Rainbow Pizza Parlor

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A/N: Author totally didn't get sick for a week or anything and miss the deadline... ahaha

The AkiKoha date is now an unofficial group date. Enjoy!

"Akito, I don't think I've ever seen you die so quickly," Toya observed as they left the arcade. Toya offered to treat An to pizza and she added everyone else to the mix too, much to Akito's chagrin, who had his first date hijacked.

"I think♡ you were really brave back there, Shinonome-kun," Kohane added, stuttering out the last bit in a not-so-hidden attempt to hide her affection.

Akito raised an eyebrow, halfway between a pout and a glare. "It's just a video game..."

"Seriously, though, Akito-kun, you really saved our butts on that bridge," An groaned, arms behind her head.

"But he died," Toya murmured with a frown only noticeable to Akito. "Akito, I thought we were going to make it to the car together..." Toya gave him the closest thing to puppy dog eyes. An glanced over, smirking. Akito looked into his eyes. Big mistake. He blushed nearly to the point of nosebleed.

Akito swallowed, ignoring An's giggling. "Well, when we try it next time, we'll all make it, how about that?"

Toya noticed An's laugh, allowing the corners of her teeth to sparkle in the sunny afternoon like her hair. "Oi oi~" Akito grumbled, still red in the ears, "What are you smiling about..?" He looked away and looked back. Akito was talking to him! Toya blushed. His eyes darted between the two of them, who gradually became flustered as well in a bi panic triangle.

"Aoyagi-kun," Kohane added with a grateful tone, "You seem to be happy right now!" She smiled up at him, and his smile grew.

He nodded away the nervous sweat on his forehead. "I suppose so."

Akito and An analyzed the relaxing vibes KoToya gave each other and their eyes narrowed in conjunction. Surely it was because they both liked Kohane, right?

Akito cleared his throat as the group stopped for a crosswalk. "Azusawa."

A small shiver went up Kohane's spine. "Y-yes..." she squeaked, nervously. 'Did I say something weird to Aoyagi-kun? Frick, what'd I do...' The banter fell off. They stood awkwardly as strangers stared.

Akito felt like he'd ruined the mood. He didn't have anything to say, either, and he looked at An, who was drawing a breath and ready to say anything in just another moment--

"Y-you... uh," myriads of compliments came to mind but he replaced them, "used my first name back there."

"Eh?" Her eyes turned to empty circles. "Oh, yes, I did. Quite a few times. I apologize, Shinonome-kun." She gave a courteous bow.  The light turned. Toya led with Akito following closely as they started on the crosswalk. Someone shoved Kohane. An protectively put an arm around her to usher her along.

"Well. Uh." Akito fidgeted with his hair and looked back at her. "You can get used to it... shrimp."

He turned before he could see Kohane's blush, but he heard her stutter. "U-u-UH. Thanks, but no thanks, Shinonome-kun." If she could have given another short apology bow she would've. An pulled her closer, and Akito could somehow sense this and turned his head again.

"Kohane-chan~," she bemoaned dramatically, "You didn't have to eviscerate him like that, girl..." Akito sighed at An's teasing, not feeling like picking a fight over that topic.

Toya suddenly stopped, Akito bumping into him like a rail car to the engine. "We're here," he responded to Akito's peeved look. "But, I want to ask you all something..." They walked in, finding a booth, guys in one (five feet apart) and gals in the other (gal palling at five inches apart). All silently curious for Toya's query, not even An talked.

"Are any of you gay or the like?"

Akito let out an indignant laugh, nose scrunched. An and Kohane sat in silent awe. "W-why~ would you ask s-s-something like that~ Aoyagi-kun~?" Kohane asked, voice wavering. Akito sassily rested his hand on a protruding finger, waiting for him to explain. Kohane glanced at Akito for a second. Was he not queer?

Toya appeared to be in thought. "I've been wondering. I want to get to know all of you more. And," he gave Akito a quick once over, "I don't think I've asked him before." Toya looked down at the menu. "Maybe that's too personal of a question. Forgive me..."

An looked at the others, all uncomfortable. The ally in her boiled over. "I'M LESBIAN." She stood, moving to the head of the table where the waiter was theoretically gonna take their order. "I think. I've only ever liked girls." She gave a wide-toothed grin. She'd given this response before, but her foot couldn't stop tapping for some reason. It wasn't like she was admitting her feelings for Kohane or anything. "Toya-kun!" She held a hand under the table, the other on his shoulder. "If you ever need to find some gay dudes, I know all the Kamiyama Kweers, and there are several on Vivid Street, too!"

"Find gay dudes for what exactly?" Akito interjected in his usual sarcastic voice. "And would you stop holding his hand like that?" All of them saw how big and sparkly Toya's eyes suddenly were. An laughed.

"You wanna contribute to the conversation, Akito?" She stepped back, popping out her hip. "Spill the beans on your fashion-stereotype self. Go on~"

"ME?!" Akito damn near leaped out of his seat in indignation. "Nah! Nope! You're out of your mind, Shiraishi!"

"Geez, geez, Akito-kun, once was enough..." An bristled up, returning to her seat with a slouch. Akito rolled his eyes. She's so sensitive...

Toya found himself annoyed for once. "Akito, I think I'm queer." Akito noticed his partner's hurt edge to his voice, scooching uncomfortably to the left and looking over at his girlfriend, also ashamed and curled in on herself.

He opened his mouth to say something in defense, only to puff out a cheek. He adjusted his shirt and looked to the wall. "S-sorry. There's nothing wrong with that, Toya." His voice was much smaller, sincere.

Kohane caught a fleeting look from An and Toya, both of whom immediately looked away. "Oh!" she startled. Akito's head rose from his self pity to her voice. "D-did you want me~ to say... too..~?"

"Kohane-chan~!" An cradled Kohane's head. "You're perfect just the way you are. It's okay if you don't wanna say anything at all."

Kohane let out a warm smile and withdrew from An's arms. Akito's frown deepened. "Mm. It's fine. You all were so courageous, just now. And, I learned something new about Aoyagi-kun and Shinonome-kun!" Toya's shoulders untensed at the smile she gave him across the table.

"Wait, not about me?"

"An-chan. 95% of your friends are LGBT. When I told you I wanted to listen to English pop, you gave me Haley Kiyoko, P!atD, and Girl in Red CDs. You've also rambled to me about your exes before." An's face slowly lit on fire. No secrets, An could keep! Not even her private life! None! Her eyes drifted to Toya. He gave an amused smile. How did he do that?! "But yeah, for me, I, I..." An looked back at her partner again, trying to remain the supportive friend. Kohane took her hat off, mumbling into it. "I don't really know anymore..."

She looked up at An, who closed her eyes and started leaning in. She shut them in surprise. She felt smooth hair nuzzle against her warm arm. An was giving her a small headbutt(?). After she felt her relax, An pulled away. "I told you... Kohane-chan... You're perfect, just the way you are." She glared at Akito before placing a hand on her shoulder. "This is a safe space, so don't be afraid of us. We're all here as you figure things out..." She yanked herself away. "Or not! NOTHING IS CERTAIN." Phew. Not gay.

"Are you ready to take your order?"

The waitress lady stood there anxiously.

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