(Not a) Fuzzy Carpet

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Sooner or later, An left SEKAI and the guys awkwardly went about a practice. Kohane saw Len return to the café alone and assumed Toya had gone as well.

'Now's my chance.'

MEIKO couldn't get a word in edgewise before Kohane left, watching the sunless sky change outside.

Texting? Who she? Akito had a "text" on his "fuh-own." Mixing up the power and volume buttons, nearly forgetting his PIN until he remembered it was just his birthday, squinting because of the high brightness, he opened it up and saw Kohane's text.

>The others left, let's meet up in SEKAI

His eyes widened. As soon as he was off the train home he was spamming "Ready Steady." The lights were off in the café, so it was hard to find her leaning against the brick outer wall. Seeing Kohane shrouded in darkness, surrounded by cryptic glow-in-the-dark graffiti did things to him. Likewise to Kohane. It really made the relationship feel scandalous (ignoring Len in the background making kissy sounds to them, that is).

He nodded for her to speak, get his mind off Toya and KAITO. "I was wondering if, on Saturday, you'd like to go to this place I like..."

"Yeah!" He rushed in and held her hand.

"..! I haven't even said what it is, yet..."

"Well, you're asking me out on a date..." It validated him. This is a real relationship! Besides... It made him... happy, to be thought about. He couldn't just say something like that, though.

"Y-yup!" she gulped. "T-that's what girlfriends do... ask... ask folks-- their boyfriends, out on dates..." Her brain was short-circuiting.

Akito nervously smiled. "Yep."

"I'll text you a time, then. Bye!" Before she could even register he was holding her hand, she stopped "Ready, Steady." Akito fell on top of her in her bed, and she was neither ready nor steady. "Wah--!" She was crushed into her sheets by Akito's jacket, closer than she'd ever felt it. When she tried to breathe, all she smelled was a strong artificial pine scent, like he was a car air freshener.

Meanwhile, Akito was face down in a pink pillow. He thought they might have still been in SEKAI and someone pranked him until he felt Kohane squirm beneath him. He straightened up to not be guilty of manslaughter and looked down at the equally surprised girl. The bedspread rustled beneath him and he came to an odd realization.

"This is your... bedroom, I'm assuming, Azusawa." She was trapped by his arms, one still holding her hand. Kohane nodded.

Her face gradually grew redder. She'd made a stupid mistake... He must feel really disoriented! She tried to think of a proper way to get him out of this and home safe, watching him tower above her, yet frozen in place.

His face got redder, too. He was close enough to see her chest rise faster and hear her breath pant. He nervously gulped. She trembled slightly like a gerbil. She was cute, but at the same time, Akito felt...

Kohane thought of the closest guarantee to him spawning wherever he was before. She was about to open her mouth when she took a closer look and realized something was on his mind. Was he looking at her body? The author soon may have to retract his previous statement about him being better than one of sixteen men. "Shinonome-kun?" she whispered.

His mind came back to reality instantly. Her voice was too adorable for him to even think anything pervy anymore. "U-uh, yes, Azusawa."

"Don't let go...  I'll take it from here..."

And before a newly flustered Akito could even say "Hah?!" they were crashing to the ground in SEKAI. "O-OUCH..."

"Rough landing, Shinonome-kun?" Kohane asked nervously. "Sorry. I heard my parents and I didn't want to talk too much in case they got worried."

Akito was genuinely offended. She really didn't know what she did to him at all, did she? Ignoring the fact that's his own fault, he spoke-- "HAH?"--er, cawed.

"I said I'm sorrryyy, okay~?"she cried.

"No, not that. We were on. Your. Bed. Azusawa."

"Hm?" They'd spawned in Kohane's room, but she didn't take note of if they'd fallen on her bed or the fuzzy carpet. "I guess we were?"

Akito just looked at her like "..."

"..." Her eyes widened. "Ah... aAAH!!!" Akito's ear drums burst.

"Kohane protection! What's the emergency?!" MEIKO nearly busted down the door to reach the two outside. Luka appeared in a dark alleyway. Was... was that a knife??

"N-Nothing, everyone! I was just surprised, and a little embarrassed..."

Akito looked at Kohane, mentally cursing herself. Her father told her to never find herself in that sort of situation, yet there she was without even knowing. He felt like he should diffuse too. "Yeah, I was the one who made a big deal out of nothing. We accidentally transported out of SEKAI together and it was a... shock?"

Akito's polite mode only made the VOCs more on edge, and they stayed there, prepared to shank if necessary, until the awkward couple went their separate ways for the night.

Akito and Kohane met at the train station, Saturday. They talked about random shit as Kohane guided them to a building with a sign for skating on it. He followed cautiously. The topic shifted to a movie she and Shiho had caught the night before.

"It's not a horror movie, it's a really good movie," Kohane asserted. Akito's face was unconvinced.

"Yeah, yeah. I don't like stuff that's a cheap scare." He held the door for her.

"Thank you, Shinonome-kun." She rolled her eyes and (correctly) figured he was too freaked out by the premise to even consider it. They went through the liminal white hallway to the access booth and paid for admission. "You've been warned, Shinonome-kun~"

"About what? Y-you can't say something like that without saying what the warning's for..!" He closed his eyes as she put her hand on the door handle. "You didn't fuckin' take me to a horror skating rink did ya?"

He was even swearing now. She shook it off and opened the door, the easiest way to find out what she meant.

The drums of the obnoxious EDM soundtrack hit their ears, chatter of the crowded, speeding environment almost equally as loud. Akito could see the bright colors with his eyes closed. This was an autism meltdown waiting to happen. He opened his eyes. He looked intrigued. Kohane's eyes shone. "Let's go in."

A/N: College beat my ass but I think I'm beating it back??? Regardless, I'm sorry this is a week late! I thought it was a good idea to do three Valentine's Day stories at once?  -0-'

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