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Jay lit the last torch at the end of the stairway. Morro was being held in the dungeons, where other extreme criminals and those who opposed the king were held. The dungeon was already lightly dimmed, with that last torch catching some unwanted attention. Jay then handed the torch to Lloyd. "I will stand by the entrance and see if anyone tries coming in on patrol or something. If you hear me talking really loud to someone, hide!"

Lloyd took the torch from him, giving him a quick nod. "Thank you, Jay."

"You're welcome, but if I do end up becoming like Kai, we're going to have some problems" Jay then turn around, going the way the came.

Lloyd silently peaked into each and every cell, until he got to one on the far end of the dungeon. The light glimmered onto Morro who was backed up all the way in the cell. Light struck his hair and Lloyd recognized that green sliver of hair.

"Psst, Morro," His voice was hushed.

Morro looked up, surprised to hear his own name being said. When he saw Lloyd, he had quickly made his way to the metal bars, grabbing a hold of them, looking back at the blonde boy. "Lloyd?" He was almost confused, looking at every feature of Lloyd's face, as if he didn't believe his eyes.

"Yes, it's me, just keep it a bit down."

"You came back for me? Someone you don't even know."

"Yeah, of course. I dragged you into this mess, I have to get you out, don't I? You're just an innocent civilian who got jailed because of my actions . . . And my stubborn Uncle."

"He doesn't seem to think I'm innocent, if you couldn't tell already."

Lloyd passed for a moment, looking down at the ground then back up at Morro. "I just have to figure out a way to get you out of here. I didn't even think to go looking for a key to this thing before coming here. I'm so stupid."

"Can you lockpick?" Morro suggested.

"No, that's something out of the many things that I haven't learned."

"Maybe if you can get me something, I could lockpick my way out of the cell. Don't ask where I learned how to do that. Growing up, I got involved in a bad crowd . . ."

Lloyd then looked around the dungeon, seeing if he could find anything in the open crates and shelves within the place. Eventually he found a small screwdriver and a hairpin laying around, without questioning whose hairpin it was. He returned to Morro, handing him the items. "I hope these work."

Within a few moments of Morro hacking away at the lock, they heard a loud auditable click, as the door swung open. He shoved the things in his pockets for safekeeping. Lloyd now had a big smile plastered on his face. "Well won't you look at that."

"Maybe one day I'll teach you how to pick a lock," Morro jokingly said.

Their smiles faded as soon as they could hear Jay's voicing echoing from up the stairs. "Have I seen Lloyd? No, the last time I saw him he was with Cole . . . What do you mean he told you Lloyd talked with me?"

Panic rose in Lloyd as he quickly glanced around the room. "Go back into that cell, act like nothing happened. I have to find a place to hide"

Morro closed the door as Lloyd ran up to one of the empty crates laying down inside. He then pulled the top over, closing it. That's when Wu's voice became or apparent. "Well is the prisoner still down here, or did he managed to get away with their mischief ways."

Jay and Wu walked right up to the cell where Morro was. There was a little hole inside the crate where Lloyd was able to peak out, seeing what was going on.

"No, last time I recalled they were right where you put them," Jay sweated a little, feeling relieved as he saw Morro back up against the wall. "See, Lloyd isn't here."

"That's not the main reason why I'm here," Wu stared at Morro with angry eyes. "What was it that Lloyd called you?"

Morro didn't respond, looking back up at Wu with the same anger in his eyes. Wu then grabbed onto one of the bars with his right hand. "So that's the game we're going to play? I'll tell you this, I don't know who sent you, but-"

"No one sent me," Morro interrupted.

"Then explain why you came out all this way from your lands? There would be no reason to be out all the way here just to take a stroll. So I ask you again, who sent you?"

Morro got up, approaching Wu on the other side of the bars. "What's it to you? Scared that I'll ruin your little castle? Afraid of what I'm capable of?" He grabbed onto the bars, making Wu back up. "Afraid that I'll . . . Hurt your precious nephew?"

Lloyd started to get chills, now seeing this completely different side of Morro. But Morro kept going. "I'm just one person and you are still this afraid of me. You have a whole army at your disposal and you get spoked by me. What does that tell you about yourself? Doubting your abilities to hold me back?"

"I never doubted it for one second. I do after all have you held back by these bars."

Morro got flared up, feeling the need to open the door right then and there to prove Wu wrong, but he kept his composure. He knew that the only way he was getting out of here was if he played along. "I just want to be let go. I don't want to hurt anyone. You seem to misjudge me just because I come from a place you hate."

Wu looked over at the now burnt out torch outside the cell then back up at Morro. "You want to go, yes? Well I have a proposition for you. I know a long time ago, the king of that dark kingdom of yours had relocated somewhere else. A place that I do not know where. If you show me where to find it, I'll let you go. You don't have to walk us up to the gates, I just want to see it from a distance. So, what do you say?"

Morro glanced at the crate he knew Lloyd was in, contemplating his anwser. A little smile grew on his face, as he looked back at Lloyd. "I'll show you, if you also bring Lloyd along. You know, as a sign of trust."

There's no Such Thing as Darkness //ninjago AU// Morro x LloydWhere stories live. Discover now