good times at the mall.....not

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Cierra pov

After leaving Malakai's house I went home and showered. Afterwards I did my makeup and straightened my hair. We had plans to go to the mall in an hour.

My mom made me a sandwich for lunch that I was forced to eat before I went to the mall. After finishing my mom gave me 30 bucks to spend at the mall.

Soon Will pulled up to my house, I heard his engine from down the street so I was already outside. Will was the only one of us that had a license and a car so he pretty much took us everywhere. When I got in everyone was already in there, I was the furthest house away but I was the closest to the mall. I jumped in the back where Alex and Malakai where sitting. Taylor of course always got shot gun for being Will's boyfriend. I was squished between the side of the car and Alex, most people would hate this but I was loving it.

Taylor played dj and put on 5 seconds of summer, the lead singer was Taylor's future husband according to him.

Soon we were at the mall, I got out of the car and offered my hand to Alex to help her out. She took it and my whole body went numb. I think she noticed because she giggled at me after getting out. Malakai started getting out,

"What your not gonna help me out too" he said in a sarcastic voice.
"Nope" I said before trotting off.

I noticed that alex stopped dead in her tracks, I looked up to see why and there was Bri holding hands with some guy. I could feel the heat radiate off of Alex before she turned to walk through a different entrance before Malakai saw her.

Once we were inside we headed straight for HOT TOPIC, it was all of our favorite store. After spending a good 15 minutes in there, we were all ready to pay. I got a sleeping with sirens bracelet and a three days of grace shirt, Alex got some black ripped stockings a of mice and men necklace, Malakai got a Korn T-shirt, Will got a studded belt, and Taylor got a pierce the veil bracelet and some black eyeliner.

After that we had all pretty much spent all our money so we window shopped for a while then got some food With the rest of our money.

After a while Will and Taylor disappeared, probably making out some where, and Malakai stepped outside to smoke a cigarette. It was just me and Alex. We decided to head to zumez, because I needed some new grip tape for my board. Afterwards I was complaining about walking, so Alex kneeled and motioned me to get on her back. I was hesitant at first but then I jumped on. She carried me as if I weighed nothing. We walked the mall and just talked. She was just so God damn beautiful and funny and just amazing. We decided to go look for Malakai outside. Once we got to the double doors I hit the handy cap button since Alex couldn't open the door. She was holding My legs up at her waste, her hands where at the bottom of my thighs which sent tingles up my spine. I never really let people touch me even my girlfriends, but I was so comfortable with her that I didn't care.

Once we got outside we saw Malakai and Bri fighting. Alex let go of me and I jumped off her back. Alex went and tried to get Malakai to walk away from her.

"Kai she's not worth it just walk away." Alex said.
I had never heard anyone call him kai so I'm guessing it's an Alex and Malakai thing. Malakai walked away from Bri without another word. It wasn't till then that I noticed the guy Bri came with was bleeding from his nose. Malakai must've punched him.

I called Will we needed to get out of there before things got worse.

" Hello" he answered out of breath.
"Come get us now we're in the front of the mall." i hung up before he answered.

"Get the hell out of here Bri" Alex hissed.
"Fine then I don't need you assholes anyway."She threw back.
"Good, stay the hell away from us you back stabbing slut." Alex yelled.

Wills black mustang pulled up and Taylor jumped out so we could get in. I touched Alex's shoulder,she was still starting at Bri. She turrned and got into the car. I got in after her and as Taylor was closing the door Bri yelled at me

"Hey newbie you better watch your back, I know you've been sleeping over at Malakai's house.Well I guess you wouldn't call it sleeping but more like fucking."She said before walking away.

What the hell, I wasn't hooking up with Malakai I dont like him and I'm gay!

After pulling out of the mall parking lot Taylor asked what the hell happened and we told him and Will everything.

Soon we were at my house, as was getting out I decided to lighten up the mood
" Hey Malakai you want to come in? Apparently I'm not gay and we've been fucking each other." I said sarcastically. We all busted into laughter. I smiled at Alex before saying bye to everyone. They pulled out of my drive way and drove off, but I could still hear the engine when I got inside.

This one is for XxTheEMOionalOnexX

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