Chapter 10: an old friend

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Elena's Pov

I walk to the side of the couch and pick up a pillow that alex threw as i put it back in its place. i look to the side to see him playing with his toys as i hear a loud knock on the door.

i stand alert as i look at the doors direction and i walk to open it. "Sandra?" i ask in disbelief as i see a girl with fiery red hair and light brown eyes stand before me. she is covered in exotic tattoos on her right arm and she has a piercing in her bottom lip and her nose.

"i need your help" she says barging in.

"what are you doing here?" i ask as she turns towards me grabbing her hair. "the dude was a werewolf?"

"what?" i ask looking around to see if Alex is hearing the conversation but hes not. 

"the scientist guy. the one who kidnapped us. he was a werewolf. every single one of the bastards that helped him were. they were behind all of this." i swallow hard as i breathe in and out.

"so that's what he meant by his kind..." i say almost in a whisper.

Sandra turns to look at me and then she freezes as she sniffs the room. "whats a cub doing in your house Elena?"

i look at her as i pull her upstairs and into the farthest room in the hall which is my office. "hes my son." i say closing the door.

"oh my god Elena! you screwed a wolf guy! no wonder you weren't questioning my mentality when i mention werewolf." she says rubbing her eyes.

"no i adopted him."

she looks at me in disbelief and then begins to laugh "you need to get rid of that thing right now! if they find out you have him they will kill you Elena!"

"but hes"

"did you just not hear me?! they will kill you! that doctor made sure to spread a rumor that we went to him to ask him to turn us into these monsters in order to get rid of his kind. they think we want to kill all the werewolves in the world so that we can take their place. do you understand? i give you five minutes to get rid of him or ill do it."

"the only one ill be getting rid of is you." i say as i look at her straight in the eyes.

she looks at me and swallows hard. "Dont you understand! it was his kind that turned us into this. his kind that tortured you! the ones that left you this way! they left you Elena!"

"oh yeah! just like you and Candid?!" i yell looking at her with rage in my eyes.

"Elena, we were going to come back for you. you know that."

"when?! after he raped me?!" i yell again but this time shaking. i close my eyes as i try to breath in and out.

"thats what happens when you dont frequently use your power. you lose control." Sandra says as she looks at my arms.

"what do you want? make it short" 

she looks at me and bites her lower lip "you really came back to your hometown and did what you said you would do...."

i sit on my arm chair and relax as i look at the ceiling. 

"Elena, that guy was taking orders from someone else."

i sit up straight as i look at her with wide eyes. "what?"

"i found out that he was being ordered by some other werewolf in the high society i just don't know who. all i know is that we aren't the only ones they have done this to... currently right now they are still kidnapping humans and torturing them and experimenting on them like lab rats. the only difference is that its with a different scientist and these are just experiments since he doesn't know how dr. Fredrick turned us since you burned down his lab and all of his work."

"is this the good or the bad news?" 

she looks at me and then at the ground. "the good"

"what are the bad news?"

she licks her lips as she breathes in and out "Dr. Fredrick was involved in your families massacre..."

i look down at the floor as i tighten my grip on my arm chair. 

Sandra's Pov

i have always been afraid of Elena but at this moment i was the most afraid. she had always been the calm leader like type of girl but she had her temper.

when Dr. Fredrick first saw me and candid and Elena, his interest went straight towards Elena. although her eye color is very common what is inside of them isnt. 

her dark brown chocolate eyes have always had this strength in them. people with power might confuse it with disobedience but its actually just power. pure power with pride. 

that man was very intelligent and was able to capture that immediately. he had tortured her the most, pushed her and had injected on her the most. he wanted to see her eyes show fear but they never faltered. instead they kept getting wilder and wilder. the more he did to her the more hatred she had for him.

due to him experimenting on her the most she had eventually become his favorite to the point that he would grant her a new ability every day for her to master, making her the most powerful out of all of us.

at this moment her eyes are changing color slowly as she tries to control her breathing and i jump backwards using my super speed as she throws her table across the room. "Elena control yourself. you have a child right? what if he gets scared of if you hurt him by accident?"

she suddenly stops and turns to look at the door shocked her black eyes turn back into their chocolate color and she fixes her composure ignoring the broken table she just threw. "your right. im sorry i lost it... i guess i need to let out the stress a bit more often or else i might just end up killing you next time."

i dont laugh at this knowing that she really is capable of doing it when we hear a small knock on the door and a little boy come in.

"mom what was that noise?"

Elena walks towards him and carries him in her arms. his a small boy around five years old with jet black hair and some very beautiful grey eyes. "whoa! no wonder you kept the kid. hes gonna be a looker when he grows up!" i move towards him as he looks at me and smiles.

"why is the table broken?" he asks pointing at it and Elena Stutters as she begins to panic.

"we saw a roach and freaked out so your mom threw the table on it to kill it."

he looks at me for a moment studying my face as he says "she threw that big table? how?"

i look at Elena and i smile "your mom is really strong... shes secretly hulk" i whisper and Elena turns red.

"no im not." she looks at her child "Alex dont listen to her shes evil. could you go play downstairs i have to talk to her." she puts him down and he smiles and he runs towards the door before sneaking a glance at me and leaving the room.

"hes cute" i say looking at the door "now i know why you still want to keep him."

"what else do you know?" she asks and i look at the table worried.

"youre not gonna throw anything else at me are you?

she laughs as she sighs "no, and im sorry. i lost it."

"the man who he was working for was the one who gave the order."

"how do you know this?" she asks crossing her arms.

"i found this." i hand over to her a disc. "its a video made by Dr. Fredrick to whoever his boss is. thing is though he had someone send it but it never got to his boss and i happened to find it. there is only one copy of this. so dont lose it."

i turn towards her door but stop halfway "oh and no matter what you see, dont you dare destroy it. its the original. i have a copy but that one has coded in it the day it was made. we might need it some day."

Elena just stares at it as she looks up at me and i smile softly "after you are finished watching it... i want you to answer this question... Elena, i want to find whoever did this to us and kill him... will you help me?"

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