An Update

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       I'M NOT DEAD! SHOCKER, I KNOW! In all seriousness, I am really sorry about the complete lack of updates or activity lately, but that is the cost of taking several AP courses. I've got a lot of ideas brewing though, and I'm putting in an effort to get an upload out by Saturday at the latest. It is lovely seeing all of you amazing people taking the time to read my books, so thank you for that. I've been watching Wattpad, but the time to write hasn't presented itself to me. Along with a bunch of new games to play (Ghost of Tsushima is amazing) and a lack of spare time, it's been a secondary priority for me. However, I feel that I need to at least finish another book on Wattpad, and of course revise The Doctor Is In eventually. At any rate, have a lovely day, and goodbye!


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