15. Feels different.

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"Breakfast in five, Eliza," Rosita called from downstairs. It had been a couple of days since that whole incident at the sleepover and it was safe to say that Rosita and Abraham weren't fully over Eliza getting drunk yet.

"Be there in a sec," Eliza yelled back, struggling to get her shirt over her head but determined to do it without any help. After a minute, she got it on as well as she could and then headed downstairs. "What are we having?"

"Toast," Abraham replied, making Eliza take a deep breath in.

"Can I skip breakfast today? I'm not that hungry, I'll have something later," Eliza asked. She thought it would get better, but she physically couldn't bring herself to eat. It was like her body had just forgotten how to do it because every time she had food in her mouth, she wanted to throw it back up.

"Nope. You skipped breakfast and dinner yesterday, you're gonna eat before school," Abraham said as he put the toast on a plate and pushed it towards Eliza.

"I don't wanna go to school today. It's boring and I don't learn shit," Eliza sighed, starting to break a small piece of toast off. In her mind, if she only ate small bites, it was less.

"You've gotta go," Rosita almost laughed, putting her mug down. "Deanna will yell at us if we don't make you go."

"Tell her my arm hurts," Eliza shrugged.

"I thought I told you to stop pulling that card," Abraham recalled one of their petty arguments from about a week ago. Eliza would always say things she'd regret and then start crying, it was pretty predictable at this point.

Eliza let out a small laugh and then started to eat a couple small bites of toast. It was difficult, but she managed to eat just under half of what she was given. Abraham tried to make her eat a little more, but she told him no.


"You don't have to go to school today," Rosita told Eliza as they walked down the street together. "We'll just...keep it a secret from Abraham, sound good?"

Eliza let out a laugh. "Sure. If Deanna even tried yell at him, he'd just yell back louder."

Rosita laughed again and the two carried on walking to the Grimes' house. Tara was in the infirmary since she was injured on a supply run. Noah didn't get to come back.

The house was all quiet when they first went in. Rick and Carl were both out, and Judith was probably being taken care of by someone or asleep. Rosita headed upstairs towards Michonne's room and Eliza followed her. She knocked on the door and then Michonne's voice came from inside.

"Come in."

Rosita opened the door and walked inside. "Hey," Eliza followed her and stood leaning against the wall.

"How is she?" Michonne asked, referring to Tara.

"Stable," Rosita confirmed. "Hanging on. I'm gonna go back there later," she sighed with her arms folded. "I think Sasha might have spent the night in the tower."

"Is she still up there?" Michonne asked, her face blank.

"Abraham's on watch now, but she hasn't been back and nobody's seen her," Rosita shook her head and shrugged.

Michonne quickly stood up, grabbing her jacket off the bed and rushing downstairs and out the door. Eliza quickly followed after them. This was definitely better than being at school.

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