Bitter Work

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I got your letter almost a week ago and haven't had the chance to write back to you without Azula snooping over my shoulder. I told her that my mother asked that I write to them and to Tomtom, so hopefully that'll satisfy her for now. So far she doesn't suspect a thing, and I'm assuming you haven't told any of your allies about us. I haven't mentioned anything to Ty Lee, but she did bring you up the other night. Azula scoffed at the subject though. This mission, this hunt, it's all a game to Azula, a way to show off her power, to prove she's still who she thinks she is supposed to be. You should have seen how she took, losing to you at New Ozai. She sank her warship, blew a hole in the side of it in a fit of anger. She seems to be in denial about you being the avatar and not her and she's also been talking to herself... I don't know where your path will take you, Zuko, but wherever it takes you, I'll follow you every step of the way. Until then, I'll keep up the act, but I'll be waiting for the moment when I can finally join you and tell you all of this face-to-face.

Stay safe. And remember, no matter what happens, I love you.

- Mai

In the dead of night, Zuko reads the letter by the light of the dying campfire beside him. He had been awake for a long time by now, writing down his addled thoughts that plague him as he tries to rest. Calmly he pecks at the remains of his dinner, with still a few pieces of duck and morsels of rice left in his bowl. Reaching into his bag, he grabs an ink stick before freeing the pearl dagger from his hip and carving off a few shards of the ink into an ink well. He mixes it with a bit of water before grabbing the quill and dipping it into the ink. He pauses for a few moments, thinking about what to write before quietly writing up his response.


I believe Azula has some good in her, but she's been brainwashed by our father for her entire life. Sorry about wasting your time with the chase Azula forced you through in the tank a couple days ago. She probably got mad that she lost us so quickly, Uncle figured out how you all were tracking us and came up with the idea to create a fake trail with Appa's shedding in the opposite direction of where we were going. You have Aang to thank for that one, he wanted the excuse to fly with his glider staff again. He's been complaining about having to share it so often. I will let you know, the stories you heard about me are mostly true, aside from the obvious firenation propaganda parts. The siege on the north wasn't entirely won by me alone, the water tribesman and my group fought with all they had. It wasn't until Admiral Zhao tried to slay the moon spirit did I actually end the battle. Well... I say it was me but it was more like the avatar spirit and the ocean and moon spirits who did most of the work. I ask that you only return my letters whenever you can, I don't need nor want you to send me Azula's movements or plans. It will only make it harder for us to keep this a secret.

Hopefully Azula won't find us so soon again, but I now have an earthbending master. Maybe when we meet again, we can sneak off and spend some time together. The only person who knows about you and me is my uncle. I'll keep up the act as well, but remember no matter what, I love you too.


With a little bit of airbending, Zuko dries the ink on the scroll before rolling it up and putting it into the tube that her letter arrived in. He gets up from his bedroll before walking over to where the messenger hawk is roosting before returning the scroll to its back. He instructs it to return the message causing it to fly off. Walking a few paces past the tree, he looks up at the night sky deep in thought, the moon just a small crescent in the sky. The valley they're in causes the winds to fall from the mountains and breeze past him. With a deep breath he feels tiredness begin to set in, but for a brief moment, he feels the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders. "You should get some rest." the voice of Katara says as she approaches him. "Toph said this was the perfect place to begin your training."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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