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~Wednesday-August 16~

Feel like mi gone back to square one.

Jordan sending people after us, was him trying to delay us in finding him and Kay.

I will find her though.

Jordan definitely slipped up with something... him moving Kay a second time was not part of his plan, which means it wasn't thought out properly.

I buttoned up my pants before I took up the shirt that was on the bed, pulling it on. Walking over to the dresser I took up one of my colognes, spraying it on.

If mi a be honest, I didn't even want to shower but I had too. I didn't want when I found Kay, I was dirty- but she dirty too... I think.

I don't even if she has taken a shower since she got taken away but I have a feeling that even if she was "offered" a place to shower, I don't think she would have accepted it, not wanting to risk being naked around them or even be video tapped.

Looking at the picture of Kay that I framed and kept on my dresser, I smiled.

Mi miss her yuh f— why mi a talk like she dead?

Hearing my phone ring, I walked over to the bed then took it up, looking at the caller ID before answering.

"Boss? Good evening... I tried you on the intercom first, but you didn't answer so I called you instead"

Know mi did hear the buzzing sound but didn't remember about it because I got distracted.

"There is a man here that said you ordered something? And you need to sign for it" he said and I rubbed my hand down my face.

Completely forgot about that...

I ordered flowers for Kay for our 3 month anniversary. I told them to deliver it today and I would hide them... then in the morning I would decorate the room with them, so that would be the first thing that Kay saw when she woke up.

"Tell him mi soon fwd" I said, receiving a hum from Paul before he hung up.

Not because the days haven't been going as planned, mean say I shouldn't still give her the flowers.

Cause by the hook or the crook... flowers will be the first thing Kay wake up to tomorrow.

Taking up my phone off the bed, I then left the room, making sure to switch off the light and turn off the air conditioner.

Reaching downstairs in no time before I headed for the front door. Unlocking the door and pulling it to me before I stepped out, closing and locking the door behind myself.

Slipping my phone in my pocket as I made my way to the gate, signaling to Paul to open it once I was close enough.

"Good evening. Sign here for me" the delivery guy spoke, handing me a clipboard that had I paper clipped to it.

"Thank you. We had to put the flowers on a trolley because you ordered ten, but then you ordered again, only red roses, so we had to put the red roses on a separate trolley" he explained and just then, another man began to roll out the trolleys on ramp.

Walking over to the car I drove yesterday, unlocking it and opening the door before I sat down in the driver's seat. Opening the center console I removed two $5000 bills, then closed the compartment, exiting the car.

Walking over to the man that I spoke with, handing him the $10,000, gesturing that one was for him and the other for his co-worker, that was now in the truck they came in.

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