A Deal to a Mob

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For several long days, Alexia and Cid continued their date, which was somewhat going on in a slow yet good pace.

Someone as pathetic as Cid was someone she chose to have their date, even if said date was actually a fake one.

Despite it being fake, Alexia oddly felt like this was a real date. Even if she treated him like a dog, calling him the pet name known as "Pooch" or so, it wasn't that bad.

Anyway, this date is obviously to have Zenon leave her alone. But for some reason, she noticed that he was rarely noticing her, bringing his attention to her upperclassman, Millia Grease.

Someone who was quite familiar with her brother for some time, and someone who gained the title of "Valkyrie in Training", meaning she was technically more skilled and stronger than most students like her.

For a moment she was curious, and decided to eavesdrop on the conversation of the two for a while.

"Instructor Zenon, what brings you here to me? We haven't met for a while, you know?" Millia spoke, glancing up at Zenon as the older man smirked at her.

He looked quite smug and confident being in front of her. Yet she looked quite angry at him, it's as if he was her enemy.

The carefree Zenon's aura slowly became serious and murderous, yet still containing his smug attitude.

"How convenient. We haven't met for a long while, haven't we? Let me rephrase this: How did you even cure the curse? No, someone cured it. Was it him?"

Curse? What was he talking about?

In the next moment, Millia smiled at him, exuding a dangerous aura that was similar to the time when her mother was scolding her.

Even that happy smile of hers isn't meant to portray that she was happy.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Zenon. But, if you weren't the enemy of this kingdom I would've talked with you longer. So long, First." Millia replied, immediately cutting their conversation short by leaving him alone.

It was very apparent that Zenon looked angry, his fists were clenched and he really felt like he wanted to attack her, but he eventually sighed and began chuckling like a madman.

"Damn, so you knew of the cult? That's basically suicide for your whole family! I'll personally deliver your doom! But first...."

Hearing him, Alexia left Zenon alone before he could notice this, feeling like she wanted to tell her brother about it.

But for some reason he wasn't in his room where he'd work for hours with some good breaks.

"Where is he?"

Her next class with Zenon would start in under 25 minutes, and these 25 minutes are plenty of time enough for a long chat.

Plus, being the Crowned Prince that would become King in a few years due to being betrothed to the Princess of Oriana Kingdom, he obviously had some good authority and could probably convince Klaus to brand Zenon as a criminal.

But then she realized something.

That isn't easy. It wasn't easy to randomly brand him to be a criminal for one thing.

And if they knew....

"Damn it, I can't tell them...."

She doesn't know if Corneus had his plans to deal with him, but she has to find out herself.

[ ~ Line • Break ~ ]


Midgar Academy - Gardens

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