Garbage Lesbians

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"Ara~, you show me the chipped mug this time," MEIKO mused. Another chipped cup was found in the Crasé café.


"Is something wrong, darling?"

Miku hummed highly in contrast to MEIKO's low register. "I think something's wrong with SEKAI..." MEIKO's eyes sharpened at how quickly she outright said it.

"This is related to the building the other day, right?" MEIKO pulled Miku to herself, rubbing her shoulder. She smiled reassuringly, partially to comfort herself too. Something about the patterns on the wings of the moths had stuck onto her vision. She saw them whenever she closed her eyes. She wouldn't be surprised if Len faced the same, despite seeming as energized as usual. Even stuck in this unpredictable world, she wanted to protect the young ones best she could. "Child, don't worry your pretty little pigtails about it, it'll be just fine, okay~?" She pulled away. Miku still looked sad. "Let's set up shop, alright?"

Before Miku could even respond, An knocked on the window. She was in her school uniform, likely on break as it was hardly even ten. They let her in. "I know it's a little early, but I was wondering if I could ask about something..." MEIKO crossed her arms. An gave a wide grin.

"... Mm. That's okay, if you don't eat into your school day too much." She pat Miku's shoulders and sent her off.

"I won't, MEIKO-san, promise◇~"

MEIKO poured her a cup of tea.

"--And she takes me through the crowd by the hand to see the guys perform," Miku silently snickered, "and they're in perfect sync; even when Akito slipped up, Toya perfectly improvised to cover for him." An scratched the back of her ear. "I was wondering how Kohane and I could be like that. I want to be a better pair..." MEIKO nodded as she took this information in. She thought it over. The timing of the events IRL and in SEKAI made her wary of how to properly respond to her.

"I think it says something about you and Kohane-chan's strength as a pair that you were able to draw such a crowd while surrounded by professional music venues," MEIKO commented.

Miku put a dish on the shelf, in front of the chipped mug. "I agree. You go out there with a bite-sized speaker, no mic, and you still get people lining up? I don't think it's right to compare yourself to others."

MEIKO cleared her throat. "Can you give An and I a moment please, Miku?"

She froze at the ominous aura around MEIKO. "R-right!" She dashed to the back. Maybe cooking something would be better... Some muffins would brighten their days!

MEIKO leaned in and rested an elbow on her jeans. "Girl talk, you want to get closer to Kohane-chan, right?"

An furiously blushed. "As her partner, of course!" MEIKO chuckle-sighed and sat up. This wasn't going to end up well...

"That doesn't help your case, An-chan. But, if you want to perform with her more, why not ask? I'm sure she'd be more than happy to do so. And, the more often you perform, the better you'll understand each other's feelings, thoughts, desires, through just a breath~" She winked. An's eye twitched at the double entendre.

"T-thank you, MEIKO-san..." she said through gritted teeth.

"Go to school," she beamed sarcastically.

Kohane folded her arms and set her head on them to watch An as she worked. It felt like it had been awhile since they'd been alone together, despite only being together a week before. She took in the slight way her arm flexed when she turned the glass she was polishing. An's overturned eyelash threatened to take it's mascara-dagger to her eye. Her hairclips shone in the light. Kohane was a little surprised when An asked for a singing session after practice earlier that day, but she didn't mind being this close to her. She's her best friend, after all. An met her eyes and she shifted on the table.

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