Part 2: Feelings surfacing

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Qibli's POV

I woke up feeling a cold but warm blanket on top of me. I opened my eyes slowly and realized that it wasn't a blanket. It was Winter. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I didn't want to wake him up.

Look at how cute he is. Wait, stop thinking that Qibli. I really need to get my brain and feelings sorted out. Wait, what am I doing here, in the grass, sleeping under Winter? Then the memories came flooding back. We were going hunting. I told Winter a few jokes, and I guess we fell asleep right here after catching our prey. Huh, I wonder what Winter thought when I fell asleep on his shoulder. I hope that didn't change anything between us. (If there was anything between us) Winter's eyes fluttered open and I saw his beautiful sapphire-colored eyes. I stared into his eyes, and it was silent for a moment.

"You fell asleep while hunting last night."

"Yeah, I can tell. And somehow you're on top of me" Winter had finally noticed this and jumped back immediately.

"Sorry," Winter mumbled

"No need to apologize!" I replied happily. Winter's face turned slightly blue, but it faded quickly.

"Wait, we need to get back!" I said the thought hitting me. Everyone must be thinking we ran away or some sort. Winter and I got up quickly and soared into the sky. We landed neatly at the entrance of the Jade Mountain Academy. We weren't too far from school. Sunny rushed up to us and examined us for any wounds.

"I was so worried!! Where did you two run off to?" Sunny cried

"Um. We went hunting?" I responded nervously

"HUNTING? FOR WHAT? WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG?" Sunny exclaimed. She took a deep breath. "Sorry. But please, don't run off like that."

"Alright Sunny, we won't" I reassured her

"I've extended the amount of time until school starts since you guys went missing."

"Alright, Sunny"

"Let's go, Winter!" I practically dragged Winter to our cave. Winter seemed a little uncomfortable at the touch, so I decided to loosen my grip on his wrist. He seemed a little more relaxed. That was a little weird, but I shrugged it off. We got to our cave and sat down. I thought for a moment about what we should do. 

"Hey Winter, let's go explore the school"

"Fine, only because we have nothing to do."

I don't know why, but I just feel happier when I'm with Winter, it's like I don't ever want to leave him. My mother would be disappointed if she knew about this... Stop thinking that me, mother's not part of your life anymore. 

Winter and I decided to explore some of the caves. I suggested the history cave first. It was super cool, with all the different maps, and the racks of history scrolls. I guess you could say I'm kind of a scrollworm. Winter also seemed fascinated by all of the history around us. I had to pry him away from the racks. Next, we went to the art cave. There were rolls of scrolls, canvases, paintbrushes of all sizes, and so many colors of paint, and supplies. 

"Go on without me, I want to paint something," Winter said

"Alrighty then"

I left Winter alone in the art cave. I decided to go to the music cave next. Music is AMAZING, how could anyone hate it? I walked in and saw a lot of dragons of different tribes, all singing and making music together, it was a beautiful sight. I ran over immediately to the drum set and started to play. I saw Moon standing next to Kinkajou, she seemed relaxed. Even through all the noise.

Winter's POV

I was mind-absently painting a picture of a black dragon. Why did I feel this way with Moon? I'm an IceWing prince, this would not be allowed. Mother and father would be very disappointed, I'd be moved to the Seventh Circle if they found out. But Moon is different said one tiny part of his brain. Stop that, you can't fall in love with a NightWing. I had no idea how much time had passed, but I was almost finished with my portrait. I had painted a picture of a beautiful black dragon, Moon. I couldn't let anyone see this. I hid the painting in the corner to dry and hoped no one would find it. NO ONE can find it. The sun was already setting outside. Well, that was fast. I headed back to our cave and saw Qibli lying down on his little bed of camel fur. It's amusing to see this when he said that camels were his favorite animal. He looked so peaceful, and cute. His chest was rising up and down slowly. Wait, cute? No, no, no. You're already in love with Moon, you can be in love with a stupid SandWing too, Winter. I shoved that thought out of my head and decided to find some food before I went to sleep. I walked to the entrance and took off.

It was a beautiful night, the stars and moons were shining happily. I flew in circles for some time until I spotted a river. I dived down and landed near the riverbank. It was a little hard to see any fish in the water, but eventually, I spotted a silver fish swimming in the water. With one quick stab, I had caught the fish. I finished my prey quickly and headed back to my cave. 

It was dark now, but there was enough light for me to see around me. I walked slowly to my cave. I spotted the heap of warm scales in the corner. I watched for a minute and wondered what Qibli did when I was painting. He probably had way more fun without you, you're not even a good friend. Said one part of his mind. Who would ever want to be my friend? I sighed and walked up to my ledge. I breathed some frostbreath on it to make it feel like home. I curled up and drifted to sleep.

I was slammed into the icy walls of the palace.

"HOW COULD YOU LOVE A NIGHTWING" Narwal roared. "DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT THE NIGHTWINGS DID YOU OUR TRIBE?" I flinched at my father's voice. I was whapped in the face by my mother's tail and I felt the blood trickling down. 

"You are a disgrace to our family." My mother spoke softly, but it was dripping with venom. Then I saw my brother, Hailstorm walking in. I ran up to him, but he just pushed me away.

"Stay away from me. You're no brother of mine." Those words hurt, like getting stabbed in the chest a hundred times. "Get out of here." he snarled.

As I walked gloomily out of the IceWing Kingdom, I heard everyone's voices.

"Look, that's the IceWing prince who was banished."

"How could he like a NightWing?!"

"What a disgrace."

"He can never be a true IceWing."

Everyone's eyes were on me, it was too much.

Qibli's POV

I woke up and heard soft crying. At first, I thought I was imagining it, but I soon figured out it was coming from Winter. I looked over and saw the IceWing prince trembling slightly. Was he cold? Don't be stupid, he's an IceWing. I walked slowly over to Winter, and tears were streaming down his face. Was he really crying? Not knowing what to do, I laid down next to him and jumped back up immediately. It seemed like he breathed his frostbreath on his ledge. I carefully breathed a plume of fire to melt away the ice and I laid down again. Much better. I put my wing over Winter, shielding him from whatever was making him cry. Much to my surprise, he stopped shaking, and the tears slowed down. I wrapped both of my wings around him and scooted closer, encasing him in a warm embrace.

1305 words

"You're all I'll ever need" (Qibli x Winter) A Wings of Fire fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now