Battle Tendency Grocery Store

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"--And we sung together all yesterday, too!" Akito was hanging around the WKND Garage with nothing better to do but network with random folks and talk to the chatty barista. Kohane and Toya hadn't scheduled practice that day, probably for tutoring or whatever smart-people clubs they were in, so they were left practicing on their own. Akito finished his practice and hung around the Garage, unaware An was still scheduled for that day.

"Ya know, Shiraishi, bar tenders are supposed to listen, not talk."

Ken overheard this line where he was bringing some food to the window. He tapped the bell, and An instantly walked over to get the table their food. The first time Akito'd met An came to his mind.

'And just yesterday, I was out near the shop all day singing. Dad says I drew in extra customers there☆ Hehe, here's your drink.' Baby An handed Smolkito his iced tea. He had only came to see if the infamous KEN from RAD WKND was really there. 'Anyways--' Who was this random chick talking his ear off?
'You know,' Akito cut off her high-pitched voice with his even higher-pitched voice, 'loud-mouthed women never find husbands.'
'Like I'd ever wanna date a stinky boy..!' An huffed.
Akito gritted his teeth and rubbed the top of his head. He looked up to see who did it. It was the KEN. Up close and personal. Akito nearly leapt out of his seat. 'You're KEN..! N-no, Shiraishi-san...' Ken raised an eyebrow.
'I see you call me with polite language. And I can call you 'banned' for speaking to my daughter like that?' Akito looked mortified. He pointed between the two of them, both beginning to laugh at him. They had the same eyes and posture. 'I'm kidding, I'm kidding, kiddo. You can just call me Ken. And you are..?'

"Akito," Ken quipped from the kitchen. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you."

Akito waited until he thought he was out of earshot. "You can't even grind coffee beans, I dunno what you'd ever do for me."

An leaned a little closer, keeping her customer service smile. "You say that like I want to do a single positive thing for you ever. I want to spit in your dr-- aheheheh..." Ken appeared over the two of them, arms crossed. An dashed off to serve the food. Akito folded his hands in his lap like a good little churchboy.

"Man, what am I gonna do with you both?" It seemed as though their rivalry, naturally born of being two talents of the same age, came in waves, and this wave was picking up for the first time after they'd formed VBS. Akito acted like he hadn't heard anything so that he wouldn't say something sassy.

Ken snapped his fingers. Akito jumped to attention. "Calm, Akito, you're not in trouble. I was just thinking of how I'm running out of some ingredients and spices. Cinnamon, cumin, beans, and the like. It'd be a big help if you could do me a favor and fetch some from the industrial grocery store across town." It was true Ken would likely run out of the ingredients before the next shipment in the morning, but he could always just tell people he was out.

"Ah, I wanna help in any way I can, but isn't that more a type of job for someone like An?" Akito scratched the back of his ear in annoyance.

"I understand if you just don't want to do it, but it's never too early to learn some self-sufficiency." Ken chuckled a little. He got scurvy in college from eating nothing but convenience store food. Learning to fend for yourself was necessary in today's age.

"I gotcha, I gotcha. Umm... I don't gotcha. Where is the store?"

"What's going on?" An popped over to see what was holding her father up from the kitchen.

"Perfect timing, An. I need you both to run to the store real quick." An knew which store he was talking about. Every now and then, after a particularly busy day, they would get stock from there to hold off until the shipments came in. Some calculation error must have occurred for this problem to pop back up.

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