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Tuesday- November 21

"Weh yuh mean?? Right now I'm very much confused..." Kay said, looking into space as she process what I just told her.

"So wah happen to the old fashioned way of doing things? You know... like shooting the person and throwing their body somewhere" she said, still wrapping her head around what I said to her earlier.

We were at home chilling and out of the blue she asks me about Jordan. She asks me what I did to him and I told her... now she can't believe that I killed him.

Like, did she expect me to keep him alive??

"Last time mi check, mi nuh old. So mi nah do nothing the 'old fashioned way'. And if it mek yuh feel any better... Tyreek did shoot him after him head roll go somewhere inna the room" I said, putting my phone to charge, but I could see from my peripheral vision, that she was definitely shocked by what I just said.

She ask for honesty, so that's what she is getting.

"Better mi never ask yuh nothing... a swear" she said and I laughed a bit, resting the phone down before I sat down on the bed beside her, bringing my body up to meet the headboard.

"Nuff yuh nuff, a dat mhon" I said.

"Real thing yah talk, Tray. A Guillotine?" she asks, for what felt like the 6th time since I told her.

"Yes, Kayhana. Why not? Supposed to lucky a that alone him get... a spare mi spare him" I said and her head was quickly turned my way.

Bruck she a try bruck the neck weh mi love?

"Spare? S P A R E? Dah spare deh yah talk?" she asked, looking at me like I don't know what I'm talking about.

"Yes, Kay... S P A R E... cause mi nuh weh the fuck yah spell out the word for like a Schools' Challenge Quiz or something"

"Yes, mi spare him. Is a missile the man did ago take to him chest, or him did a go get burned alive" I added, remembering how Leon said he wanted to kill Jordan.

"So why James and Smith never get 'spare' too?" she asked and I hissed my teeth.

"Look like mi give a fuck bout them? Wah dem did fi get, them get. Jordan a the one the wull on pon yuh and did a try rape yuh. Tell yuh already eno, Kay and mi ago tell yuh again. Mi nuh play when it comes to you so nuh ask mi nuh foolishness. Them get wah the duck get and a it dat. Done it desso" I said, looking at the TV as it slides to a different movie, showcasing a few of the movies on Netflix.

Netflix need fi update them system. Why them a show mi things weh mi watch already?

"How do you sleep at night?" she asked, slightly turning her body to look at me, but I didn't look at her.

"Like a real Jamaican badman" I said and she laughed and I couldn't help, but to do the same.

"Mi not even a laugh" she said, hissing her teeth.

"Which part a you nah laugh and mi just see the wull a yuh 32 them a shine bright like the diamond them pon mi Rolex"

"Mi and yuh sleep yasso every night... how you think mi sleep? Three things alone can make me nuh sleep... you, mi mada and if mi cocky stop work and mi know that nah happen so, a just you and mi mada can stop mi from sleep. If any thing fi happen to uno, mi nuh know what is sleep" I said, now looking at her and she smiled a bit.

Would a add mi sister to the list as well, but I know Leon would not sleep if something should happen to her.

And he did just that when she had a concussion and a few broken ribs from when a man pulled her out of the car and kicked her up.

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