The First Subordinate

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'Breaking news, whole castle's on lockdown, nobody is allowed to enter or even exit the castle while people are investigating what had happened after I made a small mess! Aw man, didn't expect this....'

Corneus thought, resting his body on a couch, observing the royal knights wandering around the castle to investigate.

And, two weeks.... That's too long for a lockdown, he should at least convince his parents to shorten it to at least a few days.

But, truth be told, he had to be very honest and reveal to them that he had to kill them because they wanted to do something evil, and that they said something about a cult to return to.

Hearing this, Klaus was very surprised, of course.

"Corneus, we need to talk, together. Your sisters must not know this, lest they be in danger because of the knowledge about it."

This felt quite serious, and Mary, his mother was also very serious.

However, as expected, they began to talk about the Cult of Diabolos, and not even once did Corneus take his eyes off the two of them while they talked. It wasn't a surprise that Klaus knew about the Cult of Diabolos and the Possessed.

But it does seem like he couldn't, no, didn't dig deep in fear that he doesn't have enough strength and that the Kingdom might be ruled by a puppet.

Later once they were done talking, Klaus decided to allow people to enter and leave the castle before Corneus also decided to actually being searching for subordinates that will be loyal to him.

Where should be go first?

'Hmm... I think I know who to start. Visiting a village somewhere outside this capital is also good enough, plus....'

[ ~ Line • Break ~ ]

Olba Grease.

He was a Royal Guard and Viscount of Midgar Kingdom. Corneus knew a bit about him and he had decided to turn him into a subordinate before certain events happen.

Being one of the strongest Royal Guards, he was hot blooded, arrogant and prideful. The prince didn't want to let the cult grab him and make him join their ranks, and seal his fate.

It will be the best to have loyal subordinates, and naturally.... Deceit and manipulation are some of the best ways to get them.

It works a lot, until such a time when the newer subordinates begin doubting their loyalty with cheaper lies. He knew that honesty can be the best policy when obtaining loyal subordinates.

So, Corneus arrived at the quarters of said Royal Guard, who was asked to come over to his room to discuss about something important.

For precautions, he sealed the room with invisible noise cancelling barriers which only those who have expertise in sensing mana could feel, for privacy.

Once they were sitting in front of each other, the older man was completely surprised.

'... The prince, he's very young, yet why do I get the feeling that he's not what I think he is?' Olba wondered as he took several glances towards Corneus.

"What is it that you want, Prince Midgar?"

Corneus replied with a sigh, then smiled lightly.

"Viscount Olba, you may call me by my first name. And if you wondered why I called you here is simply because of a cult that targeted you."


Olba was a bit dumbfounded, this couldn't be a mere child's fantasy, right?

"The Cult of Diabolos, a cult I heard that... Well, mainly kidnaps little girls to mature women for their own pleasure, using the curse that was called Demonic Possession."

More disbelief grew inside the viscount, and it seemed as if he doesn't want to believe him.

Once asked about the Cult, Corneus explained their motives, or an ironic twist to said motives, telling them that the descendants of the three heroes, were given a curse by the cult that are permanently dormant to males and active on females.

Said curse makes one's magic go out of control every second, turning the female into an unrecognizable mound of flesh, or an uncontrollable monster full of instinct.

Despite this, Olba was trying to doubt his words, until....

"... The cult wants power to rule the world in the light, by manipulating it under its' shadows, or at least, that was what the Goddess said."

'... The goddess? The one from the Church of Divine Teachings?' Olba thought, before being told more about Corneus' imaginary Goddess.

At this point, his doubts were only held by a weakened rope. Through curiosity, he wanted to ask something.

"Is it possible that I and my daughter are of the Three Heroes' descendants? If so...."

"The goddess told me, Viscount. And she asked me to gather subordinates that will work under the light and the shadows. And your daughter might be cursed by the cult in order to make your lives miserable. Just like many girls and women cursed by them.

If your daughter is cursed, let me come to your home as quickly as possible, I can now cure the curse because of a blessing gifted upon me.

However.... You must become my subordinate."

It took a short while for Olba to properly take it all in his head, and he clenched his fists tightly before standing up and then kneeling towards Corneus.

".... So it really was the cult.... Alright, I'll become your subordinate!" He declared, his eyes burning like no other.

"The cult is astronomically massive compared to this kingdom, it is everywhere, in here, outside the kingdom, in the church, and even in other cities and kingdoms. Are you prepared?"

"I don't care! If it is to protect the ones precious to me, and even this kingdom, I will be prepared!"

"Good. Don't tell anybody about our meeting."

Then in an instant, four bracelet-like cuffs appeared on his hands.

"These will restrict your physical abilities, adding weight towards you, wear them on your wrists and your legs and hide them from plain sight, now get to both work and training. You're dismissed!"

Olba then left after wearing the cuffs that were of an incredible weight, already knowing what to do.

'We are not prepared, that's why I'm going to become stronger, and Milia too. Both of us need strength and minds to combat the cult.'

Seeing him leave, Corneus nodded to himself, before looking outside the window.

"A Great King must have loyal subordinates. Therefore, having several girls cured of their possession is already a choice. I wouldn't mind having a polygamy once again."

He stood up from the couch.

'After two years, two Knight Orders made up of those loyal to me will be created. I'll make sure they're strong and skilled enough to become quite indomitable.'

Corneus didn't mind making morally questionable acts, because he knew where the line that shouldn't be crossed was.

[ ~ TO • BE • CONTINUED ~ ]

Author's Commentary: And that's Claire Kagenou's kidnapping part removed.... Not.

It's only changed. That's all

Next Chapter: The Guide to Making Subordinates - Part 1

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