welcome to hell

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The characters are in the picture above^^ click to view full image thankkks

It took me about 10 minutes to skate to school, class didn't start for another 8 minutes so I went to the office to get my schedule.
2-year book
5-social studies
9- french
Advisory was only 10 minutes so I really didn't consider it a class, but for the most part liked my schedule. I walked to all of my classes making sure I remembered where they were. I walked to my locker and put my books in. Then the bell rang.I headed to my first class which wasn't far from my locker. I was the first one there, I took a seat near the back and settled in.

Soon students started flooding in. Some of the preps gave me dirty looks and snarled at me and some people didn't even notice me. No one sat next to me or in front of me which I was fine with, I liked being alone. The bell rang and a couple seconds after two kids came running in.
"Why are you late?" The teacher scolded.
"We got lost" they said in unison.
"Mmhm take a seat"the teacher replied.

They started making there way towards me, I figured it was just because it was last two empty seats next to each other. The girl had jet black straight hair with purple extensions. She was wearing a pierce the veil shirt and some black skinny jeans along with some band bracelets and a nose piercing. She was truly gorgeous, and I could barely breath. The boy who walked behind her, I'm guessing was her boyfriend or something, had dark blue hair, an escape the fate shirt on and some purple skinny jeans, he didn't have any piercings but he had stretched lobes. The boy sat in front of me and the girl sat next to me. I nervously sat there trying not to stare at her, but I couldn't help it she was so prefect and beautiful. I guess she saw me looking cause she waved at me
"Hi I'm Alexandria but everyone calls me Alex, and that's Malakai." she pointed to the boy in front of me, as he waved to me.
"Hi I'm Cierra" I barely choked out.
The rest of the class went uneventful.

Soon enough it was lunch I plopped down next to my best friend Zoe and her boyfriend Derek, we haven't spent much time together since they started daiting. I am happy for her I just wish she hadn't just forgot about me. I didn't ask her to pick me up this morning because I knew Derek probably already picked her up. Zoe broke away from her and Derek's conversation to say hi to me and give me a quick hug. But then returned to him. I didn't bother grabbing lunch so I just sat there and listened to there conversation that soon turned into making out. I saw Alex and Malakai sitting at a table not to far away with some other people so I decided to sit with them.

"Hi Alex...ugh can I sit with you guys?" I barely managed to say.

"Yeah of course, guys this is Cierra. Cierra this is Taylor,Bri,will and you already know Malakai."

"Hi" we all said in unison and laughed.

Taylor was a scrawny little blonde boy with blue and pink highlights, he was daiting Will who had black hair, snake bites, and was really tall. Then there was Bri who had red and black hair, spider bite piercing, and bright green eyes, she and Malakai had been daiting on and off for a year or so.
Another guy with brown hair and orange tips, tall and fit with a tattoo on his arm that said only God can judge me, sat down next to Bri and started making out with her.
"That's Ridder, Bri's boyfriend for the week." Alex said through clenched teeth. Bri pulled away from the kiss and yelled at Alex, telling her to shut up. Malakai's face turned red from anger and sadness. Alex got up and grabbed Malakai's arm pulling him away from the table. I got up and followed.

"What was that all about" I asked
"Sorry it's just Bri likes to purposely hurt Malakai, and I had to get him out of there before he pounded Ridders face."

Malakai still looked pissed but he was calming down, we sat in silence until the bell rang.

It turns out I have Bri and Alex for 5th period. Alex and Bri had an argument during class to which ended in Alex leaving her seat next to Bri and plopping down next to me. God I couldn't even breath and I'm sure I'll make a mistake I thought to myself, I haven't even known her for a day and I've completely fallen for her "great" I muttered to myself.
"What" she replied
"O oh um n nothing" I stutter out
"Ok" she said with a little smile.

The rest of school past by and soon enough it was over. I learned that I had Alex for 1st 4th 5th and 7th period, which I was super excited for. I thought about Alex while I skated home, I thought about her perfect smile, her beautiful hair, her piercing blue eyes. I wondered if she thought about me then shook the thought from my head, no one would ever like me and I'm pretty sure she's straight any ways. But I still couldn't stop thinking about her, no matter how hard I tried.
"God, I've go it bad" I whispered to myself.

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