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Cierra pov

"Round and round like a horse on a carousel, we go,
will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know,
chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I,
feel like I'm glued on tight to this carousel"
My phone started ringing carousel by Melanie Martinez, I quickly jumped up and frantically looked for my phone because that ringtone was specially set for Alex's calls.

"Hey Alex what's up?" I answered.
"Hey I was just ughh wondering if you wanted to hangout today?" She asked.
I decided I was going to play hard to get.
"Sorry Alex im busy all day" I replied.
"Oh ok that's fine" she said a little sad.
Fuck hard to get.
"Maybe you could come stay the night at my house though if you want" I said
" Oh that sounds great, let me ask my dad and I'll get back to you later." She said excitedly.
"Ok bye" I said
"Bye" she choked out.

I couldn't believe it, Alex was staying the night at my house. My heart pounded through my chest and I could no longer breath. I ran downstairs to tell my mom I was having a friend over.when I got back I realized I had to clean because my room was a mess. I ripped off my bed sheets and threw them in the washer. Then I put all my clothes away and the dirty ones in my laundry basket. I vacuumed my floor about three times, I wanted everything to be perfect.I heard my washer beeping so I went and put my sheets in the dryer.

While waiting for my sheets to dry I decided to take a shower. Afterwards I redid my makeup and hair and changed into my paramour shirt and some small ass shorts. By the time I was done my sheets were dry. I put them back on my bed a neatly arranged the pillows.

It was 5 and I still had an hour untill Alex got here. I decided to put even more purfume and deodorant on bacause I felt that you could never have to much. I kept checking the clock as time slowly dragged on. I had no idea what to do to occupied myself.

Oh god what if I Fuck things up, what if she gets bored, what if she finds out I like her, what if she doesn't like me back, I tried to shake the thoughthts from my head.I walked or should I say paced around my room until I heard the door bell. I ran down the stairs and screamed I'll get it. I opened up the door and there was Alex, her smile lighting up the door way and her beautiful eyes lighting up the whole room.
"Hi Alex, come in." I finally said.

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