Chapter Twelve "CONSEQUENCES"

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Picture above Cameron's bedroom

Cameron spent the next few days locked away in his bedroom as he struggled to come to grips with his new reality. After the doctor had broken the news to him, Cameron completely shut down, his mind unable to process her words.

It's been three days since he was in the hospital and he still hasn’t spoken to anyone. His parents were deeply worried about him and were wondering what do next. Since he's been home, he hasn’t left his bedroom and refused to accept any calls from anyone. Thorne tried to reach him repeatedly and so did his other friends.

But Cameron's mind was in turmoil. His thoughts refused to settle as numerous possible scenarios played out in his mind should he decide to tell Hunter about the pregnancy. One thing was certain, news like this not only affected them, it affected the entire supernatural world.

His mind flashed back to the hospital room......."How is that even possible, I'm a guy." He'd gasped out.

The doctor looked at him sympathetically, before replying "My guess is you're mated to an incredibly powerful supernatural." The doctor looked at him knowingly. Cameron tried to school his features into one of neutrality. The doctor continued with her theory, "Although male pregnancy in the supernatural world isn't unheard off, it's usually and always between a dominant male and a naturally submissive male supernatural. The instances of a supernatural male getting a human male pregnant are extremely rare. The dominant supernatural is usually very powerful and the human male extremely submissive and have more feminine qualities. Just looking at you and from my own examination, you don't have a feminine bone in your body and you are not naturally submissive. So my conclusion is that the dominant that got you pregnant is not only extremely powerful, but he is also your true mate."

Cameron gaped at her as she finished. His mind reeling as one very important fact became extremely and abundantly clear.

He, Cameron was carrying the heir to the THRONE OF WOLVES. The most sought after and coveted title in the supernatural world. Many supernatural beings, both male and female would kill to be in Cameron's shoes, and he knew it. From what Hunter had told him, there were also those that would do anything to kill the child that he was now carrying.

He ran his hands over his face and gripped them in his hair. "What the hell am I going to do?" He looked at the doctor before him for answers.

"I'm surprised that your mate hasn't scented the change in you yet." The doctor tilted her head at him unquestioningly. "I've been using something to mask his scent on me since we've been together." Cameron admitted. The doctor nodded, "That explains it. Whatever you're using must all mask your own natural scent. I couldn't scent the pregnancy on you either. It was while I was running your blood tests that I saw some abnormal levels of the pregnancy hormone in your blood. It alerted me to your condition. Otherwise I would have missed it."

"Please don't tell my parents. Don't tell anyone." Cameron pleaded earnestly. "I'm your doctor. Doctor patient privacy forbids me to do so. But even if that wasn't the case, I would never do anything like that. You can trust me Cameron." She smiled at him and turned to leave. "I'll let your family and friends know that your resting and not quite up to any visitors at the moment." She looked over her shoulder at him, "If you need someone Cameron, I'll be here."


Cameron was now pacing in his room as he raged inside, trying to decide what to do. Finally he picked up the phone. He stared at it in his hand for a long moment before taking a deep breath and pressing the speed dial button. He was calling Thorne.

"What the hell man?" Thorne answered the phone in a hissed angry whisper. "Why the hell haven't you been answering your phone? Do you know how hard it's been keeping Hunter from coming over there and tearing the place apart to see you? He's worried sick about you. We all are."

"I need to see him." Cameron voice was low

"When?" Thorne finally answered, after hesitating.

"Now, at the cabin."

"We're in the middle of Thanks Giving dinner. He can't leave now and certainly not anytime this weekend. Bethany's parents are here." Thorne's words sliced through him.

"Tell him to come to the cabin. I'll be waiting." Cameron hung up the phone and sighed dejectedly. He had lost track of time and didn't realize that it was already Thanks Giving day. He went to his bathroom and had a quick shower, making sure to use the special liquids that Hunter had given him. Apparently it also helped to mask the fact that he was pregnant.

After showering and getting dressed, he went downstairs just in time to see his parents sitting down to dinner.


Thorne stared at the buzzing phone in his hand. He was extremely worried about Cameron, but there was nothing that he could do about it now.

He returned to the dinner table and reclaimed his seat. "So, who was that on the phone?" Bethany smiled across the table at him, "It must have been someone important."
"Just a friend." He replied as he looked over at Hunter meaningfully. He dared not use the mind link at the dinner table. Especially in the presence of Bethany and her parents.

A little while after Thorne had re-joined the others at the dinner table and the conversations resumed, Hunter got up and excused himself saying, "Would you all excuse me for a moment, there's something that I forgot to take care off." He looked over at Thorne, "Thorne would you mind coming with me please?"

"Surely whatever it is can wait until after dinner. It is Thanks Giving after all Hunter and I have some incredible news for you all." Bethany pouted up at him. Hunter leaned down and gave her a placating kiss on the lips. "I promise, I won't be long." He said, before walking away.

Entering his study with Thorne following in his wake, Hunter securely closed the door and engaged the soundproofing. "Ok, tell me. Was that Cameron on the phone?" His voice barely held back the worry and anxiety that he was feeling. "Yes. He wants to see you. He said he'd be waiting at the cabin."

Hunter whirled away from Thorne and started pacing combing his fingers anxiously through his hair. "Well I can't just leave now. Not in the middle of Thanks Giving dinner."

"That's what I told him. But he sounded off Hunter. Something is wrong. I just know it. He needs you. Go to him. I'll find a way to cover for you." Thorne urged him.

"No. I don't want to arouse any suspicions. I'll go up after everyone's gone to bed. Lets re-join the others. We don't want to keep Bethany and her news for us waiting. You know how she can get." Hunter finally answered, after pausing to consider what Thorne had said.


Up at the cabin Cameron waited, anxiously. After pacing and worrying himself into exhaustion he finally settled down to wait on the couch in front of the fireplace. That was were Hunter found him fast a sleep hours later.

Hunter stood over him for a moment just drinking him in. He could never get enough of watching him sleep. The way his face was completely relaxed, how is brow would furrow or the smile that would play over his lips in sleep as he dreamed. Hunter hated to wake him up, but he had to get back before anyone realized that he was gone.

He heaved a sigh, and leaning over him he ever so gently coaxed him awake. Cameron woke up slowly, groggily, at first not being sure were he was. "It's me baby. I'm here." The sound of Hunter's voice was enough to bring him awake fully.

Cameron sat up on the couch, suddenly feeling nervous. "What time is it?"

"It's late. I couldn't get here any earlier." Hunter checked his watch. He made a move to enfold Cameron in his arms, but Cameron moved away, getting up off the couch, he went and stood by the fireplace, staring into the fire. He knew that if Hunter touched him, held him all his resolve would go out the window.

Hunter watched his young lover with a worried look on his face. Cameron had never refused his touch before. He could tell that something was troubling Cameron. He sat and waited for Cameron to tell him what was on his mind.

"I need to know something." Cameron began in a voice barely above a whisper. "Are you ever going to leave Bethany? Will we ever truly be together?" He turned to face Hunter, his shoulders stiff, tensed, filled with the emotional turmoil that was surging through him.

Hunter stood up, "You know that I want nothing more than to claim you as my true mate." An emotion that Cameron couldn't decipher flickered briefly across Hunter's face. "But that won't be possible anytime soon, if ever. Things have just gotten even more complicated with Bethany."

Cameron froze. "What the fuck do you mean by things have gotten more complicated with Bethany?" Cameron gritted out through clenched teeth, his hands balled into tight fists by his side as he faced Hunter.

Hunter with deep regret in his voice responded, "A few weeks ago I slept with her. She just announced tonight that she's pregnant."

Cameron stared at his lover in total shock. His mind, his entire body going suddenly numb. He waivered, his eyes rolled, he blindly reached out for the mantle above the fireplace in order to steady himself as blackness threatened to consume him.

Hunter sprang forward to hold him. Cameron violently, blindly shoved his hands away from him. "Get the fuck off me. Don't you dare touch me." Cameron backed away from Hunter, his hands out in front of him as if to ward him off.

"Cameron, baby please let me explain." Hunter's voice seemed to unleash something inside of Cameron. "I don't want to hear it. I don't want any of your pathetic goddamn excuses." Cameron's rage spilled over Hunter, "You promised me that you would find away out, that we would be together. Now you tell me that you not only screwed her behind my back, but got her pregnant on top of it." Cameron was almost screaming now. Unchecked tears pouring down his face. His anger knew no bounds and he really didn't care.

Hunter made one last effort to hold him, to touch him. But Cameron was having none of that. " I said to get the fuck away from me. I said don't touch. How could you do this to me, to us." Clutching at his stomach in a subconscious effort to protect his unborn child, Cameron collapsed to the cabin floor, sobbing his heart out.

Hunter stared at his mate, his own eyes swimming with tears. He sobbed out loud, squeezing the bridge of his nose he closed his eyes tightly in an effort to get his own emotions under control. In a sudden fit of rage Hunter heaved the couch through the window of the den. His chest heaving with the rage that he felt at himself coursing through him, snarling, growling he threw back his head and howled. A mournful howl that was a lament for the pain that he had caused to his mate, for the future that they would never have.

It made no difference. He had screwed up royally. There was no turning back the hands of time. Cameron would never forgive him. Through his own actions he had lost his mate and truly damned them both to a painful existence.

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