VII. The Masque of the Red Death

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"A masquerade! Isn't it exciting!" Meg jumped in excitement.

They were invited to a New Year's Masquerade Ball hosted in the Opera Populaire tonight. In celebration of the wonderful performances and the success of Firmin and Andre as managers so far. As well as celebration for the upcoming bright new year. (Y/n) was also asked to perform the violin for the ball, which she happily accepted.

Meg held up a costume that looked like something a ring master would wear. It had sparkling glitters and a small top hat that went along with it. Meg's mask was a simple black with glitters.

"That looks gorgeous, Meg" Christine complimented, looking at the costume.

"Thank you, Christine" Meg giggled.

"What about you?" (Y/n) asked, looking towards Christine.

"Oh, I'm glad you asked" Christine walked over to a closet and grabbed her costume that looked like some sort of fairy. It was pink and purple with silver stars all around. She also had a silver glittered mask that she could hold. She also had a crown that had stars and a big crescent moon.

"Christine, it's so pretty!" Meg smiled brightly with excitement.

"Thank you, Meg." Christine thanked then looked at (Y/n).

"What about your, (Y/n)? What is your costume?"

(Y/n) didn't exactly have a costume to wear. "I don't have anything yet."

The two gasped. "Then we must help you find something to wear!" Meg rushed over to (Y/n) to grab her hand.

To (Y/n)'s surprise, the two girls decided to take her outside of the opera house and to some clothing stores to find a costume to wear.

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It was nighttime and the carriage was on its way to the Opera Populaire. Raoul was dressed as some military man (A/n: tbh i don't know what his outfit was but i heard it was like some military outfit. i have no clue-). Raoul looked over at (Y/n), who was busy staring at the window once again.

"I hope that whomever you are hoping to see shows up tonight." Raoul said, in hopes to cheer up his sister (A/n: raoul i doubt you'd hope for that if you knew who tf it rlly is).

(Y/n) had told Erik about the Masquerade Ball in hopes that Erik would watch her performance. But she was truly unsure if he would. She had doubts that he would even show up considering that everyone will be there. Even Christine.

(Y/n) turned away from the window and looked at Raoul. She smiled softly though her eyes showed sadness.

"Thank you, Raoul. Though I doubt that would really happen." (Y/n) turned her attention back to the window.

Raoul let out a sigh. He had no idea how to get his sister to be happy again.

The carriage came to a stop in front of the Opera Populaire. (Y/n) stepped out of the carriage, as did Raoul. As (Y/n) and Raoul entered the opera house, they were overwhelmed by the many greetings given to them by everyone at the ball. Andre and Firmin had not only invited the people from the opera house, but they had also invited well-known artist and people in Paris.

"(Y/n)! Oh, you look very beautiful." Christine rushed over to (Y/n) with a genuine smile.

"Thank you, Christine dear. You, as well, look very beautiful." (Y/n) looked at Christine's dress.

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