I came in and found Aunt K and Lainie talking.

"Hey guys." I said as I walked up to them.

"Where did you go?" Aunt K asked.

"She followed Alica and then was followed by James into the hallway. Our dad went in but the boys have not come out yet." Lainie informed Aunt K.

"Keeping details on me?" I was surprised. Lainie nodded.

"Well there's your dad and James. What were they doing there? What were you doing there? "Aunt K asked. She already knew and she just wanted to hear me say it.

"I just needed to ask him about something." I said as I shrugged my shoulders. I don't know if I wanted Lainie to know anything until it was official- if it became official. What about after the wedding?

The rest of the wedding was fun, I got a few looks from dad watching me but I don't think he told mom which is nice -at least for right now. I should fill Lainie and Abby in on the details but I didn't want to until I knew more. Besides Abby needs to enjoy this wedding and I want the focus to stay all on her. This is her day. It was getting late and some of the older family members were heading to bed. I saw James sitting at the bar, his grandpa Billy had just left and the seat next to him was open. I made my way over and sat down.

"Drinking away the sorrows of your mistakes?" I asked. James turned his head with a little smile of amusement.

"Not very funny. No, I am tired but I want to make sure I'm one of the last ones to leave." James looked tired but he was sweet.

"I'm not sure drinking is the way to stay awake." I say with a chuckle.

"You're probably right." He said as he took the last sip and set it down on the bar table. "Your dad still watching me?"

"No, he left a few minutes ago." I answered.

"Good. I love your dad but he gave me a whole speech and he sounded mad at me. That hasn't happened in a while." James added a laugh.

"Yeah I remember those..." I said laughing. As I tried to stop laughing, I just started laughing more and more.

"What?" He asked.

I looked over at him and started laughing more.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded before I started laughing again.

"What is so funny?" He asked as he was looking around.

"No, no, nothing here. I'm just thinking about the 'accident'." I said with quotations.

"Oh" he said as he started to laugh. "That was an accident." He said as seriously as he could as he laughed.

"Oh yeah? Tell that to the smirk you had right before you did it."

"I was just trying to get a rise out of you. You're the one who distracted me." He said trying to prove his innocence.

James was 15 and I was 12. It was a hot summer day and we were in the coolest room in the house. We were living in our little country house (that was way too close to the city for me to classify it as a country house) before we moved into the city. James was holding onto one of my dads prized possessions and he was staring at me with his same mischievous smirk. I knew it was an accident, he thought his hand was over the couch enough so when he dropped it, it wouldn't break but he miscalculated and it dropped on the floor. It shattered and made a loud noise so my dad came in. He banned James from seeing me for almost a whole month.

"Yeah, yeah, I believed you a while ago. I know it was an accident." I commented.

"What!" James yelled almost too loudly. "You actually believe me? You knew and still tormented me!"

"I'm sorry- kinda. It was just too easy, I mean look at you."

"You are terrible"

"I know but does it make you feel better to know I was miserable?"

"Not really, you weren't the only one miserable. I was just surprised your dad didn't catch me when I snuck in."

"He never did but that's because mom made sure of it."

"I love your mom, haha. What did you two do anyway?"

"Mom distracted dad, she let me leave the door closed, she kept dad away from the room and she was the one to actually convince dad to let you come back." We both sat there laughing about things like that until Lainie came over.

"Hey love birds." James looked over to me with a confused glance. I didn't say anything, nor did she see anything. "-Everyone else is heading out but Abby would like anyone open to it to stay and help clean up a little."

"You got it Lainie but love birds?" James questioned.

"Oh kay then 'not' love birds but you look pretty happy over here." Lainie said with a smile.

"Okay then Lainie, thank you. We will find Abby." I said and showed her away. She walked away with a smile and a laugh.

"Always a delight." James said laughing.

"Yup. You helping?" I asked.
"Yes. You?" He asked.

"Of course."

"Perfect. I will be the best help." He said with a mischievous smirk. I rolled my eyes in amusement.

We found Abby and figured out what we needed to do. We first helped with the tables, seeing as though the workers had started on that too.

"You wanna race?" James said as he was leaning in front of his table. I walked around mine which was just in front of him and leaned against the side like he was.

"Sure but don't feel too bad when you lose."

"Just you wait and see."

We walked on the opposite sides of the tables, still facing each other. We were both bent over and ready.

"Cocky much?" Aunt K mentioned as she walked up.

"Too much?" I asked.

"Nah, I think he thinks it's cute but you know him best." She says quietly as she passes me.

"3... 2... 1... GO!" We spoke at the same time.

We both quickly grabbed whatever was in front of us. James filled his hands up from what was in the closet and I grabbed what I could as I went the long way around the table. As I got closer I was able to run to the water buckets which saved me time. I had grabbed my last few pieces of silverware as James grabbed his last few plates. We made eye contact and ran for it. I could have sworn that I beat him but he could say the same. We made it to the buckets and had the last piece in at about the same time but neither one of us could be a good judge of who won.

"I won," James said quickly.

"Oh please." I commented.

"Oh yeah?" He said as he took a step back and looked toward Lainie.

"Lainie, who won?" He asked as he looked back at me.

"Uh I couldn't tell you, but I can say you both did wonderful and definitely beat the workers." She answered.

"Ugg, you're no help." James sighed.

"Oh second thought, I think Mari got their first." She said with a playful smile and her tongue sticking out after.

"See, ha!" I took advantage of it, I would claim it.

"Nuh nuh, she was messing with me, you can't take that as a win." James protested as he stepped closer.

"I think I can and will." I press as I then move closer.

"You can try but it won't count."

"Watch me." I said with a smirk as I realized how close we were.

No. Maribella not yet, it's too unsure. I wanted to, every part of me wanted to. I was enjoying being around him, being his friend, talking to him,... kissing him, but I couldn't. What about after the wedding? What happens after each of us goes home?

"Mari..." I heard Abby call. I quickly turn to her, she's looking at me with confusion.

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