Leaving with an Explosion

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Corn immediately began to think about what he should do right now, and he simply spent 20 seconds of his time observing his surroundings.

002 had a slightly mature body from a late adolescent, and due to being the direct ancestor of his family, he definitely noticed that she had the body similar to an adult Iris and hair that was similar to the teenage Alexia, which wasn't anything significant, really.

003 was a Panther Therianthrope with a long tail and eyes that gaze at him with utter hatred, unless he does something else.

The other scientists in this room were approaching him, charging their artifacts while some of the guards began to approach him with their swords in hand.

It wouldn't take long before they are close enough.

With his past life, or past lives' knowledge, he decided to try to convince the three of them while secretly charge two balls of pure Magical Power inside his lightly closed fist.

"Lili. You want something else other than plain soup to eat? You look particularly hungry."

"H-huh?? What are you talking about?!" 003, or Lili took a step back, surprised.

"This." With his other hand, he reached down to his coat's pocket and took out several pieces of sushi, which he created with pure magic alone, before immediately tossing them to 003's direction.

"Fetch 'em, or they get dirty, which will make them taste bad!"

"Lili don't want to have dirty food!!!"

With a quick leap, the Therianthrope caught the sushi that were tossed and began to greedily eat them up.

Her large tail wagged happily, and the scientists, even Nelson weren't having any of it.

"More, more!" Lili demanded straight to Corneus, as if she forgot that he was an enemy in the first place.

He created a large bone on his hands, and through sleight of hand, it seemed like a mere trick to anyone.

"See this? I'll give you more food if you fetch this bone and give this back to me!"

And then he threw it to a guard who had gotten too close, and said bone bounced off him.

To 002 and Olivier's surprise, 003 didn't hesitate to immediately run towards the guards, knocking and inuring them while she tried to catch the bone.... Between her sharp teeth.

Then, she ran towards Corneus in order to return the bone and then obtained headpats from said person, something which wasn't given to her by the people here.

003, by instinct, had begun rubbing her body on him, which may seem strange but he was too used to such instances.

"Huh, neat. I guess I could take you there home, time paradoxes are a ridiculous concept, perhaps. I'm going to have to spoil 003 a bit more then.

It really was neat.

"And you're next, 002. What's going to make you come with me?" Corneus was not that confident with her, since she was pretty stubborn at heart.

"I'm not going to come with you, not until I slay Diabolos with my sisters can I begin finding my true purpose!" 002 spoke, denying his words with some determination.

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