Pt 11

396 9 16

"-she awake?"

"-where'd you find the human?"

"In the garbage outside. I thought she was- OH GOSH! SHE'S WAKING UP! Hey! Hey! Are you okay?" The distorted, concerned male voice comes after two women's voices. The first one was slightly deeper and more pronounced, holding down an obvious hint of a sharp, unknown accent. The second one sounded to be a combination of an older British accent and a soft German accent.

As your eyes open, you feel a soft pair of, large bunny paws on your shoulder and bicep. Thin, cold fingers and long, blunt nails on your hands. Lastly, you feel a leathery, three-fingered hand on your forehead. You finally see three beings towering over your sleeping form. A tall, teal lizard woman, wearing a grey sweatpants and a tank top. A shorter, pale skinned, long, black-haired woman, who has some sort of neon patterns on her face and dark, goth makeup, wearing all black. And the bunny from before, now wearing black pajama pants and an oversized, blue, patterned shirt.

"Wha- AGH!-" You jump up, falling off the couch as you try to process what's happening.  The impact of the cold, hard floor stunned you for a moment before you scrambled to get up. You see your stuff on the coffee table and rush to grab it, reaching for the daggers with shaking hands.

"Oh no you don't! You little worm! Those are mine!" The black haired woman shouted at you, reaching for your wrists. You nearly grabbed the daggers, stumbling over your feet as she snagged them off the table. She pointed one dagger at you, causing you to lunge at her, gripping the chain as you try to pry the daggers away from her ghostly hands.

"Shinie. No. You may accidentally hurt the human more. She is in no way capable of receiving more harm. It would be in the best interest of everyone here for us not to start fighting. Among roommates, or new friends." The lizard says as the bunny man nods.

"Shinie? I thought emo queen, but okay." You say, stepping back as she sits the daggers back down. Her eyes soften as she looks back over at her roommates, almost seeming to be rethinking a previous encounter.

"Fine, the little worm lives. For now... I'm Shinigami. Friends call me Shinie... I'm unsure if you're a friend, but maybe you can call me that as well." The woman bows to you, motioning towards her friends.

"I am Y'Gythgba, but have been renamed Mona Lisa for convenience. You may call me Mona or Lisa. You can pick whichever you would prefer." The lizard woman calmly states, closing her eyes as she crosses her arms with confidence. Both women look to the rabbit man, before their gazes flicker back to you.

"I'm Miyamoto Usagi. You may call me Usagi until you've proven yourself an acquaintance. Now. What is a real human doing here in the Hidden City? You're injured, running from someone, hiding in garbage, stealing mystic weapons. Who are you? What did you do?" He immediately interrogated, eyes seeming more sharp. As you realize that you have no where to run, you sigh.

"I'm Y/n L/n. I'm from... well. The normal version of New York. I normally walk amongst humans, I'm 15, in high school, and I'm a bit of a tech wiz. I might not seem like much, but I'll do whatever you want if you help me get home... In other words, scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." You offer as the three human-like beings stare. They look amongst themselves and sigh. Usagi closes his eyes, tilting his head back slightly, seeming deep in thought as he groans.

"I only know how to get to a few locations with portals to and from here. If you're running from Big Mama, or dare I say Baron Draxum... They'll have already placed guards at every portal out of here... Looks like I'm taking you to a friend of mine. He bounces between New York and here in the Hidden City, often. He's the first fighter in Big Mama's Battle Nexus to ever be allowed to freely go wherever he pleases. This happens to include places aside from New York. He's been allowed to travel wherever he wishes here in the Hidden City as well... Also, don't be scared. He's big and scary, but he's a nice guy." Usagi says, explaining as he glances towards Shinigami, who's now staring at the daggers. They seem to have moved on their own.

"Umm... They shouldn't be doing that..." Shinigami said, voice seeming slightly shaken as the daggers are now pointed towards you. There is a slight glow to the blades that you hadn't remembered being there before. Everyone backs up slightly, Mona being the first to stand between of her friends and the daggers in defense. Usagi peeks over her shoulder then back over to you while you try to reach towards the daggers.

"What did you do to my daggers, you little worm? I'll have your head sent to whoever you're running from-"

"Shinie, no." Mona interrupted, glaring over her shoulder at the dark haired girl. Shinigami looked away, holding a disgusted and annoyed expression, but biting her tongue. You pay no mind to the three anthropomorphic creatures before you as you grab the handles of the daggers. Seeing the sharp edges glow softly, you smile.

"Guys, I think the daggers aren't evil. Ether that or y'all can call me the savant of virility." You say, closing your eyes and smirking to yourself at your poor sense of humor. As you close your eyes, you find yourself unable to open them, now unsure of what may be happening. You see flashes of light. Random lights.

"Y/n! You alright? Took a hard blow out there."

"Leo, Wait-"

"Mikey. Case and the other kiddos are alright. Don't worry-"

"No! Leo! Where's Dee?!... Where is his pod?..."

"... Don't tell the kids yet..."

"Oh god, no... No-"


"No! No! Y/n! Say I didn't just lose another brother! Y/N!"

"She can't even talk... Mikey, she's hurt... She just lost him too..."

(Word count 1033)

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