VIII. Grave Danger

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(Y/n) noticed the white folded note that was tucked into the strings of her violin. She placed it into her pocket to read when she is alone.

"Excuse me, I must find my friend." (Y/n) took her leave.

"Oh, (Y/n) has a friend?" Christine asked.

"Yes, a tall man. He wore a mask but he looked quite handsome" Meg responded.

Raoul nodded. "He said his name is Erik. He didn't give me a last name. Though (Y/n) told me he is from the opera house. I never seen him before, being honest." Raoul added.

"Oh, dear god.....It can't be..."Christine said in worry.

"Christine? What's wrong?" Raoul asked.

"Raoul..I think you're sister might be in danger." Christine looked at Raoul with frightened eyes.

- ♥︎ -

(Y/n) was on her way to Erik's lair. She had read the note and Erik wanted to meet her in his lair. She perfectly knew the way since it was memorized into her mind.

"Erik" She called out and knocked on the door.

The door opened to reveal Erik. He was changed into a black robe and he wore his white mask but his wig was off.

This wasn't the first time (Y/n) had seen him without his wig on. She remembered when walked in on him without it the first time. The scream he let out when he noticed her eyes.

(Y/n) had to reassure him that everything was completely fine. She comforted him as he didn't even look at her. But he appreciated her reaction.

"Sorry, my dear. I wasn't expecting you to come down so early." Erik apologized. He let her in.

"Everything is alright. I rushed as soon as I read. I was just excited to see you again." (Y/n) laughed.

"You just saw me minutes ago, my dear." Erik put on his wig.

"Well, I missed you.." (Y/n) looked at him with a smug face. Erik was flustered once more but this time didn't look away.

"..And I missed you too!" (Y/n) quickly looked down at Ayesha, whom was now rubbing on her leg. She picked up the siamese cat and held her in her arms.

"Isn't she just a beautiful young lady. Hmm?? Yes, you are!" (Y/n) gave the cat a gentle hug.

Erik watched as (Y/n) gushed over his cat. Ayesha seemed to enjoy (Y/n) being back. He decided to let them be and went over the his pipe organ.

He began to play a melody. (Y/n) has never heard him play it before. She placed the cat down and walked over to him.

"Are you making a new song?" She asked.

"Indeed" Erik answered.

He continued to play music, stopping when he played something he liked, and writing on a sheet of paper with the grand staff.

(Y/n) began to hum the melody he continuously played. She sat down right next to Erik on the seat.

"Have you ever wondered what it is like be in love?" (Y/n) asked.

Erik stopped playing and looked at her.

"It's such a strange feeling, you know? It's so happy yet sometimes painful. But it's a feeling that is so unique.. Don't you think?" (Y/n) looked at Erik.

"Yes..that is..true" Erik slowly spoke.

"I recently experienced the feeling of falling in love. It really is quite strange but lovely". (Y/n) smiled.

She noticed the curiousity in Erik's eyes slowly fade as he looked away from her. His eyes showed pain but he tried to hide it. He must be thinking that she found a man she loved and it was not him.

"Well....I am happy for you, (Y/n)." Erik forced a smile. (Y/n) rolled her eyes.

"Oh, foolish Erik." (Y/n) sighed as her hands reached up to Erik's face to turn his head back to her.

"Who do you think I am talking about?" (Y/n) smiled as she met eyes with the man right next to her.

Erik's eyes widened when he suddenly felt himself being pulled down to her level and soft lips touched his chapped ones. After a second or two, his eyes closed as he returned this sweet sensation.

- ♥︎ -

"So, what you are saying is this strange Phantom of the Opera and this voice whom mentored you is the same exact man (Y/n) is friends with." Raoul said.

"Yes!" Meg shouted.

Meg was getting tired of Raoul's slowness in understanding what Christine is trying to say. The poor young lady had been repeating her words to get the information through his thick skull.

"Raoul, please. You must believe me. He is real. And I have seen him. He can decieve people easily. He has decived me for years, claiming he was my Angel of Music. Oh, Raoul. I can't bare to think of how much danger (Y/n) is in. I don't want her to get hurt...or worse..killed..That thought frightens me, Raoul." Christine held onto his arm.

"I've heard the stories about the Phantom of the Opera. Joseph Buquet would always tell us the stories. He has seen him too and has died because of him." Meg said.

"He hears everything. They say he's in the walls. He can appear anywhere. He has haunted this opera house for years, Monsieur. We never dare try to look for him. He kills all who try to find him." Meg whispered.

"She said she left to go see him. I hope she is alright. I'm so worried he might hurt her" Christine panicked.

- ♥︎ -

They pulled away from their gentle kiss.

"Erik..No don't cry" (Y/n) looked at his tears fall down his face and wiped them away with her thumbs. Her hands were still cupped onto his cheeks.

"You love me...My apologies for crying. It's so hard to believe that I could ever be worth loving. To have someone to love me for myself." Erik sobbed.

"No need to apologize, dear. Let out your tears. They are tears of happiness. I love you, Erik. You deserve to be loved." (Y/n) smiled. Her eyes looked at his mask.

"You won' away after you see my true face..will you?" Erik hesistantly spoke. He noticed her curious eyes.

"I won't, Erik. You have my word".

Erik nodded with a soft smile. He lifted his hands on top of hers and helped her slowly take off his mask.

It was finally off. (Y/n)'s eyes softed in sadness. Erik's eyes closed when her touched his disformed face.

"It does not hurt?" (Y/n) said quietly.

"No" he answered.

His eyes opened when he felt soft kisses being placed on his distorted part of his face.

"I think it's beautiful, Erik. It is nothing to be feared of. It's something unique." (Y/n) said. Tears once again fell from his face.

"I do not deserve you. How could you say such kind words" Erik sobbed as she wiped his tears. (Y/n) smiled softly.

"Do not say that. You desrve all of the kindness in the world." She calmed him with her soft words.

"May I kiss you again?" Erik asked. She softly laughed.

"Of course you may" (Y/n) answered.

Once again their lips touched and they kissed. Finally, expressing their feelings that they have both kept inside.

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! ♡

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