I finished packing and doing little things around the house before I headed out to my car. I could not wait to get to them. I was leaving a day early so I could be there an extra day. I soon got to the airport. I had already had dinner and was planning on sleeping so I did not stop to get any food. I did not like flying. I slept most of the flight but the last hour I was so excited so I kept myself busy with reading. Jet lag and early morning. It was almost two in the morning so I would not really get to see the family. At that point I really regretted getting that flight but I did not have too much of a choice. I grabbed a cab after landing and arrived at the house. It was simple, small, and cozy. I found my old key, if I knew my father I had no doubt that he had not changed the lock all these years and I was right. I quickly and quietly came in and locked the door behind me. I was greeted by a growling dog, I quickly turned on the entry light.

"Is that how you're going to greet me? After all these months?" I asked with a smile and held out my hand for him to sniff.

The old St Bernard sniffed me cautiously before his eyes went wide and he basically jumped in my arms. I crouched down to his level and gave him all the love and pets I could.

"Hi, Luke. I missed you too."

After a few minutes I stood up and grabbed my bags.

"We both need some sleep Luke, do you want to sleep in my room?" I asked.

He was quiet and followed me upstairs to my old room. I opened the door and turned on the light. Nothing had changed. It was still a light pink with things like butterflies on the walls. My bed had my old sheets but with a few stuffed animals taking over the entire bed. Mainly dogs. My shelves were more bare but still had little things from my childhood. I smiled and set my things down as I closed the door, turned off the light and got under the covers. Luke waited patiently until I patted the bed to call him up. He cuddled up and we both fell asleep quickly.

3RD Person perspective;
Abby had taken longer than sheI thought any of them would to realize that Luke was missing. Can you blame any of them? With the news and excitement consuming mine and the rest of the family's brains it was hard to notice anything new.

"Anyone seen Luke?" Abby asked.

Everyone looked back at her then looked around. "No" went around the room as everyone started to look at each other. Mom kept her eye on the stove so she wouldn't over cook the eggs as everyone went around the house looking around and calling his name. Lainie and Abby had made it upstairs. Abby had finished checking her room and as Lainie was checking their parents, Abby had decided to check Maris. She opened the door and turned on the light. She did not expect her to be there. Mari was sleeping in her bed with Luke just waking up from the light. Abby was so excited, don't get her wrong but the first thought that crossed her mind was...

"Oh crap, James." Abby and Lainie said at the same time. She had made her way to Abby's side and had spotted her.

James had come over a day before to hear the news from Abby and James sensed he'd be missing the announcement. The family was almost back to normal, of course there was still the big thing with a few people but it was pushed away from any conversation. James had been in contact for two years. He had ignored everyone he knew for the first two years after but he did contact his family in the third year, and had slowly begun contacting Maris side of the family two years ago.

Lainie called Luke out and Abby turned off the light and closed the door. We rushed downstairs with Luke following, slightly confused.

"Oh you found him." Mom said with a smile.

"Good. Where was he?" Dad asked.

James had walked into the room setting his eyes on Luke. Abby and Lainie turned to each other before both of us made eye contact with James.

"Maribelle is upstairs." Abby said quickly.

"Sleeping. Right now." Lainie stated.

"What? She wasn't supposed to be here yet?" Josh said, confused , looking at his brother.

"Well she's not." Lainie responded.

"Are you staying James?" Mom asked.

"I think it's best I dont." He said as he waved goodbye and walked to the front door with Josh following closely behind him.

"You're going to see her at the wedding, Josh. You can't keep hiding." Josh said to his brother.

"I know but I can for one more day." He said and then walked out, yelling goodbye one more time. "Oh and before I forget, congratulations to you two!" He yelled to Josh and Abby.

"Congratulations?" Both parents and Lainie questioned.

Mariabellas Perspective:

I woke up feeling very well rested. I looked over at my pink butterfly clock. 10:01. I noticed Luke wasn't with me the moment I sat up but I ignored it. I was still wearing my airport clothes and I figured they would be just fine to go say hi. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where everyone was. I quickly jumped into the room with my hands outstretched.

"Surprise!" I yell.

Everyone looks over to me with smiles and they all walk over to hug me. First off is Lainie as she came in fast yelling my name.

"Hey, how's my favorite little sis?" I ask as I reciprocate the hug.

"Missing her favorite sister." She says with a mischievous smile.

"I guess that means I'm not the favorite but I think we all already knew that." Abby said as she came up to hug me.

"Are you kidding me, Miss Golden child?"  I said laughing.

"Josh." I said, staring at him.

"Maribelle." He said as he stared back at me.

We stay like that for a few more seconds before we both break into smiles and hug. I then get a hug from both mom and dad.

"Practically suffocating me you two." I said.

Mom and dad released me and I was able to take a deep exaggerated breath.

"Well what do you expect, you never visit." Mom says with a little annoyance hidden under the playful tone of voice. I sent her a look in response.

"How are you sweetheart? When did you get in?" Dad asked.

"2am. Not fun but I feel very rested." I answer.

"Mari, I'm all for you coming down and I am so happy that you did but why did you not tell us you got a flight earlier?" Abby asked.

"It doesn't sound like it." I say laughing. "No, I just didn't want to wait another day to see my parents and sisters." "And Josh." I quickly added.

That day we enjoyed each other's company mostly. There were a few little errors needed to be run by Josh and Abby before tomorrow but other that I got to spend some well needed time with family. Last time I was there I was working on becoming myself and it was the first time they had seen me healing. A couple of them asked about it but mostly they just whispered about it. I don't know if they were talking about it now but I did not care so much. I was enjoying playing board games like Life with the family after dinner.

Five YearsWhere stories live. Discover now