13. Stupid new friends.

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"Hi, Eliza. How are you?" Carl sat down next to her, taking a pen out of his pocket and laying it on the desk. They had to do school every afternoon Monday to Friday, it wasn't as bad as school before where it lasted all day, plus, there was only five kids in the class according to Deanna.

Eliza was getting fed up with people asking how she was, she was doing just fine. Sure, they were just checking up on her, but hearing everyone say it every time they saw her and looking at her like she was going to drop dead any minute wasn't a great feeling.

"I'm fine."

"That's good. We were all really worried about you," Carl added and Eliza just nodded.

Enid walked through the door with two other boys and Eliza shifted in her seat, straightening her back.

"That's Enid," Carl pointed to the girl Eliza already knew the name of. "That's Ron," he pointed to the boy with light brown hair, and then to the one with dark brown hair. "And that's Mikey."

"Okay, cool," Eliza found it awkward when speaking to Carl. He acted like they'd known each other for years, but they'd only spoken a couple of times. And now that Eliza knew he liked her, it was just even more awkward.

Ashley, the teacher at Alexandria, came into the garage about fifteen minutes later and started to teach some algebra. The class usually only lasted about two and a half hours, so it was over pretty quickly.

Eliza was leaving to go back to the house. She didn't know that before she moved in, there was more than just Abraham and Rosita living there. There was Tara, Noah, Eugene, Glenn, Maggie and Sasha as well. It was pretty crowded, to say the least. But there was only two houses between the entire group.

"Hey, Eliza," Enid caught up to her. "Your dad said that I'm coming over for a sleepover tonight, he said you need friends or something like that," she shrugged.

"My- oh, Abraham," Eliza rolled her eyes and then furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh, okay. Yeah. Um, see you then," she walked away with her head down. Why was everything she did so embarrassing?


"Abraham!" She yelled as she walked through the front door. He was in the kitchen routing through the fridge, probably for a beer.

"Yeah?" He turned around.

"Why the hell would you invite Enid over for a sleepover? I don't need friends here! I'm perfectly fine," Eliza rolled her eyes and crossed her right arm over to cover her what was remaining of her left.

"Because you do need friends here, we ain't leaving. What's the problem, anyway?" Abraham shook his head and raised an eyebrow.

"Well- because-"

"Well- because-" Abraham copied the stuttering girl, making her mouth open slightly in offence and shock. "Because what?"

"You can't be mean to me," Eliza scowled. "I only have one arm."

"You sure as shit can't keep pulling that card every time there's an inconvenience," Abraham raised both of his eyebrows this time.

"I can," Eliza protested. "You're not my dad, you know? If I want friends, I'll make some. I don't need you to be doing that for me."

Abraham looked down for a moment and then back up. "I hope you ain't being ungrateful, Eliza Evans. You don't remember who was the one that carried your passed out ass when you got bit?" He tilted his head.

"No, actually," Eliza shook her head. "I was unconscious."

Abraham sighed and rubbed his face. "Listen, I'm only tryna help you out, make shit easier for you here."

Eliza was fourteen. She could make her own decisions. Even if Abraham was only trying to help, it was still annoying. Now she was going to have to make small talk with Enid for an entire night, and she'd probably feel embarrassed and her face would be red the entire time.

"Whatever," Eliza rolled her eyes and walked back out of the house, she didn't have a clue where she was going to go, but she was frustrated with Abraham, so she was going somewhere else.

Yes, she knew that they weren't going to leave. Rick and everyone else had already made their minds up, but it was so stupid that Eliza had to make stupid new friends in this stupid town.

She walked into the church, expecting it to be empty. "Ah, Eliza. Have you come to pray for your...um...injuries?" Gabriel asked, his hands clasped together.

"Oh, fuck off, Gabriel. Do you think me hoping my arm will come back will just mean that it'll grow back? Have you been living under a rock?" Eliza snapped. Ironically, they had found him screaming on top of a rock when they first met him.

"Well- I- um-" Gabriel stuttered with a nervous smile.

"Be quiet for once in your life," Eliza huffed and sat down.

She was thinking about coach Smith, what would he think? She probably wouldn't be able to play soccer anymore, and if she could it would be really hard. Soccer was supposed to be the least of her concerns in this world, but she missed it when after a good game, coach Smith would get them ice cream.

Eliza remembered the time that one of her mom's weird boyfriends showed up. Coach Smith had let her sit that game out and then spoke to her about it afterwards since he'd noticed her acting off. He would never admit it, but he had a favouritism towards her since he was close with the family.


When Eliza finally went back to the house, she was cleaning everywhere. Fluffing up the pillows on the couch, making sure her bed sheets were straight, making sure nothing was dusty, checking that there was no dishes left out. Everything. Everything had to be perfect, this couldn't go wrong because then Abraham would be disappointed and he'd just make more attempts to make her make friends.

"Don't embarrass me," Eliza turned her head to Abraham who sat on the couch. "Where's Rosita?"

"She's out with Sasha and Michonne, besides, how would I embarrass you?" Abraham chuckled.

"Just don't say anything, be quiet, pretend that you don't exist," Eliza panicked.

"Jeez, you're stressed, girl," Abraham laughed slightly.

Eliza rolled her eyes and before she could say anything, there was a knock at the door. "Okay, don't embarrass me," she stood up, glaring at Abraham and moving towards the front door. She opened it to Enid standing there with a backpack on. "Hi."


sorry if this chapter was bad I was rushing to get one out because I haven't updated in like forever

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