5. Rinse and repeat.

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"So, you're telling me, that you were in the army for twenty-five years? How old even are you?" Eliza furrowed her eyebrows up at Abraham as they walked. They'd been on the move for a couple of days now.

"I don't know, forty-seven or forty-eight. Something around that," Abraham sighed.

"That's old," Eliza widened her eyes. "Maybe you should just tell people forty-five," Eliza thought that forty-five didn't sound as old as forty-eight. Even if it was only three years.

"I don't think anyone cares about how old I am anymore," Abraham chuckled. "Besides, I'm still just as strong as I was twenty years ago."

"Pft," Eliza waved her hand. "Dream on, old man."

They continued to walk for a small while. The only sounds being their boots crunching on the sticks and leaves. Until there was another voice. "Help! Help, anybody! Help!"

"Dad, come on," Carl whipped his head around to look at Rick. "Come on!" He insisted, so everybody started to run towards the voice.

There was a man on top of a rock, walkers surrounding him. Daryl, Carl and Carol killed them whilst the man hyperventilated and cried.

"We're clear, keep watch," Rick told them, so some of them, like Sasha and Bob, stayed in the distance to watch for any potential walkers or dangers. "Come on down," Rick waved his hand towards him.

Slowly, the man climbed down off the rock. "You okay?" Rick tilted his head. The man held up a finger and then leaned over, puking. Eliza shut her eyes and Carl grimaced.

"Sorry," he whispered, wiping his mouth. He then stood up straight and looked at Rick. "Yes. Thank you. I'm Gabriel."

"Do you have any weapons on you?" Rick looked the man up and down, barely letting him finish his sentence.

Gabriel started to laugh as if it was a joke and look around at everyone else. But they weren't laughing with him, they were just giving him narrowed eyes or a tilt of the head.

"Do I look like I would have any weapons?" Gabriel's voice wobbled and he held his hands out to his sides.

"We don't give two short and curlies what it looks like," Abraham also tilted his head. Eliza didn't know what that meant, but Abraham had a funny way of speaking and she didn't know what he actually meant half of the time anyway.

"I have no weapons of any kind," Gabriel raised his voice slightly. "The word of God is the only protection I need."

"Sure didn't look like it," Daryl grumbled and tilted his head.

Gabriel smiled nervously at him. "I called for help. Help came," everyone just looked at him for a moment and he looked back at everyone else. Then, he turned to Rick. "Do you have any food? Whatever I...I had left, it just hit the ground."

"We've got some pecans," Carl offered his hand
out with a few small pieces of food. It wasn't much, but it was really all they had.

Gabriel took them slowly. "Thank you."

Judith started to coo from Tyreese's arms and Gabriel looked at her. "That's a beautiful child."

Despite only knowing her for a couple of days, Eliza took a protective step towards Gabriel to shield the young baby alongside the rest of the group.

Gabriel looked down for a moment and then back up at Rick. "Do you have a camp?"

"No. Do you?" Rick tilted his head and raised his eyebrows up.

Gabriel sighed nervously. "I have a church."

"Hold your hands above your head," Rick sighed. Eliza couldn't tell if Gabriel was just putting on an act that he was scared, or if he actually was scared. Gabriel slowly held his hands up, holding the pecans in one hand and the other one empty.

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