|Chapter 7|

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I helped Susannah tidy up the table while Belly, Jeremiah, Conrad and Steven went upstairs to do who knows what. "You really don't need to do this hon," Susannah smiled, picking up some dirty dishes. "No, that's fine," I said.

"Y/n! We're going to the bonfire, you wanna come?" Steven said as he slid into the dining room, Jeremiah behind him, giving me a flirty smile. "Sure!" I laughed, placing the plates into the dishwasher. Then I had a thought. There had to be boundaries in this relationship. "Wait, Jere, meet me in my room, I need to talk to you," I explained, walking up to my room. Steven gave Jeremiah a wink and whispered something to him. 

"Sure thing, babe," he said, following me. I rolled my eyes.

"We're not going to the bonfire, sorry Steven," I called out behind me as Jeremiah gave me a disappointed, confused look. Once we were in my room, Jeremiah turned to me, 

"Why aren't we gonna go? If you don't want to go, at least let me!" he complained. 

I shook my head as I took a seat on my bed, "We need rules and boundaries in this 'relationship'." I nodded.

"Seriously?" he groaned.


I watched him tap his foot in annoyance. "Well?" he said.

"One, no kissing unless it's 100% necessary. Two, no touching AT ALL. Three, pet names are minimal and four, once we are certain they like us, it's over." I said as he nodded.

"Fair enough." He said.

"But to make it believable you, Mr. Girl Magnet, MUST keep your flirting with other girls to a minimum and no hooking up with random people," I said, pointing at him. 

Jeremiah just chuckled.

 "Same for you," he said, getting on my bed and lying on it, his arms behind his head. "Are you kidding me?" I said, 70% annoyed and 30% amused. He just smiled and stared at the ceiling. I frowned, "Did you put some kind of mascara on or something?" I said, suddenly slightly envious of his long lashes. He chuckled. I could get used to Jeremiah being nice to me. He was the kind of guy that everyone wanted to be around just because of the good vibes he gave off and how it was easy to talk to him. Golden Retriever vibes I guess you could say.

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