Pt 22

218 9 4

*Third person POV, for the gurls and the gays, period👏👏👏*

"Why's your tail wagging?"

"What? Why's my-... Fuck..." Donnie mumbled, his tone seeming very defeated. Monty and April immediately grabbed their phones and began looking up reasons for a turtle to start wagging their tail.

"Oh oh! Monty, I got somethin'! A turtle may wag their tail when they're going to the bathroom, extremely happy when the see family, or- uh..." April paused, looking towards the boy she's pestering. He glared at April as Monty tried to look over her shoulder at the phone.

"What? What does it say, April?" Monty tried to question, standing on her toes like a ballerina to try to peek at the phone. The taunted boy took the moment of distraction to yank the phone, pretending to continue reading the list off.

"Yes yes. During excretion, upon finding a group of their kind, when too tired, while feeling threatened, or while dealing with idiots." He finishes, tossing the phone across the room. He obviously hadn't thrown it hard enough to break it, but certainly hard enough to piss April off.

"You did not just throw my- Fine, you messed around, you boutta find out. You left out mating, Dee. Ya know, when the turtle wants to do it. Monty, feel free to kill him." April said, causing Donnie's expression to change from somewhat serious to extremely embarrassed and frustrated.

"Really, April?!"

"You threw my phone! That's the second one that I've had to buy on my own because of you!"

"I didn't know it was you! Plus, I'd be more mad about getting kicked in the face!"

"I'm mad 'bout that too!"

"Stop fighting!" Monty broke up the back and forth argument, looking back over at you. She slowly walked over, noticing the small bloody cut on your lip. She glared at Donnie.

"You two definitely kissed, that's fine. But if you ever even think of hurting her, I'll make you into turtle soup and serve you to your brothers in your own shell after using your skin as a lampshade. Got it, buster?" Montana asked as she stepped closer to Donnie.

"Kissed? What? Nooo. Why?- I mean- Why would we kiss? That's so- That's so stupid." Donnie struggled as Montana stared at him.

"You have a bit of blood on the bottom left corner of your lip. So, unless you're a vampire, you kissed her-"

"- Actually she kissed me-... Damn me and my big mouth..." Donnie said, looking down in disappointment and disbelief. Eventually, Monty made more threats to Donnie, and April called in sick to the school for herself and her gal pals. (You and Monty.)

"All right, I talked with the counselor and he said that since this is Y/n's first sick day and only you attended today with me, we'll be good." April chimed proudly, fist pumping.

"How many sick days have you taken though?" Donnie asked in a monotone voice, cleaning up the medical supplies and writing down any observations of your state.

""Uhhh... it doesn't matter. Anyway, I-... does something smell burnt?..." April asked, causing Monty to run back to the kitchen, almost tripping on everything in her path. Just then, everyone heard keys in the door, causing April and Monty to panic more. Monty had put the burned food in the sink, running the water. April grabbed Donnie, pushing him out the window as Monty's parents and little sister walked in.

April and Monty pretended that you had been on the way home from your "weekend tech-club getaway" and had gotten into a fight with someone who tried to mug you... That sure wasn't the best lie they could have come up with, but they thought it worked. Monty's father introduced himself and Nat, Monty's little sister, to April while you slept. Nat ended up waking you up, practically shouting about how you had food ready.

"Hey, Monty?... Where'd that MegaMind-looking mother-" You see Montana's family all staring as you walked towards her. "- father, that food smells... partly burnt?" You question, soon hearing that your dearest friend had burnt the heck out of the food before her parents got back.

*TimeSkip to you being brought home*

As you had expected, your family started off angry that you hadn't told anyone about your "Secret Tech-Club Weekend Party" or whatever the lie was. You pulled up the hood of your weird coat-thing, trying to walk past your whole family. Your parents stopped you, forcing you to show your face. Soon enough, you received an uncomfortable hug from your mother and a pat on the back from your father.

"Honey, why didn't you tell us that something happened? Who did it?" Your mother asked as your father nodded to your brothers. The eyes of your mother were soon flooded with tears as your sister tried to check out your cuts and bruises.

"Y/n, this isn't the first time you've come home like this... What happened now?... Do you need my help?" She asked as you watched your father pull your mother into a quick embrace, trying to keep her calm. You sigh, putting up an uncomfortable smile.

"I'm okay, some guy tried to mug me on the way home. I mean, it's New York, it was bound to happen. You should've seen that guy though, he didn't do shit compared to what I did. I don't think I know what he really looked like though, so there's no use reporting a mugging by an unknown man." You say, trying to keep your logical thinking intact.

"Okay... If you say so, King Ostrich." Your little brother chimed as you watched your older brother sigh to himself.

"Look... I'm just tired... I'm gonna go to sleep, alright? Also, my day out of school was already reported. You guys don't need to call in an absence report." You say, leaving the room as your unnerved family continues to discuss your situation. You close the door, looking around the slightly cluttered room.

"Alrighty, Bruce. Mama's home..." You mumbled, powering on his charging port. You decided you would let him charge over night, soon hearing a tap outside your window. As you hurriedly changed into your less tacky clothes, the tapping got louder.

"Who could it fuckin' be at this hour?..." You silently questioned, just wanting some peace after everything. Once the curtains were pulled back, a familiar face under a purple mask was seen. You roll your eyes, sliding the window open.

"What is it?" You asked, noticing how confused and slightly embarrassed he seemed.

"Uh... I was... Um... Well-"

"- Spit it out."

"I'm... glad you're okay..." Your rival admits, looking down as he turns to leave. He was acting so strange, but you couldn't remember why.

"Hey! Thanks for caring, dipshit." You chime as he left, barely having taken the time to look back at you. You soon went to bed, knowing that you just got chosen for a job that might be too big of a secret... but maybe... it'll help you someday?

(Word count: 1179)

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