The Dark King

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The dark knights lead Lloyd and Morro like prisoners down the halls of the castle. Even though there was so much going on around them and so much terror in Lloyd's eyes, Morro was stuck in his own head. See, Morro. This was exactly the thing you were trying to avoid! We were supposed to leave a long time ago, but no, you had to get off your guard for one second, and for what? To have a little fun with your new profound friend? I should have known, there's no such thing of "having fun". And now look what you've gotten yourself into. Not just yourself, Lloyd! Just an innocent prince who now has himself apart of your quarrels. Idiot, idiot, idiot! I shouldn't have strayed from my trainer. I should have stay emotionless!

Lloyd kept breathing heavily, trying to get himself out of this situation. He couldn't logically think of one. It's moments like these that maybe, just maybe, he should have listened to Wu. They walked into a huge throne room, where the throne chair was turned away from everyone, facing at the back windows of the wall. The knights had separated Lloyd and Morro so they weren't as close to one another to plan anything mischievous. Even though the King was facing away from them, the knights still kneeled in his present. "Sir," one of them began. "We found an outsider within our area. What he was doing here, we don't know. And we also found someone who may spark your interest . . ."

Morro kept glancing at the frightened blonde boy wishing he could tell him "it'll all be okay" or that they'll "get out of here fine." Even if it was all lies, he just wanted to confront him. He wanted to do anything to confront Lloyd. Even wishing he could hold his hand.

"Good . . . Very good," the King's voice beckoned around the room, sending chills down anybody's spine.

A voice of true evil. The chair flipped around, now facing everyone. Lloyd's eyes had widen as his jaw dropped. "Dad?" His voice cracked.

And there Garmadon was, sitting at his righteous place on the dark throne. His smiles wicked as ever. His gaze full of bad intent. Lloyd couldn't believe his eyes. The man he had lost all those years ago. His very own father that, in the back of his mind, he was starting to believe that he was actually gone. But he was right here. Taking the place of the dark king. Sure, he looked a bit different from what Lloyd remember, but it's still his father. "What- What are you doing here!? What happened to you!"

"Oh Lloyd," Garmadon stood up from the throne. "Why'd you think I left? Didn't Wu ever tell you I was to seek this place? My true intentions!? It wasn't fair that Wu got the throne. As his brother, it should have been me. All that power of the whole kingdom laid in his hands, and he wouldn't let me have a day in any of it! And so . . . I grasped my own power."

"But I've heard such horrible stories. Why would you do any of it?"

"Wu and I had different opinions on what it meant to rule. I wanted to show him the true proper way. I built up an army! But no, wat couldn't change his mind. So I had to figure out other ways to make him give into me . . . And I have a brilliant one. His very own nephew that he cares for so much. Surely that'll sway his mind."

"I'm your son! Why would you put me in harms way!?" Lloyd no longer felt frightened, just confused.

Garmadon started walking down the steps that lead up to the seat. "You just don't get it. This world isn't about love, and family, and compassion. It's about rule and power! I thought it'll take longer to get you here, but Morro seemed to do a great job in luring your here. Now you're riped for the picking!"

What? Lloyd looked over at Morro, feeling a deep betrayal in his heart. It hurt. He . . . Lured me here? Just for my father who had ill intent with me? No, why would he do that? That means everything he had told me was a lie? Trying to keep me "safe and protected." Trying to not get me to go too close to the walls, for what? To provoke my curiosity to reel me in? Oh my God, Wu was right. They do deceive. And it was right in front of me the whole time. How was I so foolish to believe him?

Lloyd face got replaced with anger. "No. I'm not. You won't have me!"

He tucked and squeezed through two guards in a gap that was barely wide enough for him to slip through and ran. Ran as fast as he could as the knights didn't hesitate to chase after him. Tears started to fly out of Lloyd's eyes. I let my heart get the best of me, and this happened. Why did I think I actually had a chance with him? We basically just met! And he's from this place! Of course I couldn't just woo him up. I bet all his stories were fake just to get me to let down my guard. Make it easier to turn me in. Well you've failed, Morro! I'm escaping, and you've failed!

Lloyd kept running around the halls, trying to find a way out while keeping some distance between him and the advancing guards. And that's when he saw it, a window. Surely it would hurt, but he could find a door or anything out of here and the knights were catching up to him. He didn't waste a second to leap through, shattering the glass, getting shards impaled into him. He didn't even feel the pain as he got back up to his feet. Adrenaline got him thinking of one thing that fulled him. Revenge.

There's no Such Thing as Darkness //ninjago AU// Morro x LloydWhere stories live. Discover now