"Yes." I say as I get to her side.

"First, what was that?" She asks.

"Ugh, James being James." Not what she wanted.

"Yeah? What has been going on between you too?"

"I will tell you after your honeymoon."


"Because honestly there's a lot. This is your night and you already have spent way too much time thinking about me this week."

"Fine but I want to know as soon as I get home."

"You bet. Now what did you need help with?"

"Oh nothing. You guys can head back to your rooms."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, everyones tired, go."

I gave Abby a hug and not the most appropriate comment before I grabbed my stuff. James quickly followed me out.

"Are you upset with me? I mean if it really means that much to you then you can have the win." James said, confused.

"It's not about the win, I say we call that a tie." I said with a smile as we got to the elevador.

"Then what is it?" He asked.


"Mari please. I know it's something I did."

"No, it's not actually."

"Well it's something to do with me so what is it?"

"James, not in the evlador."

"But we are going to talk about it?"




James nodded and we waited till we got to our rooms. James followed me inside mine as I put my bag on the chair.

"James..." I started as I faced the chair.

"Yeah?" I could hear that he was right behind me.

"What happens after tomorrow?"

"I don't know yet..."
"That's what's wrong. I don't know what I'm going to do. We already started this, so what am I supposed to do?" I asked desperately. I needed an answer.

"I can visit, you can visit, we can call, we can text, we have ways of seeing each other." James suggested.

"Are you going to actually communicate and maybe pick up my calls this time?" I asked, okay with his previous answer.

"Yes, every single one of them." He answers with a little smile on my face.


We were quiet, just watching each other. Standing so close, and we wanted to change that. We leaned in and kissed each other, closing that space in between. Hands in the hair, on the chest and on the waist, a kiss of passion from waiting so long. They might not have realized it -or at least Maribella didn't- but they were loving each other from afar, wanting each other, hoping their lips would connect that whole time.

"J..." She said as they broke, their noses still touching lips an inch away. I haven't called him J for way too long... I missed being called Bella, I missed calling him J.

"Bella" James

"I love you" I whispered.

"And I'm in love with you..." James whispered back.

We filled the space inbetween again. That night we just cuddled next to each other and we both fell asleep quickly. In the morning I was still filled with worry and nervousness, I mean who wouldn't. I read the clock on the wall and we still had an hour and thirty minutes before we had to be ready downstairs to say goodbye to everyone including the married couple. I could feel James wake up and he moved around slightly and inhaled a big breath of air. He was quiet, I could feel him just watching me. He started to play with my hair which just gave me goosebumps. After a few minutes I turned to look up at him.

Five YearsWhere stories live. Discover now