hold on to his sanity after losing his soul mate. But, they didn't call Vladimir Drago "The Ancient One" for nothing. When it comes to strength and power, he was it.

Hunter wondering who was at the door and what was taking Rafe so long, came out to investigate. He was surprised to see Rafe wrapped in another man's arm. But before he could let jealousy and anger over ride his better judgement, Rafe and Vlad separated.

Turning to face Hunter with a huge smile on his face Rafe said "Hunter, meet my dad Vladimir Drago."

Hunter stared at the man before him. The name he knew and the reputation behind it. Vladimir and Hunter sized each other up assessingly, then Hunter inclined his head respectfully to Vlad, "Ancient One, pleasure to see you again." Hunter said.

"Same here, Alpha King", was Vlad's short reply.

Rafe's head swivelled between them. "You two know each other?" Rafe was shocked at this revelation. Hunter turned his gaze on Rafe and said, "Every time you and I would go at it over the years, your father would pay me a visit. Kind of like warning me not to hurt his baby too much or else he would kick my ass. Isn't that right Vlad?"

Rafe sucked in his breath in indignation, taking offence at Hunter's statement. But before he could respond to Hunter's taunt, Vlad said, "I see you still haven't learnt your place pup."

Hunter and Vlad eyeballed each other as the tension around the three men mounted. Deep growls and snarls erupted from within their chests as the face off continued. Rafe having just gotten his father back and didn't want anything to happen for him to leave again, opened his mouth to try and diffuse the situation. But he was shocked into speechlessness as he watched his father and Hunter suddenly burst out laughing and bro-hugged each other. Slapping each other on the back.

"It's good to see you old man. It's been too long since your last visit." Hunter said.

"It's good to see you too. Especially now that you and Rafe have finally mated and settled your differences. I just wish my visit was under better circumstances." Vlad said. His statement sobering everyone up.

All three men went inside, Rafe still peeved at both Hunter and Vlad, but he knew that now was not the time to discuss his anger at them both. Liam needed them all. As the men sat down in the living room, Hunter turned to Vlad and said, "So tell us, what do know?"

Vlad took a deep breath, his eyes glinting dangerously, "I know why it seems like Gerard is always one step ahead of you. You have a traitor in your midst. It took me awhile to figure out and pinpoint who it is. But I finally have. This person has been the one feeding both Gerard and Bethany information."

Both Hunter and Rafe growled low. "We figured that, that is what was happening. Why we were always just a little bit too late to catch Gerard. But we couldn't pinpoint who it was."

"He would be the last man that you would suspect." Vlad said gravely "He is also one of the people that you trust the most. But we will deal with him later after all this is finished. I have already had my men neutralize him. Gerard will get no more information from that source. For now lets focus on getting Liam back."

Rafe and Hunter exchanged looks, not liking Vlad's cryptic statements, but decided to let it go for now. If Vlad said that the traitor had been neutralized then that was in deed the case. Vlad was not one to leave lose ends.


After reassuring Cameron and leaving him under the protection of two of Vlad's most trusted men. The two most powerful vampires in the world and the Alpha King set out on a mission of vengeance.

Gerard had made the biggest mistake of his extremely long life when he allowed his arrogance to let him believe that he could get away with enraging these men. With his source of information neutralized by Vlad, Gerard had no idea that he would not live to see the dawn.

It was just the three of them, two vampires and a wolf. But these men needed no back ups. They needed no army to support. They were the most powerful and they were driven by a need to save one who was precious to them all.

As they raced deep into the South American jungle towards Gerard, he was busy subjecting Liam to his latest torture. The little boy's screams echoed deep into the night, over and over again. His pure sweet voice had long since broken weeks ago from his hours of torturous screams. His voice would never be the same again and neither would he, his spirt would forever be broken.

His screams reached their ears long before the hidden compound came in sight. Once again Gerard had made his arrogance rule him, thinking that he was too safely hidden and protected for Hunter and Rafe to find his secret compound. The sound of Liam's pain filled cries spurred them on and their speed which seemed impossible before intensified.

As they approached the compound they were met by the guards posted outside. This resistance proved futile. Rafe mind linked Hunter "Go!! Get Liam. We'll take care of this. Make sure that bastard suffers."

At this Hunter leaped into the air, sailing over one of the guards that was running towards him. Hunter phased on the fly. Unleashing Ares true Alpha form. The Hulk of the werewolves decimated everyone and everything in his path. Nothing and no one could stand against him. He didn't care if Gerard heard him coming. As a matter fact, he wanted him to hear. He wanted Gerard to feel the fear creeping up his spine, knowing that he was about to die.

As Rafe and Vlad engaged Gerard's minions outside, Ares ripped the doors off the compound and stalked inside. Gerard hearing the battle taking place outside rushed to the room in which he had Liam chained to the wall. He snarled at the broken little boy before him, "It sounds like your bastard of a father is here. By the time he gets through my men and find you dead I'll be long gone. I'm just sorry that I won't get to enjoy the sounds of your screams any more. "

Gerard raised his hands and stalked towards Liam with every intension of snapping the little boys' neck. But he never go the chance. Gerard was so intent on killing Liam that he never sensed the danger fast approaching him, by the time he realized what was really happening it was too late.

Ares moved with such speed and power that he broke through the door, ripping if off it's hinges and taking a good chunk of the wall with it. He didn't stop moving, as he barrelled forward and slammed into a startled Gerard that had swung around to face the impending threat.

As he flew through the air Gerard shifted into his massive brown wolf, slamming into the far wall and breaking through it as his giant wolf body jarred violently at the force of the impact. Ares leaped after him, roaring and snarling. He was the King of all wolves, he could command Gerard to stand down and he would have no choice but to obey him. But Ares had no intention of doing that, he was going to fight and torture Gerard to death.

Gerard quickly got up and stood on his massive paws. As he surveyed Ares he quickly realized that this was not a fight that he was going to win. He had only heard tales of Hunter's Alpha form. Now he was seeing it in the flesh and it struck fear in the depths of his blackened, depraved, evil and greedy soul.

Gerard attacked, lunging at Ares, teeth bared, jaws snapping and snarling. But Ares wasn't phased, he met the attack full force and frontal, using his massive claws to inflict deep wounds and tearing off chunks of flesh. Ares was a like a lion playing with his prey. He allowed Gerard to attack at will, only to then counter the attack each time and coming a way with a piece of Gerard's flesh.

However none of the wounds that Ares inflicted were fatal. He wasn't ready for Gerard to die yet. He intended for him to have a slow painful and torturous death. Gerard realizing that he was being toyed with made one last ditch effort to escape and save himself. He lunged full force for Ares throat, but Ares anticipated this and caught him in mid-air, slamming him into the floor with a force that not just broke the bones in his body, it shattered them.

Forcing his way into Gerard's mind Ares summoned his power and forced Gerard to shift back to human. It was a painful shift and Gerard screamed as his broken bones tried to realign themselves. Ares also shifted to his black wolf form. On all fours now, Ares towered over Gerard's broken body lying prone beneath him. Still in Gerard's mind he spoke, "You dare to take my son. You dare to lay your filthy paws on him!!" At this Ares slammed his massive paws down on both of Gerard's hands crushing them, leaving them looking like shredded meat. Gerard screamed

"I can smell your scent all over him, inside of him. You dare to touch my son like that!" Ares roared and with one swipe of his right paw, he castrated Gerard, ripping off his dick and balls with one blow. Leaving his groin a bloodied mess. Gerard was now a blubbering, weeping, screaming mess. Begging for mercy from the great Alpha.

Ares had none left. "When my son was screaming and begging for your mercy did you hear him?!! Did you give him any?!!!" Ares reared up and slammed down both of his massive paws into Gerard's shoulders, sinking them in deep, crushing them. He then raked his paws across, bringing them to meet at the center of Gerard's chest, before raking them downwards to meet Gerard's bloody groin. Effectively shredding his body.

Gerard was beyond screaming at this point. The sounds that he was making was inhuman and unidentifiable. Ares reared up one last time and shifted back to full human, giving Hunter control.

Hunter stood over Gerard and stared down at his broken mangled body and growled out, "I want the satisfaction of killing you my self, you bastard!!" He raised his hand high into the air and staring straight into Gerard’s' pleading, begging, blubbering eyes, "no, no, no, noooooo...............!!!" Hunter brought his hand down in a perfect arc, shifting it partially into a massive paw and with one powerful swipe, Gerard's head was ripped from his body.

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