Lock Down

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Lloyd say once again, stuck in his room as the dawn sun rays peaked through the blinded window. Ever since the guards had made it back inside with Lloyd and Morro, things went silent. No one would answer Lloyd's questions when he would ask about Morro, not even what they would do with him. Lloyd sat on his bed, palms pressed up against his face, feeling bad for dragging some person he just met into this mess.

He straightened his posture when he heard some rattling from the other side of the door, with the door soon opening. And of course, the one person who walked into the room was the one, the only Wu himself. Anger had spread across his face just by the sight of his nephew. "See what I mean? This is why I don't let you wonder by yourself! You get yourself hurt and bring someone from that . . . That dark kingdom over here."

Lloyd still didn't understand why Wu had such hatred for this kingdom. He's only heard mere stories and the evil that radiated over there, but there were never any fightings between kingdoms, ever any sightings of where and knights from the kingdom. It was until today where Lloyd actually had proof that it existed, and no harm even came out of it. Maybe he could get Morro to show Wu that it's not so bad over there. If he could find Morro.

"Maybe I wouldn't be so disobedient if you didn't keep me cooped up in this place like a prisoner!"

Wu stopped in his tracks and stared down Lloyd. "How many times must I tell you that it's for your own safety? You've prove that time and time again."

"Sometimes in life people get hurt. I just want to have fun and experience life. Ever since I was a young child, you never let me experience what it was like to be a kid! Just lesson after lesson after lesson," this was getting personal. "I always see kids out my window enjoying themselves and hanging out with their peers. Why can't you stop to think for a second what I want in my life?"

"This was never about you, Lloyd. This is about the future of the kingdom. The safety of the people! You keep forgetting that you're air to the throne!"

Lloyd gotten overly frustrated and ended up knocking some items over that was on a nearby nightstand. "To hell with the throne!"

Wu grabbed Lloyd by the collar, letting the visible anger get to him, as his grip got tighter and tighter. Then, he let go, facing away from his nephew. "One day, you'll understand. Just not today. But that doesn't mean I won't take all the precautions I must to keep you safe. Sit in that."

And with that, Wu left the room. As Lloyd just stared at the door in his wake. After a moment or two later, when he calmed down, he was determined to prove Wu wrong. Show him the good in everything. Show him that the dark kingdom he's so afraid of isn't what he thinks it is. Even Jay seemed to be frightened, or maybe he knows something Lloyd doesn't.

After some pacing back and forth, Lloyd left his room, immediately feeling all the eyes of the guards being directed at him. They didn't have to worry too much, it's not like Lloyd was going to try to escape again, he just wanted to have some friendly chit chat with the J-man. When he looked up at a nearby clock hanging on a wall, he knew where Jay would be at this hour. Breakfast.

When walking into the dining room, Lloyd wasn't wrong, there Jay was, chatting up Cole, while Cole was stuffing his face with some very early dessert. Once Jay noticed Lloyd's approach, they both grew silent.

"Well well well, look who it is. If it isn't mister trouble maker himself," Cole still had cake on the inside of his cheeks, which muffled some of the words coming out of his mouth.

Lloyd paid no attention to him, directing his attention to Jay. "I believe we didn't get to finish out conversation earlier."

"What conversation was there to finish?"

"Well, let's start small. You didn't even tell me what happened to Kai."

Cole budded in. "Well, you know how Kai is. He accidentally gave himself away, slipping that he had let you out of the castle, realizing what he had said a little too late."

Jay shook his head. "Yeah, Wu had him deranked for that. Heard he was even thinking about throwing him into the dungeon. Now that would of been a funny sight!"

"And can we talk about . . ." Lloyd glanced at Cole before laying his eyes back on Jay. "The patch?"

Jay's eyes lit up as Cole's started to fill with confusion. Jay then grabbed Lloyd by the arm, and dragged him out of the room, leaving Cole behind. They got to a more private area where Jay had surprisingly been able to lower his voice to a whisper. "I told you it was from that dark kingdom. Where you would hear all that talk about evil and monsters. I wasn't even supposed to know about that, I just overheard the king talking about it to someone. I don't think he likes the idea of it being known. I don't know what's up with him and his secretive ways."

"What can you tell me about it? What kind of things have you heard about this place? Have you seen it before?"

Jay shook his head. "No, I've never seen it. I heard that the strongest of soldiers of the dead are over there. Think Wu said that he had to his best to make sure everyone here is strong enough to prepare to be in a battle with them. He talked about the past and how well they fight in battle. How they're lying deceiving creatures, and shouldn't be trusted. Would back stab you at any given chance. Now, you have to understand my reaction when I saw that Mojo dude."

"Morro. His name is Morro." Lloyd almost felt a little offended by calling him by the wrong name. "Jay, I have a huge favor to ask, and I don't think it would make you end up like Kai."

"Yeah, and what's that?"

" . . . Do you know where Morro is being held? And can you bring me there?"

*** Sorry for the hold up, I recently remembered this all existed and had gotten some inspiration to write again! So hope you enjoyed this chapter and potential updates***

There's no Such Thing as Darkness //ninjago AU// Morro x LloydWhere stories live. Discover now