And Then.......

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Corneus rested on the cold hard floor, feeling quite strange, and both exhausted, tired, dizzy and even drowsy like the time he first used this spell.

He was back to his 10 year old form, having been de-aged after being transported back to this timeline.

And the dizziness was merely one of the side effects of that thing.

Anyway..... He did bring two people from a now alternate history, right?

The two of them were beside him, and they were quite confused and dumbfounded at what had happened to them.

"Corneus, where are we?" Olivier was the first to ask this question, before she began to notice that he had become smaller and younger than he was supposed to be.

"Hm, I guess we're in an alternate future 1000 or more years after you three had slain Diabolos. Surprising that timeline where I took you might have Freya slay Diabolos herself." Corneus replied with a bit of nonchalance.

Yet Olivier really couldn't wrap her head around what he said, it sounded like those people in white coats from their supposed home would always say.

Because of the complexity of his words, she almost deflected it. Yet it was her interest to learn something other than just randomly fighting simulations.

Even Lili (003) didn't even listen on his words, just trying to look around and take several sniffs on the foreign area.

"I'm very confused, how and why did you become younger?" This question was asked.

"Oh, that's simple. Had I been in this younger body, I might have been defeated by the three of you with some difficulty. And my time spent to recover you would be wasted, anyway." He clarified, and soon enough he was asked a multitude of questions by the two of the Three Heroes.

Some of the questions allowed Olivier to realize that something called the Cult of Diabolos had been manipulating the whole world under the shadows.

When she thought that the cult supposedly worshipped Diabolos and wanted him to be reborn to take over the world once again, that thought was shattered with a mere clarification.

The cult actually was very connected with the people who made several experiments and harshly trained her, other than that, their descendants of this timeline were given a powerful curse from the cult itself.

And those who were afflicted with the curse were all purged and experimented.

This time, Lili had been attentively listening.

Several lines of words made her feel resentment, anger and several other emotions for those descendants who she didn't even meet.

It will motivate her in her future quest to utterly destroy them, no matter how long it took.

A question remained in Olivier's mind: How does he know about all this? Who really is he?

Silently sighing to herself, she decided to begin following Corneus with Lili beside her.

"So what do we need to do?"

"Fight against the Cult of Diabolos with me and your new allies, I guess."

"No, not that. What do we need to be while we fight the cult?"


The question made Corneus go silent while they walked to the path out of the basement.

"Be my maids, that will give you a good cover."

Olivier nodded in a rather dumbfounded manner.

"What is a maid?"

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