A/N: Hello there!

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Hello there to all of my readers! I hope you're doing well! This is one of my first books, so please don't expect my writing to be amazing. I'm sort of making it up as the story goes, which is probably why my writing skills are awful, but whatever. Before you read, I would like to address a few things!

First of all, if you haven't read the title, this is a Qinter (Winter x Qibli) story. If you are uncomfortable with this topic, then feel free to click off.

I'm going to state this clearly: I'm not planning on making Moon a jerk. And I'm telling you guys this because in most Qinter fanfics, Moon's mean and jelly for some reason, and I love Moon for who she is and I'm not going to change her personality.

All of these characters do not belong to me, they belong to Tui, who created our wonderful Wings of Fire series!

And one more thing, the characters may be a little out of character. I made Winter a little more of a softie in this one, and Qibli's POV might be a lot different than how he is. (He has too many thoughts in his brain) I also might not mention any other dragons as much, for this is a Qinter fanfic and I want to focus on that more.

Again, I'm still not super good a writing, so I'd be happy to receive any advice. (But please don't be harsh about it). Thanks for clicking on this book! And thank you to all of you who vote, comment, and put this book in their reading lists.

See you soon! ❤️

"You're all I'll ever need" (Qibli x Winter) A Wings of Fire fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now