"Would you like to dance?" Someone said as they came up behind me. I turn around and it's James with his hand extended.

"Maybe you should ask Alica." I said as I started to scan around for her.

"She-" James tried when someone began pulling him away.

I couldn't find Alica, until I did but she was leaving. I quickly ran up behind her to catch up.

"Alica, wait!" I said as we were now in the hallway outside the wedding.

She turned around with tears streaming down her face. I quickly ran up to her as she let out a hurt, amused sigh and wiped her tears.

"Are you okay?" I ask concerned.

"Really? What kind of question is that? Look I tried to ignore the small hints in the beginning and I did and things were going good but I had no idea just how seeing you would end the relationship. I had no idea what you two were but it is more than I will and could ever even imagine having. I tried to be nice, I tried to leave it and trust James but you two couldn't keep your hands off each other or should I say eyes? I should have just let you two kiss last night, maybe I should have just left then."

"What? I- Im confused."

"Oh come on Maribella. James and I just broke up because you two are the definition of love. Now you two can have each other as soon as I get to the elevator, just make sure it waits until the doors are closed. Seriously, I mean it. A big part of me can't be mad but don't rub it in." Alica didn't even wait for a response; she just got into the elevator.

I ran up to the doors before they closed. "I'm sorry Alica, I really am." I let the doors close and she was gone. I can't believe it. I feel so terrible for what I did, I did this and it isn't fair. James walked over.

"What are you doing over here?" He asked.

"DId you really break up with Alica at a wedding?" I asked. upset.

"No, she did."

"What on earth James!"

"I know but come here." He said as he took my hand to the corner nook in the wall. Here nobody could see through the glass door. "Now I can tell you why I left." He sounded nervous as he got close and quiet. I would finally get to know.

"Why?" I asked quietly. I was scared.

"Bella, you mean so much to me. You always have. I need you, I can't breathe without you, I am miserable- it's torture. It was torture being without you for those five years but I had to. I couldn't keep being your best friend when I- I... when I love you with everything I have. I couldn't be there when you were engaged to Max. I couldn't watch you be so happy when I want that with you. I couldn't watch him love you for the rest of your life. I thought about telling you so many times but that would mess everything up. It would destroy your relationship with him and I couldn't do that to you. I was scared of ruining our relationship and I didn't know what else to do. I thought it would be better, that with Max you would be okay. With your family, you would heal in a few months. I am so sorry for doing that to you. I can't tell you how sorry I am. I never want to break you, hurt you like that. I didn't want to in the first place and I would never do it again. Maribelle Frea Harbor, I love you and that's why I made the worst decision in my life to leave you."

Sometime as he was talking my back hit the wall. He- he loved me? James- my James loved me? He actually did, all these years. I was quiet. I had so many thoughts racing faster than they ever had of questions but all ending in the fact that Jamrs loves me. He was waiting for me to talk. He was close and desperate, he was begging me to say something, anything.

"Bella? Bella, are you okay? Please say something." He begged.

"James... you have so much explaining to do." I said with a small smile escaping my mouth.

"I know I do." He says with a quiet laugh.

"James Martin Hart, I have loved you for eight years. I loved you then and I love you now." I said with a smile on my face.

James looked down at me with a smile that could light New York. He was in disbelief and took a minute to register what I said before he placed his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. A kiss that took way too long to happen. I quickly melted into the kiss as we moved in perfect harmony. My heart explodes with joy as the kiss becomes more passionate. He brought his other hand to my check as I put my hands on his chest. We were forced to break our kiss as we ran out of air.

"Thank you for waiting, Bella. I've been waiting for that." James said. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah."

I heard a cough. Both me and James broke apart and looked  over to see my dad staring at us.

"Hi dad." I said awkwardly while James smiled and waved.

"You two should get back to the party before more people notice you're missing." Dad suggested.

"Good idea..." I said as I started on my walk of shame toward the doors.

I looked back and Dad had stopped James. Great.

Five YearsWhere stories live. Discover now