13. K&K (Stage 1)

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The next morning, the sun shone brightly in Kaira's room. Today was the day. She was finally going to get the copyrights of her and Khadoos 's dream jewellery brand, the K&K. She went towards the window and let the sunlight flow into the room. She was sure that if her khadoos remembered her, he would definitely remember the K&K. The sunlight that filled the room seemed to be dull infront of the hope that had filled her heart.

Kaira quickly freshened up and went downstairs. Completing her breakfast, she quickly went to the copyright office.

In the copyright office,

Kaira: Hello Mr Khankharia.  Its miss Kaira Goenka.

Khankharia: Hello Miss Kaira . I have read your tender and its quite impressive.

Kaira: Thank you sir. So when can I get my copyrights?

Khankharia: Miss Kaira, I don't want to disappoint you but there's a dispute with regards to this name. The thing is that, a gentleman had applied for the copyrights of the same name , that too for his jewellery brand.

Kaira: But sir, I have applied for it months before.

Khankharia: The gentleman had too applied for it months before but online. Hence we couldn't inform you earlier. But we have arranged a meeting for you two. He must be here at any moment. You people can talk it out and decide amongst yourself who is gonna change..........Ohh here he is.

Khankharia went upto him to explain him the problem before letting the two meet.

Boy: Mr. Khankharia, whats the matter. Why did you called me out of the blue?

Khankharia repeated the problem for the name to him as well.

Boy: So whats the problem in it, just asked her to change her brand name, if any compensations are needed, or even bidding is needed, I'll do it without a second thought. By the way, what is her name?

Khankharia:  Her name is Miss Kaira Goenka.

The word Goenka pierced his heart like a sharp dagger. His eyes were filled with rage and hatred.

Boy: (saying in a voice full of sarcasm and hatred) : Goenka's, I see. The problem is solved. They can do anything for money and fame. Ask them the amount they would charge, and take the cheque from me.

Kaira who had been hearing the conversation couldn't control herself. Annoyed at the arrogance of the boy, she went towards him and said.

Kaira: Mr. Khankharia, you never mentioned that the other client is someone who thinks everything can be sold for money? And I must say, he is definitely afraid of negotiations, am I right?

Boy: So I see, u must be none other than the spoilt brat of Goenka's, Miss Kaira right? The one born with a silver spoon?

Kaira: You are crossing your limits, Mr.....

Boy: Karan Shergill... remember the name, you would hear it often from now.

Kaira: Ohh. The owner of Shergill industries, aren't you handling your family business, taking it to new heights? So if you can call me arrogant, or the one born with a silver spoon, you stand in the same square, Mr Shergill.

Karan: I have my own struggles Miss Goenka.

Kaira: So do I Mr.Shergill . You have spoken a lot and given me a clear idea of how judgemental you are! So now, its my turn Mr.Shergill . We are called here for negotiations, and we would do it so. And don't try to cross your limits by bragging about your financial powers. If I would start showing mine, then it wouldn't be good for you.

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