Oh Gord

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One of the thugs tossed Lloyd a dagger. Lloyd caught it and turned to face Morro. Morro was so shocked to see Lloyd now dressed like one of them. Where did he even put his clothes? Morro had thought to himself. "What are you doing, Lloyd!?"

"Did you not hear them? It's GORD!" Lloyd had a big playful smile on his face.

He actually went for an attack, and Morro easily dodged it. The thugs were cheering him on, saying things like, "you got him, Gord!" or "show him who's boss!" All those negative thoughts came flowing back in Morro's mind. He wasn't even gone for a day, and now he's evil!? God, I fucked up, I fucked up badly. I corrupted his poor, innocent, caring soul, and now he's with these thieves! The dark kingdom can turn the best of anyone evil . . . "Lloyd- Gord. We don't have to do this. I don't want to hurt you."

"You seemed to be so keen on hurting my friends, what's the change now, scaredy cat?" Lloyd seemed to really be playing into his character.

He continued swinging, and stabbing at Morro, knowing Morro will be able to dodge all his advances. Now the thugs were calling Morro a "coward" for not fighting back. Once Lloyd's back was turned to the thugs, he locked eyes with Morro, mouthing the word "run". Morro was confused, but soon realization started to kick in. He's just acting. Morro then swiftly turned around, and started running towards an alley way. Lloyd soon followed as he could hear the thugs continue to cheer him on. Morro had turned a corner, breaking their line of sight, stopping in his tracks, waiting for the blonde boy. Soon later, Lloyd was there.

He stopped, bending over a little, placing his hands on his knees, catching his breath. "God . . . Damn. You run fast."

A little smile was on Morro's face. "Yeah, what can I say? So what was back there with the whole 'Gord' thing? I was worried sick! Where'd you go?"

Lloyd looked up, feeling his cheeks heat up. "You were . . . Worried about me?"

"Yeah, I feared someone kidnapped you, or worse, killed you. I keep my hopes up that you were still alive, and even got you a sword," Morro took off one of the holsters, handing it to Lloyd.

Lloyd took it, putting it on. "You bought me a sword?" His stomach fluttered at Morro's thought of him.

"Just in case you were in danger. Now, what's with the Gord?"

"Well, I woke up, and my stomach growled. Thought some food might do us good. So, I left, and found those guys going around the farmers market. I thought that if I could make them hustle around produce merchants, then I could get some free food without having to steal or harm anyone. I didn't expect them to instantly accept me in, but they did. So while they were having their fun, tossing food on the ground, I picked it up, and even offered it back to the merchant. They didn't want it since it was laying on the sidewalk, so they told me to keep it. They're not all that ruined, so I-" Lloyd stopped as he noticed Morro's big fat smile, just gazing directly into his eyes. "Wh-what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Look at you, getting into some trouble, Gord. So unroyal like. The king would disapprove." Morro crossed his arms.

Lloyd face seemed to get redder and redder, just thinking about what he was going to do next. "Besides everything I have been doing, you know what else the king would disapprove of?"

"Yeah, what?"

Lloyd laid his hands on Morro's waist, pushing him back against the brick wall. He stood up on his tippy toes and planted a kiss right on Morro's lips.

There's no Such Thing as Darkness //ninjago AU// Morro x LloydWhere stories live. Discover now