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♥Hello, dear readers. I'd like to clarify a few things:♥

This story was originally written in 2009. 

Back in 2009, during my elementary school years, my literary world was limited to the dusty, old books I stumbled upon in my parents' bookshelves – no new or popular books around me. My curiosity for stories and books was genuine, and my journey as a writer began when my mom showed me how to use MS Word one evening. From that moment on, I never stopped writing.

It's important to understand that I was mainly reading about vampire academies, werewolves, and various other supernatural elements. I remember thinking, "I want to be original and write an epic novel about a witch academy". 

Sticking with that idea, I crafted a story centered around an orphan who discovers her latent witch abilities and embarks on a journey to a magical school. Her story unfolds as she learns to harness her powers and joins a prestigious witch academy. There, she encounters a mysterious magic stone that forever alters her life. Sound familiar?

At the time, I had no inkling that my story would bear a striking resemblance to the famous adventures of a young wizard named Harry Potter. I had never read or seen anything from the magical universe created by J.K. Rowling. The similarities between our narratives were so uncanny that I still find it hard to believe.  Then I shared my dream to publish it with my teachers  during my elementary school days and many of them pointed out that my story was essentially a mirror image of Harry Potter's world. A rip off... This feedback led me to abandon my work for years.

As time passed, I found myself wanting to complete my story, to give it another shot with a fresh approach. I took my original narrative, brainstormed new elements and plot twists that would set it apart and make it truly unique. Armed with a very detailed outline, I made the bold decision to write it in English, which is my second language – keep it in mind.

I remember thinking to myself, "I can do this. I have a strong story and the writing style can be basic." However, this mindset backfired, as I soon realized that my approach left me without satisfaction – draining my motivation.

Determined not to give up, I made my research of writing styles, storytelling techniques, and have read thousands of pages of English literature – not words, pages. This became a driving force, driving me forward to the point where I am today – carefully editing the entirety of my story.

My mission is clear: to make sure my story keeps the love I gave it in 2009 and on top of that has a likable writing style – not drab and basic.

So this is a reason why Elvira's story starts in 2010, why the writing style is still little floppy before I will publish edits and why I didn't publish more parts even when I had pretty strong outline the whole time. 

I really love this story, I care about the characters, I am mentally in their universe all the time which makes it all the more frustrating that I haven't completed it yet. I'm determined to put in the effort and complete this story as soon as I can.

Note: This book will be divided to 2 or 3 parts while being still a book one from the series ♥

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