Chapter Twenty-seven "NIGHT OF THE FULL MOON 2"

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HUNTERS' POV..........

I stood there and listened to the sound of Liam's wolf for the first time. I watched through the eyes of Ares as our son levitated into the air, his back arched, head thrown back and mouth opened in an answering howl.

As I continued to watch, Liam's body slowly started to morph, twist and turn as his wolf was pulled from him. The shift seemed to last for hours, but was in fact mere moments. My vision was momentarily obscured by a blinding light that engulfed Liam completely.
Then as the wind died, and the air settled to silence, I watched as the light slowly dissipated and revealed Hades, Liam's wolf for the first time.

Ares had shifted into our complete wolf form at some point. I wasn't even aware of when this happened. He took slow measured steps over to Hades who's chest was heaving from the forced shift. He was the most beautiful pup I had ever seen. We shared the same looks in wolf form as we do in human form. Hades coat was a midnight black, just like my own. Ares nuzzled his head against our pup and licked him all over, rubbing his scent all over him, claiming him, marking him as ours.

Hades whined at his father's ministrations and nuzzled himself into Ares body. Looking at him, inspecting him and scenting, I can tell that he will be an incredibly powerful Alpha in his own right, who will submit to no one but his father.

How long we spent like that, getting to know each other I had no idea. Then my mother spoke to our minds "You must protect him at all cost. He will be weak for a little while until his body adjust to the new power coursing through him. He is very important to the future of all super naturals. Also I must warn you that you need to complete the mating ritual and bond with your mates. It is imperative that you do not continue to delay. Know that I'm always with you my son." Then she was gone.

I laid there with Hades, his head resting on my font paws, my head resting on top of his. The light that enclosed us in the circle was still there, shielding us, protecting us. I knew that this was my mother's doing. Until both Liam and Hades had made the adjustment fully, they were very vulnerable. I kept vigil over my pup through the night until the break of dawn.


As dawn broke through the trees, I got up and stretched my muscles, giving a wolfie yawn. I had not slept all night, I was exhausted and my muscles sore. It has been along time since I spent so many hours in my wolf form, much less slept on the ground through the night. I gently nuzzled and nudged Hades awake, he whined sleepily and gave a cute yawn as he woke up.

"Morning son. How do you feel" I was anxious and it came out in my voice. He seemed to think over his answer for a bit, as if assessing his new body, then he tilted his head at me and answered with a wolfie smile, "I feel great dad. Maybe still a bit tired, but still great. Better than I've ever felt before"

I sighed in relief. The forced shift had not only been successful, but it had also healed him completely. His true powers unleashed, would now protect him from any future attempts to poison his system. He was still vulnerable, as he was only a pup, but it would be harder for anyone to get close enough to try and hurt him again.

"Your dad is waiting anxiously to see you, but I want to take you on your first run as a wolf, or would you rather go back now?" I asked him.

"I want to run dad." He didn't hesitate with his reply and so we were off on our first run as father and son in our wolf forms. I kept the pace slow, knowing he was unaccustomed to being and running as a wolf. But he was my son and it came naturally to him. He quickly figured out how to work and manoeuvre his new body. I encouraged him to let his instincts take over and allow his wolf to be in charge.

The run was exhilarating and freeing. We spent the early hours of the morning exploring the secrets of the mountains and discovering the joys of bonding as father and son. The air was fresh and everything seemed filled with a renewed life. I watched in awe and admiration as my son explored his new world through the eyes of his wolf. He was fearless and eager to learn everything about his wolf and how to use his newly acquired and heightened senses.

Eventually though I pulled him back and headed for the cabin. Cameron and the others were waiting for us and I new they were worried. I could feel the anxiety of my brother and my parents the longer we were away.

As we approached the cabin I mind linked Thorne to bring us some close to the back patio of the cabin. When we got there everyone was standing there staring at me, there eyes mirroring the fear and worry in each other. I slowly stepped aside and revealed Hades to them all.

Cameron gasped out loud, as he stared at our son, his hands flew to his mouth to prevent a choked sob from escaping him. I watched as Cameron took a shaky, stumbling step forward. He would have fallen if Rafe hadn't reacted quickly and caught him. Steadying himself, Cameron pushed out of Rafe's arms and rushed to Hades, he slid unto his knees and threw his arms around our pups neck, burying his face in his midnight fur. That's when he finally released his tears. All the months of worry, fear and anxiety were finally over.

I shifted into my human form and downed the clothes that Thorne handed to me. As Cameron's tears slowly ceased, he raised his head and stared at our son. "What's his name?" He asked tearily. "Hades."

"Perfect." Cameron whispered and started stroking his hands through our son's fur. Our son's wolf literally purred under the ministrations that he was receiving from Cameron. Then he did something that broke the tension. He pushed Cameron unto his back and started licking his face all over. This of course caused everyone to burst out laughing as we watched Cameron try to fend him off, but to no avail.

Finally taking pity on my mate I called to Hades and told him to shift back to human. He hesitated, unsure of what to do, but I held his gaze and slowly nodded my head at him in encouragement. After a moments concentration, he made the shift seamlessly panting a little from the expended energy.

Everyone cheered as Liam stood up and walked over to me hugging me tightly. He looked up at me and mouthed "Thank you dad." Thorne also handed him some clothes and I helped him get dressed. Once he was finished dressing he hugged me again around the waist. I lifted him up and wrapped my arms tightly around him, burying my face in his neck and inhaling his scent. Finally I allowed the sense of relief to wash through as I took a deep breath and let go of my own worries and fears for his health and recovery. He was going to be just fine.

He then lifted up his head and turned to Cameron and Rafe holding out his arm to them, beckoning them to come over and share in our hug. They both did so, Rafe somewhat reluctantly. Not wanting to leave out the twins I beckoned to Blake and Blair as well, it was a tight squeeze but we made it work. I hoisted Liam upon my shoulders and he raised his arms above his head with both fists clenched as if daring anyone to knock him down from his happy high.

We spent the day celebrating and rejoicing.

Tomorrow would be soon enough to go back to the reality of facing Gerard, Bethany and the High Council.

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