16. Family.

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There was suddenly a loud smashing sound from inside the walls. Rick and Pete were in the middle of the street by the time Eliza and Abraham were leaning over the side of the guard tower. They kept punching each others faces.

"Beat his ass, Rick!" Eliza yelled. Abraham couldn't help but scoff a laugh.

It made Eliza's heart hurt when she saw Carl and Enid stood together, their hands brushing against one another.

Why couldn't that be her? Carl got everything. A girlfriend. A dad. A family. Everything Eliza wanted.

Neither Eliza nor Abraham could hear what Rick was saying, they could just see him raising a gun and yelling like an absolute maniac.

"We're the ones who live!" Rick yelled. Eliza and Abraham heard that, but that was the only part that they heard.

Eliza shook her head and turned to Abraham. "Whoever told me that Alexandria was peaceful is a liar."

"Damn right, girl," Abraham chuckled and Eliza scoffed a laugh. They both stopped and their eyes went wide when Michonne stepped up next to Rick and knocked him out cold.

Damn, that woman was cool as hell.


Before Eliza went out for a walk to see Tara, Abraham had told her not to make any snarky comments to anyone. Eliza hardly ever made snarky comments in her opinion, maybe to him, but not to anybody else.

It had gotten around pretty much the entire town that Pete was abusing his wife and kids. Eliza felt bad for them, even if Ron was annoying.

Coach Smith hated people who hurt other people. He'd always yell at the crowd if they boo'ed the soccer team, telling them to 'shut your goddamn mouths!'

Eliza saw Pete sitting on a porch, not at his usual house, he'd been put in another one.

"Don't make any stupid remarks."

"I won't."

"I mean it, Eliza Evans."

She couldn't help it. Eliza turned to look at Pete, stopping in on the path. "Y'know, you should really lay off hurting Jessie, Ron and Sam."

Pete tilted his head, sort of amused that a fourteen year old girl would have the courage to speak up to him. "You got something you wanna say to me?"

"I just said it," Eliza scowled.

Pete got up out of his chair, slowly walking towards Eliza. She tried not to act intimidated, but it did scare her a little. "I think you're forgetting who saved your life after you got here. You know, considering you let your dead dad infect you."

Eliza's face dropped.

It was her dad?

No. God, please, no.

She couldn't remember all the details. She'd forgotten the most important one, she couldn't remember it, but now she could see it. Maggie telling her to lay down, Rick getting his axe out, Abraham and Glenn holding her down. All of it. Now that Pete said it, it all came back to her.

Pete started laughing like this was funny to him. "Oh..." he continued to laugh. "Oh, you didn't know?"

"Yeah. At least I cried over my dead dad, your kids would probably throw a party," Eliza snapped back, speaking so quickly that she couldn't even stop what was coming out of her mouth before it was too late.

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