Chapter 2: Lunch

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Third Person

Now the part that Kai had been wating for since the beginning of the day. 


The group manages to get a table for ten.

"Are you happy Kai?" Skylor asked him.

"That the day's almost over, hell yeah." Kai says.

"But I thought-" Kai puts a hand over Zane's mouth and shoots him a look and mouthed, "Keep your mouth shut," Skylor ignores them.

They then look to see that the popular kids table was shooting them very dirty looks. 

"Who are they?" Pixel asked. 

"The popular kids, they invited Kai to join them but he declined." Cole says. 

"How come?" Skylor asks. 

"I didn't want to ditch my friends for those losers. Even though hearing Jay's cringe jokes can get annoying." Kai said with the slightest smirk on his face. 

"Hey!" Jay exclaimed. 

This makes Skylor and Nya giggle which then makes Kai and Jay blush. 

"Well, well, what do we have here?" The group turns around to face a boy with shaggy chestnut hair. 

Behind him was a girl with purple hair, and a boy with black hair and a t-shirt with a gray wolf head.

"Go away Ronin." Kai says. 

"Oh yeah, make me." Ronin says. 

Kai stands up and removes his red jacket to reveal his well built body. 

Skylor goes beet red as she observes Kai. 

"Like what you're seeing?" Nya asked her with a giggle, only for Skylor to turn even redder than before. 

"Kai, your anger levels are rising very high." Zane says. 

"Stay out of this, tin can." The purple haired girl(Camille)says. 

"Hey, leave him alone." Pixel says. 

"What're you going to do about it?" Camille asks her. 

Pixel then pushes Camille back, they start to shove each other. 

While Kai and Ronin started to throw punches and try and tackle each other. 

Nya tries to get Kai off Ronin. 

The others get Pixel off Camille. 

The two groups then sit back but not before glaring at each other. 

"Dumb ass," Kai muttered.

For the rest of the day, the groups made the other one miserable. 

When the final bell rings, Kai was a volcano awaiting to erupt at the slightest prank.

As they were leaving the building, Zane asked Pixel if he could talk to her. 

"Thanks for standing up for me." Zane tells her. 

"No problem." Pixel says. 

Zane meets up with the other boys, "Zane likes Pixel," Jay sang in a teasing voice. 

"Shut up Jay." Zane says.

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