I headed toward Abby to have her take a look.

"Wow, you look more beautiful than words can describe Abby! I can't wait to see you on your wedding day!" I say as I walk into the bridal suit.

Abby was standing on a circular platform in front of the mirrors as a few of the worker girls were adjusting things. She turns to me and I watch as the workers turn with her. Abby apologies to them before she turns to me.

"Thank you. I love that dress on you! You look stunning Mari." Abby comments. "Are you going with that one?"

"Yes but I wanted to check with you first though."

"I think it's perfect and it's not going to be similar to the others, which is exactly what I wanted. Not something I thought you would pick though." Abby answered.

"Same but I thought it was pretty so I tried it on. I really like it."

"Perfect, then go check out. I think almost everyone is done and so will my dress."

I headed back to the changing room to take off the dress. I went to the register to pay for the dress. Before she put it in the box I asked her to check the zipper. While she did that I found my way over to James who was sitting on the couch. He looked up from his phone and gave me a small smile as I sat down.

"Whacha doing?" I asked.

"Nothing. Are you getting the dress?" James asked as he put away his phone.

"Yeah, I'm having them check the zipper right now."

"Good but just so you know, if you need help I'm only a few doors away." Being funny now James?

"I will keep that in mind."

What was I doing? Why do I miss him? Why can't I just hate him?

"How's your book going?" He asked.

"Finished it but you knew that." I said with a nervous chuckle.

"Why did you say you haven't finished it?"

"It doesn't matter-" James interrupted me.

"Yes it does."

"I just haven't found a publisher." Yeah Mari, a little hard when you're not even looking. "How's the girlfriend?" I asked as I was wishing we could change the subject. Why I chose the girlfriend, I don't know.

"Uh she... she's good."

"How did you guys meet?"

"Pastry shop."

"That's cute."


"How's Luke doing?"

"He's a perfect boy. Still acting like a puppy even in his old age." I laughed.

"I bet." James laughed too.

We spent the rest of the time laughing about things like Luke. When we finally got to our hotel Abby and Aunt K pulled me aside.

"Are you okay?" Aunt K asked.

"What is happening?" Abby asked.

"We are just talking. Nothing crazy. I think I'm okay." No I don't think I am. So many conflict feelings are simmering but I don't want to stop. "I'm going to spend the hour we have to touch up my makeup, write, I'm not sure but something before lunch."

"Okay." Abby said.

As soon as I walked away I knew they were talking about me. Who else? But I didn't care too much right now. The rest of the day was very chill and calm. We spent the rest of the day going to tourist places and taking lots of pictures. We stopped at a nice food stall to get some lunch before we continued on. When we got back to the hotel, everyone took a few hours before we got some dinner. Dinner wasn't anything crazy and I was actually making eye contact and talking to him. I think everyone was slightly freaked out but it quickly started feeling like old times. That's bad, that's bad right? I can't go through it again, he cant make me miss him and then leave me again. No. Stop it Mari. Pull away. After dinner we all headed to our rooms. James must have felt or noticed the pull because he stopped by my hotel.

Five YearsWhere stories live. Discover now