Pt 37

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The end of the day approaches and you thankfully don't see Jolene, Harold, or Timothy as you walk to the exit of the school. You see Montana and sneak up behind her to spook her. You quickly grab her shoulders, which is rather uncommon for you, due to your hate of physical contact.

"Y/n?" She asked, seeming shocked that you greeted her like that.

"The one and only." You smirk, swinging an arm over her shoulder as you start walking beside her. You moved swiftly towards the street you had to cross, hearing the voices of Timothy and Harold.

"Is it Hypothetical Harold again?" Montana asked, seeming worried as you look towards the two boys. You stared them down, causing Montana to grab your shoulders to force you to look away from them and prevent you from scaring them... It didn't work.

"Y/n, please don't mess with them. I know they're annoying, but it could be worse." Montana said in her classic, sunshine and rainbows voice. You raise an eyebrow at her, soon rolling your eyes.

"Worse? They could be Kendra? They could be Draxum? They could be Big Mama? Does that matter, Monty? They're annoying regardless of who they're compared to." You said, smirking as you finish your statement. She rolled her eyes at you and walked home with you, breaking off to walk up the stairs of her apartment complex. You turned before going home and started on your way to "work".

"The fuck do they want now?" You mumbled to yourself as you see a message from Big Mama telling you to come by and wear something she got you for a fight.

*TimeSkip brought to you by Rick Sanchez saying, "Lick lick lick ma ballz"*

You show up with your headphones on, going to your designated room and seeing a dress on the bed. It looked too puffy and uncomfortable to fight in, so you chose to grab a large, black button-up with a yellow tie and black, bell-bottoms. You slide your clothes on, loosely tying your messy hair back and pulling your improved mask on with your daggers in two holsters on your hips.

As you started walking, you put your Bluetooth headphones on and listened to some random shit until you showed up at some viewing room with Big Mama. She seemed displeased with your appearance and slowly walked over.

"Yin Dearie, why aren't you wearing the new outfit I chose for you?" She asked, noticing your hair and seeming more disappointed.

"Because I can't fight in something like that. You said I was here for a fight. Where is it?" You began getting impatient, feeling Big Mama pat your shoulders as she stood at your side, gently brushing her hand along your pulled-back hair. You had too much pent up frustration from everything that recently happened and you could feel your blood boiling.

"You shouldn't pull your beautiful hair back, and take better care of it, Yin dear." The purple-hued arachnid-lady said, watching you pull away from her softly. She resisted glaring at you.

"Alright then, Mother Gothel-" You pull out one of your daggers, gripping your own hair as you chopped most of it off in one go. You quickly finish the poor chop-job handing her the bundle of hair. "-Keep it. It's too much of a hassle while fighting. Plus, I'd call this a going away gift." You said with a glare that was hidden underneath your mask as you turned away, throwing your now sheathed daggers to Francis. You walk into the arena, seeing three lizard men, who all have dragon tattoos.

"And in the arena, oh- Our champion of all champions has had his match interrupted by our undefeated starter. Our newly named fighter, Yin, seems to want to face The Purple Dragons alone. She's been given the affectionate nickname of The Golden Dragon. So let's see a three on one dragon takedown!" You hear a voice booming faintly over the crowd's cheers of excitement. It seems that Kendra took some inspiration from another group. You could hear your blood pumping, and theirs.

"Looks like it's just a little girl."

"Yeah, I could take her with one hand behind my back."

"Is this a joke?" As they chanted one by one, you tried to focus in on one of them. You were surely going to save the leader for last.

You watched as one of them approached, reaching out like you were a kitten that he wanted to pet. You grabbed his hand, swiftly turning and throwing him with all your strength against the ground. As he groaned, rolling over in pain from the impact. You kicked him in the face to knock him out, looking to another of these boys. Soon, the other one tried to attack you with a small blade, causing you to grab it, pulling him forward and breaking his hand before punching him in the throat and kneeing him in the stomach, stomping on his broken hand for good measure.

The last man seemed less cocky now, not knowing what to do next. You walked over, huffing angrily as you looked towards his friends.

"You don't wanna get hurt?" You inquired, earning a stare that said "Don't hurt me", but from a face that deserved to be punched. Shrugging your shoulders, you turned away. He took you having your back turned as a good opportunity to try to put you in a chokehold and grab his knife.

You ignored the shout of pain as you yanked the knife from his delicate hands and jammed it into his thigh. You felt yourself starting to black out, until you hear Francis trying to get you off of something and frantically telling you to stop.

You zoned back in to see Francis reaching towards you as you look down at your bloody hands and the leader with a blood covered face. He was still breathing, just really hurt. You had obviously been straddling his ribs and holding his arms down with your legs as you pounded his teeth out. You stood, grabbing Francis by the hand and holding his arm up while the crowd cheered for you. It didn't feel good, but it didn't feel like a bad way to let go of your anger.

"Y/-" Francis paused, looking around in disbelief as you accepted the cheers for the near murder of a young man. "-Yin... The winner is The Golden Dragon!" He shouted, trying to sound cheerful but failing as he watched you start walking away. A guard tried to stop you so you'd listen to the announcements, but you punched him in the face and dragged him by his neck to a wall, pummeling him as well. You left the guard with a broken nose, two blackening eyes, and a slit lip. You just walked away.

As you walked, you heard shouts of joy from other rooms, soon starting to clean your bloody knuckles. You changed back into your regular clothes and left quickly, putting your headphones on and breathing heavily while running to get home. You softly panted as you made it to a rooftop, soon hearing an unfamiliar song that snapped you out of your trance.

"Pull up, it's a anthem, put ya fuckin' hands up, smilin' 'cause I'm young, rich, gay, and I'm handsome-"

(Word count: 1233)

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