Oriana and Midgar

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The next day, or, afternoon, the Oriana Kingdom's Royal Family arrived, as expected. Preparations had already been made in order to welcome them, even when they entered the castle.

"Hm~ I can't wait to meet the Royal Family of this kingdom. Is that right, husband?" The queen of the Oriana Kingdom spoke with a light smile.

"Of course, me too. I still have a few agreements to make with Klaus, before that, meeting them is a respectful choice to make." Her husband replied, leading the way to where they are supposed to be.

Behind the two were the Royal Chancellor, and the Princess Rose Oriana, who currently was a year younger than our protagonist.

Alongside them were four royal guards of incredible skill and stature, aside from that, they're mob characters.

A maid led the Royal Family along with their Royal Chancellor to a large room where a long rectangular table was placed, it was enough for ten people to sit down.

And in this room awaited Klaus and his children, the youngsters focused on reading a book just before the esteemed guests arrived, which did make the three of them feel a bit dissatisfied.

Said book was about certain legendary figures fighting against an ancient Demon King, which made the Chancellor feel curious, even for a moment.

The redhead, Corneus closed the book calmly, raising his hand before a maid approached him. Handing over the book to the maid, she silently walked out of the room to return it.

"Ah, good afternoon, Lord Raphael! You've arrived just in time!" Klaus exclaimed, standing up from his seat to approach his fellow king.

"How many years have we last met, hm? Six? Seven?"

The two of them embraced each other for a few seconds, then after separating, Raphael noticed something off within the room.

"And where's Mary?"

For a moment, Klaus was a bit down. Sighing, he decided to be silent for a long moment. His thoughts were in a temporary disarray.

Raphael wondered why, and waited patiently.

This action of his attracted the attention of the Royal Chancellor and the Queen, narrowing their eyes towards him.

Yet, a freezing gaze coming from Corneus struck the two of them, leaving them unable to move, yet only capable of breathing for a few seconds.

The two of them gasped for air, looking around for whoever did that, yet couldn't do so as their sight was on somewhere else other than Corneus.

'No offense, the King of Oriana Kingdom is an NTR victim. I pray for him, but for now things have to happen. But for you, er... Woman of Oriana Kingdom and... Doem, no, Perv Asshat, I'll make sure your lives here will be like hell! Through pranks of course! Nothing serious, for now!'

Corneus, with all his confidence, decided to feel like he wanted to prank the two of them in strange ways.

Aside from that....

'And, Rose Oriana. In many loops I've experienced, she was kidnapped and sold to slavery after her family's second visit, for two years until the Oriana Kingdom's knights rescued her, which is reality were members of the Cult. Until in later loops, I decided to rescue her under my Diabolos persona many times. She's a good asset, really.'

Once he was finished with his thoughts, Klaus sighed once more and told his fellow king a lie.

"She's been sick lately, and we've started to treat her now, Mary will recover in a few days, and all will be fine."

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