New Brunch Place

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Kohane got up early. It may have been Saturday, but it was the morning of her first date ever. She couldn't exactly will herself to sleep more even if she'd wanted to.

After giving her parents all details short of an itinerary, she finally set out towards the station. Akito said there was a new restaurant a block away. They had plans to meet at the station around eleven and walk there for lunch, 'cause it was a hole in the wall and meeting at the station was easier.

She arrived at the station by her house an hour before their planned time. The station they were meeting at was the one closest downtown. She sat in a seat, thinking. 'Okay. I just need to look out for the stop after Miyamasuka... Simple.  But... What if I'm thinking of the wrong station? NAHH. ... ...I'm not there yet. When will I arrive..? Then again, it's not like I'm looking forward to this... Wait. What are you TALKING about, Kohane?! Of course I'm looking forward to this. I'm in high school! Riding the train alone, wearing long skirts, going on dates with cute guys, just like I've read in shojou. This is my dream come true. Akito is such a nice guy. Akito...' Her heart fluttered slightly, trying to leap a beat but failing. All she was left with was anxiety. 'What if this permanently affects our relationship? I don't want anything to change! What if I stop him from his ambitions to RAD weekend? OMG WHY WOULD HE ASK ME OUT.'

Kohane exited the train, at the station devoid of people. At first, she silently panicked. Then she realized she was just extra early and slumped against the wall. "Phew!"

"... Oi, Azusawa." She started slightly at the voice, turning to him. Akito looked mildly annoyed at Kohane simply existing earlier in the morning than he. We're off to a great start already. "You're early."

"What if you're late?" she snapped back without thinking twice. His eyes widened in surprise as a small shiver went down his back. Kohane really just sassed him. She blinked at him until her words sunk in and her mood snapped straight to embarrassment. "Eheheheh sorry Shinonome-kun!" She gave a small bow. "It's just been a really stressful morning and I know that isn't any excuse bu--" thud.

Kohane's eyes flung shut at the fist to the top of her head. Like an alarm clock, it seemed to silence her. "We're both here now, so let's just call it an early lunch."

They both walked from the station, the area still busy despite it being morning. His hand now hung awkwardly close to Kohane's. Every now and then his fingers would uncurl and not-so-subtly wrap around hers for a moment before swinging away again. Kohane giggled at Akito's notion of hand-holding. Whether this was asking permission or an attempt at teasing, she cut off further complaints with a firm interlocking of their hands.

Akito aggressively released Kohane's hand as he leapt to get the door for her. Kohane accepted, shivering as they walked into the air conditioned establishment. A middle-aged lady came up to them. Akito spoke, one hand in his pocket. "Brunch for me and my girl."

The waitress responded something usual, but Akito's words were still bouncing in Kohane's head. Her eyes grew as they repeated: '--Me and my girl...' '--My girl...' '--My--'

"Azusawa..." Just like his words sent her away, they brought her back. She looked up. He and the waitress were waiting for her. His voice had a twinge of concern despite its attempt to sound gruff. "Get a move on. Some coffee will wake you up."

"R-right!" Akito couldn't help but notice the way her pigtails bounced as she made her way over to him. She began following from a cordial distance, but he couldn't help but want her to keep hurrying until she was in his arms, clinging onto him until they got to the booth. He blushed at the thought and turned around.

Once seated, they looked at the menu. Kohane looked at the first slide: Pancakes were the only main dish. Figuring it was the breakfast section, she turned to the next. There were only more pancakes; this time in full corse meal form. She turned the page. There was something else, finally: Waffles. The next page hosted a variety of sides, all of which were meant to go with, you guessed it, pancakes. She looked at the back. Desserts galore, as if the pancakes didn't look sweet enough. There were also drinks.

The waitress returned with coffee, asking if they'd made any decisions yet. Akito cheerily rattled off an order, polite mode making Kohane even more wary. She turned to her. Instantly her brain physically removed all knowledge from her body. She nervously flipped through the menu until her eyes landed on a random non-bread item.

"Ahh! Uh huh huh. Umm, t-t-the spinach omelet, please. And a mango smoothie, too."

She nodded and put down the order. Akito looked at her from across the table. "Y'know I'm payin' right? You sure ya don't want anything more than a side dish?"

She shook her head timidly. The waitress left, gaze-blocking menus with her. A few minutes passed. Kohane desperately tried not to escape into her phone, leaving her nervously glancing around the narrow restaurant instead. She could see the warning signs now; the whole place was very much "brunch" themed.

Akito stared, making her all the more uncomfortable. He noticed her retreating into her shell. He clicked his tongue and looked at a picture next to the two of them. Kohane jumped in shame. She should've remembered how hard to please Akito was. If this was over the breakfast/lunch thing, was he sexist? Did he think he had to spend money? Was it her? Was she too boring? Almost all of their interests were totally different. She couldn't think of a conversation. Most of all, there was a weird pain forming in her gut.

"I'm going to the bathroom. Be right back, Shinonome-kun," she muttered, awkwardly standing and looking downwards. He made an indistinct grunt of acknowledgement. She left.

'I'm really fucking this up, aren't I...' he thought, turning back to the abstract piece. 'She isn't talking to me at all... and I can't think of anything to say to her, either...' He yawned and stretched. 'Sooo bored...'

Kohane dashed back to the table, almost in tears, grabbing her stuff and hurrying back to the bathroom. She was so quick and silent Akito asked himself if he'd seen a robbery.

When she got back he asked her about that, receiving a non-answer. Eventually he gave up on sulking with the painting and started conversing, small talking the way to the meal. Kohane's nerves dissipated, but the awkward air remained. The lack of conversation did little to hinder Akito's enjoyment of the pancakes, however. Akito finished, paid the tab, and the two left.

'Onto the next,' he said to himself. 'Surely doing something together will change things.'

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