11. Bit.

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Tyreese, too. It had been three weeks since Maggie's sister died. Glenn, Rick, Michonne and Noah, a boy that came from the hospital with Beth, went on a supply run. And Tyreese had gotten bit on his arm.

They had been travelling in a car, which was way too small for the sixteen of them, but, now, they had to get out because they'd ran out of gas. This was gonna be one long walk.

Eliza was walking next to Abraham. He'd actually started to be kind of nicer to her over the past couple of weeks. He wasn't that defensive over Eugene anymore and he actually acknowledged her presence. She still had the ripped shirt on though. It was embarrassing.

"It's too hot," Eliza complained, huffing. She was walking hunched over because it was too tiring to walk normally with the sun beating down.

"You need some water?" Abraham asked, he didn't take his eyes off the road up ahead.

Eliza swallowed to try and get rid of her dry throat. "No. We need to save it."

"We save it for when someone gets thirsty, you can have some," Abraham prompted her. "Go ask Tara, she has some in her bag."

Eliza shook her head again. "No. I'll be fine for a little while longer."

She kept on thinking that to herself.

I'll eat in an hour.

I'll eat later.

I'll eat tomorrow.

Nobody batted an eye. She stayed off to the side and didn't really say much while the group was eating. People didn't really notice her that way, or she'd just have a small piece and be done with it.

Eliza wiped her forehead. "Why am I still sweating when there's literally no water in me to sweat anymore? I haven't had a sip since yesterday."

"I dunno, kiddo," Abraham chuckled. "That's just how it works."


Daryl had split off from the group and walked away. He was struggling after losing Beth. Carol had followed him.

Eliza, Carl and most of the others had been instructed to stay on the other side of a bridge while Abraham, Rick, Michonne, Sasha, Glenn and Maggie went over to get rid of the walkers that were catching up to them. They were planning on pushing them down the hill, not killing them.

As they got closer, the group of six all stood in formation and as the walkers got close enough, they pushed them down underneath the bridge.

Eliza's mouth gaped open as she saw one of them. No. It couldn't be.

The same hair as her, except shorter and a little darker. The stomach ripped open. The eyes weren't a loving brown anymore, they were white and dead.

"Stop!" She yelled out, tears were running down her face. She didn't even know it. "Stop! Abe, stop it!"

They all turned around and took a few steps back so that the walkers wouldn't get to them. Eliza ran forward. She was in front of the group, and the walker was coming straight for her. Snarling and snapping it's jaw.

"No," she sobbed and brought her hands up to her hair, pulling on the roots. "No, no, no, no," she gasped for air.

"Eliza? What's wrong?" Abraham asked, but she wasn't listening. Her ears were just ringing, yet she could hear the growling so clearly.

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