Pt 41

146 7 9

(Even though it's not 4/20 anymore. In honor of the number of the stoners:)

As you got into one of the two cars, you could feel something changing. You entered the car with your sister and mother, letting your brothers and father drive together. As soon as you waved off Montana, you heard your mother answer the phone and revealed your older brother's voice. Your older sister was driving the car you were in, and your father was driving the other one.

"Hey, mom? Can you please keep us updated with maps? I was gonna try to get some shuteye after what I just saw." He said, going completely ignored by you as you put on some headphones. The conversation drifted to your brother claiming that someone was a prick, but in a relationship and your mother saying there was no way. It soon evolved into an argument, which worsened your stress induced migraine.

"I'm pregnant." You said, making sure you were more than loud enough to shut everybody up. You even heard everyone in the other car zip their mouths.

"Y/n L/n... What did you just say?" You heard your mother ask as you felt sweat start to form on your forehead. You take your headphones off and immediately wave your hands in embarrassment.

"No no no no no! That's not- I'd never- It was a joke to shut everyone u- wait, you think I'm a slut?" You asked quickly after providing your poor explanation. You heard your sister laughing as your dad and brothers tried to relax, soon laughing as well after you asked your question. This ended off with you needing to call Montana for confirmation that you were, in fact, not a slut.

"What -or who- did you almost kill Y/n?"

"Not the predicament this time, Monty. Tell my mother that I'm not impregnated, as well as that I'm not interested in the concept of becoming impregnated- or even intercourse for that matter." You demanded on speakerphone as you heard your sister and brothers break down into hysterics.

"I- wait wha-"

"-I'm sorry, did she just say the word "impregnated"? Oh great. I'm high and gonna need to deal with a teen mom." You heard Donatello interrupt on the other side of the phone. As Montana switched the phone on her end off of speaker, you heard her pushing him away and hushing him.

"Y/n is too scared of commitment to have any sort of sexual relationship. You should know that. Plus, she doesn't even like holding hands with someone or hugging for too long. She complains that it's not a quick enough activity for her. It makes her overstimulated and cranky."

"Thank you, Monty. That's all we needed." You said, hanging up before you could hear Donatello or Montana herself speak again. You and your family eventually push off the funny interaction as you stare out the window again, now choosing to simply ignore your family. I mean... it's better to ignore them, than to do something like that again.

*Third person POV/With The Othello Van Ryan and Monty from fnaf*

As Y/n hangs up, Montana looked angrily at Donatello, smacking him on the back of the head and hearing a soft hiss of pain.

"What?! Oh, come on! I didn't do anything wrong!" He tried to plead, raising his hands in self defense. As the two sat on the roof of Montana's apartment, they looked down to the window of the room that once belonged to their beloved friend and foe. Donatello took a drag off his blunt, somewhat intentional blowing the smoke at Montana.

"Wait, you smoke like Y/n does-" Montana looked over as he blew the smoke, sending herself into a short coughing fit. "-Ugh! What the heck?! I wasn't even doing anything!"

"You smacked me. And you just lied." He responded, closing his eyes blissfully as he took more smoke into his lungs.

"Only because you were acting a fool while I was talking to Y/n! How can you be so smart, but so dumb at the same time?!" Montana tried to keep her voice down, watching his eyes wander to the window again. As the newly yellow hooded boy made his gaze obvious, he soon found himself in front of it. Nothing more than a piece of glass between him and the last place that his rival had rested her eyes.

"I'm just gonna look around for a minute." He promised himself, soon -and despite Montana's direct warning- he opened the window, entering and seeing a note and a key on the bed.

"For my dearest enemy, Purple,

I left you this note, knowing that you simply are too attached to me to have not checked out my apartment immediately. I would like to thank you for being so desperate- oops- Oh well. Writing in ink is a bitch like that. Jokes aside, I would like to thank you for being a big part of what I would like to call my early lore and obviously not needed character development... I appreciate you more than you could ever know. So, take this key and find the box in that old warehouse two miles south that's gonna get torn down in about a week. I freshly left something for you on the day of my leave. You will likely find another, more heartfelt note there. If not, just text or call me, I promise to pick up.

-Love Yellow.(more than you already do lol) Your favorite man of letters."

As he reads the letter silently, he feels a slight warmth in his cheeks, closing his eyes and holding the note to his chest. He folds the paper over again and puts it in the pocket of his new hoodie, smiling subconsciously as he slipped out the window again. He told Montana that he was going somewhere and she offered to go with him, claiming to not have anything better to do. As the two of them arrived at the old warehouse, Donatello saw a familiar kind of metalwork.

"Is that...?" Donatello asked himself quietly, walking towards the metal rose on the ground. He grabbed it, smiling as he got closer to the door and finding another on the doorstep. There were even more roses and when he made it to the box he was told to find, he found another six or seven roses. There were so many, he almost struggled to carry them. He had the most adoring, puppy-dog look on his face, earning a soft "awww" from Montana as she took a picture.

"What the- Montana. Are you serious? This isn't even what any normal human would classify as-" He sits down the flowers to do air quotes. "-cute." He said in a mocking tone. She simply laughed, turning on a recording as he glared.

"You're lucky that the camera loves me." He said, accidentally doing a hair flick, seemingly having forgotten that he was wearing a Cloaking-Brooch. Montana laughed again, now wheezing as Donnie tried to ignore her, opening the box. His eyes lit up as he saw a purple satin jacket and another note.

"To my dearest Purple. I hope you like the new and improved version. No tracker or suspiciously sewn in tech. I promise. Already miss you. Love Yellow. Ps. I already miss your voice, send me VCs of your morning voice every chance you get. I'm going to miss a lot about you. Enjoy the next note. Wait- What next note?" He asked as he tried to double check the box, soon looking at Montana, who's now making an adored face at him, still recording.

"Yellow's, gonna love this-"

"-You can't call her that." The boy interrupted, causing Monty to tilt her head.

"Why? Oh! It's like a uh- What's it called?- Oh! A pet name? Like, what someone calls their significant oth-"

"-No! Lalalalala! Not my significant other!" He interrupted again, causing Montana to cross her arms after sending the video to her bestie. He would never admit what he mumbled later, but the only one who needed to hear it was him.

"Not my significant other... yet..."

(Word count: 1370)

Of Men and Mutants (Rottmnt Donnie x reader🍋)Where stories live. Discover now