unexpectedly guest

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Cierras pov

School starts tomorrow and I have no idea what I'm going to do. Me and Malakai kissed and I don't know what I'm going to tell people tomorrow, what I'm going to tell Alex.

I heard the door bell ring, I didn't care much untill I heard a familiar voice ask my mom if I was here. There was a knock on my door, "come in"
And you wouldn't believe who stepped into my room.
"Ugh hey Cierra. I ughh I didn't mean to just show up unexpectedly, but you told me I could come over whenever and that you'd always be there for me. I know we haven't talked in a while but I really miss you and I really need you right now." With that she burst into tears. I wrapped my arms around her. I sat with her on my floor as she cried into my shoulder.
"Shhh it's ok please don't cry.................................................... What's wrong? ..................... .....I can't help if you won't talk to me, what's up?
She just kept sobbing, she tried to tell me but her words were choked up. I pulled her head to my shoulder letting her know she didn't have to say anything till she's ready. I don't know what's wrong but it has to be really bad if she's crying this bad.
"Derek he.... We..... I...." And sobs flooded back in.
"Calm down take a deep breath."After doing so she nodded at me. "Now tell me what happened."
"Well the night of the party I decided to go to Derek's house. I knew his parents were out of town and we could be alone. When I got there everything was fine, we watched a movie and made out. But then he started taking off my clothes." She started crying again. "Shhh it's ok, breath, try to calm down." I told her.
"W-well then I told him that I d-didn't want to, I wasn't ready and I wanted to wait. B-but then he said he was done waiting and he would leave me if I didn't...if I didn't." She took a deep breath to prepare her self for what she was about to say. "If I didn't sleep with him. I didn't know what to say to him so I didn't say anything, he started yelling at me and told me he couldn't wait forever and he was done and I needed to get out of his house. S-so I ....I .... I apologized and I told him I was ready and I-I....had sex with him, even though I wasn't ready. I am so ashamed and disgusted with myself. Then this morning he called me and said he had been cheating on me and that he had better sex with her and that he was leaving me for her." She couldn't hold the tears back any longer and I didn't blame her, what Derek did to her was horrible and he was going to pay for this.

After I had callmed her down and got her to quit crying I popped some pop corn and put in a movie. She couldn't stay the night because there was school tomorrow and I was so called grounded Which my mom already forgot about.
"I'll see you tomorrow at school ok, don't waste another tear on him. He is an asshole and he is going to get what he deserves." She nodded then hugged me and left.

Ok so here's another chapter...I know it's short but I'll b updating a knew part in the next couple of days. Who do you think it is that showed up at Cierra's house let me know in the comments. If you look in older chapters it talks about Derek and who he's dating. So there's a little challenge for you. Vote and comment(:

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